Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/698

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1860 INDEX. Cattle—Continued. PHHP- f Central and South American Republics, Pawreservation of public lands for watering, invited to send representatives to Second driveways, etc., for 865 ~ Pan American Financial Confer- Cattle, Diveascsdoj d ted i C I Bnce . 1052 report on, or ere prin . .. 1599 · entra ispensa and Emor Hoa fla!. Cattle Ticlzs, Southern, D. C., ry gmcy P appropriation for eradicating .. . 450, 1138 X appropriation for care of indigent palivestock demonstration work on re- tients .,,,. . ,,.. 708, 1035 leased areas . 450, 1138 Cemral Heating, Lighting, and Power Plant, restriction on use of materials, ctc- 450, 1138 l D. C., demonstration at fairs, etc --.. 450, 1139 dehciency appropriation for construction, C'aull·, Mary A. (widow), etc ... 19 pension ... . 1326 additional buildings to receive service 19 Ca rahy, y, limit of cost increased 19 composition of units, under National De- additional sum for technical services. . 19 fense Act .. 178 Central Ohio Building and Loan Company, increase of enlisted men allowed 179 Columbus, Ohio, assignment of officers . - 179 refund of excise corporation tax 1493 increased by seventeen colonels; to be ad- Cereal Plants, ditiona.1 numbers ... 185 appropriation for investigations of insects Carell, Mary E. (wwvw), ..,.. - . 465, 1154 pension increased 1278 Hessian H and chinch bug . 465, 1154 Cavender, Emily A. Baldrige (widow), 96 Cereals (see also grains), pension. . .. 15 appropriation for investigating production, Cedar Bayou, Tex., diseases, etc., of ... . 454, 1142 appropriation for improvement of 398 Certificate of Discharge, Army or Navy, Cedar Falls, Iowa, punishment for forging, counterfeimag, etc. 1182 appropriation for public building .. 264 Cqttjicatea of Indebtedness, Umkad States, _ Cedar Rapids, Iowa, mus of three per cent, authorized 1003 terms of court at. . .. 12, 55 payable in one year . ... 1003 Cedarville, Ill., amount not to exceed $300,000,000. . 1003 condemned cannon granted to . .. 838 Ccrtwrari, Write of (see Writs of C6l"lZi01$fi\. Cement, etc., Chadron, Nebr., _ appropriation for investigating structural gpgropriatiou for public building .. . . . . 264 materials of 114, 1115 e ciency appropriation for public build- Cemeteries, Mutual, _ mg .. _ . 17 exempt from income tax . . 766 Chadunplc, _ elen L. (widow), Census, Director o_/Q pension increased . ... 1‘4 appropriation for, statisticians, clerks, Chadwick, Jam4·.g, etc 110, 1 112 Chpension increased . ... 1568 may procure information for tobacco re- durlck, jllary K. (widowi, ports by mail, agents, etc .. 110 Clpensxon increased . ... 1427 to prepare, etc., statistics of cottonseed pro- airsell, Henry, ducts. 436 gension increased . . .. 1275 use of cotton for explosives, etc . 437 C llis Aalional Forest, Idaho, Census Office, Deparhrumt of Commerce, appropriation for maintenance, etc., ef. . 458, 1146 appropriation for Director, statisticians, Chalmers, James, clerks, etc . . . 110, 1112 pension increased .. . .1..1.. . 1525 for collecting, etc., statistics . . . 110, 1112 Chamberlain, Frederick JI., for special agents, etc ... [10, 1112 hpension increased . . ...i,, 1411 for transcript from registration records, C nberlam, Ira, etc ... 110, 1112 gension increased ... . 1456 additional for collecting tobacco sta- C mberlam, James A., tistics ... . . 110, 1112 yment to trustee, etc., of, for lost bonds. 1472 Division of Cotton and Tobacco Sta- ClEnber_ lain, John F., tistics created ... . .. 110 ,pension-..;, .. . ... 1584 procuring infomation for tobacco re· C mberlarin, S. Dak., ports ... 110 appropriation for public building": . . - 264 pay of special agents . 110, 1112 bridge authorized across Missoun River at. 58 for tabulating machines, etc . 1 11, 1112 repeal of Act authorizing pontoon bridge at. 58 for printing and binding for 331 temporary maintenance . 58 deiiciency appropriation for expenses ot use during construction of new bridge. . . 58 the Thirteenth Census .. , .., 32 Chamberlin, Halch, _ for expenses of Twelfth Census . 32 Igension increased .. . . 1306 statistics of cottonseed and products to C mbers of Commerce, be published monthly by .. 436 exempt hom income tax .. 766 cotton, etc., used for guncotton, medi- Chambers, Captain Washington Irving, U. S. cated cotton, etc., to be published Nary, retired, quarterly by ...,.. 437 to be rear admiral on active list; place 602 Cemterburg, Ohio, Building and Loan Com- examinations required; to be additional pany, number; no back pay, etc,. 603 rehmd of excise corporation tax. . 1493 Champaign/es, atc., Central and South Amenkra, internal revenue tax on .. . .. 786 appropriation for promoting, etc., com- Chmnpon, EIL 11 (mir/ou· _ meme with .. . .. 111, 1113 pension increased ... . . . . . 1416