Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/761

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mmcx. 1923 Francie, Hgr1~iet(w121o#w), Puge. 1¤;·¤dq·&;l;, Andrew JQ, Pago. penqron mcrea-sed ... . 1453 usion increased. .. . 1343 Fmnmig, Zqzhary T., " B. Wells/' Stemmr “ gfnmon increased 1423 name of, changed to "Otto Rein" 915 ank H. Peavey," Steamer, Frederick, Md., ‘ name of, changed to “William A. Reiss". . 914 appropriation for public building . . . - 265 ‘ Frank T. Hefe jinger," Steamer, _ deficiency appropriation fur public build- Fr1;an1i1egf, t¢}"C1emms A. Rum"., 914 F dmumg. - H . . ... . ,... 17 cn crger, amue , r , 0., pen;_i4~g·1crin<l§·ea¤e<%.'é .. 1530 condemned cannon granted 1:0, for Grand a , amue ., ..,.,.,,,,.. pension increased . ... 1521 Freed, Aaron?] POS Fr¢mkford_Arserml, Philadelphia, Pa., pension increased ,.,...,.. ,,. 1232 ap2>ropr1ation_ for new shop building .. 283 Fr-eedmen’s Hospital, D. C., or shop buildings, extensions, etc .. 283 appropriation for salaries and expenses 310 fo1’ ¤®W ¤|¤01’€h011B6¤ -_- . ..---··-..-- 283 disposal of unclaimed money of decedfor puéchase of additional land; sewer, ents ,____,,,,,___________,_,,,____ 311 G ------.------.. 283 for care of in nt tients . 707 1035 for fire protection. . .. _ .. 2 83 Fred, Stephen Lihga Im ’ for field artillery ammunition manu- pension inc;-eased _,___,______,,__,,,__,,, 1216 iac1:ure-.._ 283 Freelmy1,Aum .1,, for_5ve . : ... 283 pemmm increased _________________,____,_ 150] deiciencsm approprmuon for repair of sea Freeman, Albert A., f Y ...--·--·-..-.-.---..-- 810 Frpcnsion . .. . 1327 or , ., eeman 1. a . apgrqpriation for imgyrovement of harbor. . 400 pgngioh __ ,___ _ ___________,__,, 1445 Fran lm County, Was ., Freeman, James, Walla Walla County and, may bridge pension incggggd ____ _ _______________ _ _ _ _ 1359 l_ Slllzké RiVG1‘ .-. 235 Freeman, Susan R. (wklow), 1; Tank Wh -, usiou increased 1387 appropriation for improvement of waterway Fggvmn, 'mllmm O . , _ to Mermentaq from 397 pension manga, ,, , _,_,,,,_,,_,_ 3 ,,,,.. 1211 Franklyn, Mary R. (unduw), Freeport, Ill. P¢¤¤{0¤ ---······----····-----·-·----·-- 1218 condemned cannon granted to 1. . 838 Fnmklm, fg., _ _ _ Frecr, §mw0n A., 8PSf9P!'18¤011 fo1'_P11b}1¤ b\111d1-H8 ...-· - - - 265 peuamuinuumd. . . - 1440 IPM ·$¤"¤·u¢l, .7*% Frcid, Davil, . - peneiion 1T1;creased - ... 1252 mw ,, nb _,.,._,._,.,.. 1586 tn} a'! . t, Y gpgrqpriation for pnbiic building 1 _. . . 265 appmp;-i?;¥0¤ for, ..._ , ,,,,..,,._., 604, 1183 e ciency appropriation for public build- 17 wu-iing to give pygfugncq to military 604 1118 -·-- - -··-····-······---···-··- tmiiic . ... FTGMZL BMW, dehciency a propri2tionfor.. 30, 33,815, 825,828 Frpenmoi; . ... 1576 Freighz Taxing? {mil Mob, s ro tion for specml° arrangement for pension increaqed Z . ._ .. . . 1560 PP pgzve ‘ mails by, ou:. . . 1064 F'¤¢¢"Ml B¢"¤’f*}‘¤¤‘!l $06*%*66, ¢¢¢-. rates allowednaai carrying mails in, under €X€mP'° from i¤€0m9 tax ·—·-···-----···-- 766 n cial arrangements . .. - .. 428 may file bill of inverpleader in district Fygmgnt ggunfy, Idaho, COLIN, Whél'8 _2.dV8l'B8 Cl8.imB!1bS gpproprjgtign for gggblighing sheep experi.

§¤i¤¤¢, are of different Stews ------ 929 mem station, em., in . . . ms

proc ure; dischgrgc of liability on Fremont National Forest, Oreg., d€P0¤1€ 1¤_1’¢81F¥¤'Y of court --·--·--— 929 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1147 to big }Ql‘O\lght ID d1Stl’1Ct of Immed b6!1€- 929 pmclgmgtiqn greg gf, ___,____,_ 1737 Clary, etc . . .. . . . . Mmwng, Ohio, Fmurlulmt Advertising, D, C,, apgrqpriation for pnhiic buildingz _. . . 265 offense described ... . ... 165 dc qmncy appropnation for public build— $L‘1§’ii$‘"°.Ttif’$rp°li°° °°“'° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`’‘’ " ig? Fmwhmiiéuéaaéé ‘`‘`````‘‘‘`‘°°‘°‘‘``‘‘‘° 17 me . . ... I . _ , FTGIUITIIENZ A actions, D. C., penm°n mcmasei ·· · ··················•' 1521 auction sales without permit unlawful 846 F"""`“·`h: Al}’“¤ if deceptive, etrz, permit. forbidden 846 Pensmn mgeawd ··············· · ·‘··‘·*‘ 1531 duration of permit; fees; applications . . 847 F"””chz D¤m¤¢ Fw sales not requiring permit . 847 FPe“m°n· ·· · ······ · ······················‘ 1582 suspension, etc., for violations . . . . . 847 'mchs G€?"g" H·> evening sales of designated articles, for- FTPe¤$°“ increased --·- · ~-···-············· 1307 bidden under permit ... . . . 847 md': J°. nr 1 warranty of statements made at sales; Pension mereeeed- ·- - -·-·-··-············ 502 punishment for breach ...»v.. . 847 F"‘•"”°· C“l·~ pmeeeuum in pence mm; penalty .. sm ·¤¤¤d¤¤¤¤¤·d ¤¤¤¤¤¤ gmmd ¤> ----- - ---—- 842 no property tax released . . . . . . 847 tems of e°“” et —-····-···-···· · ········ 122 false advertising provisions not affected. . 847 Frey, Martyn, other remedies, etc., not impaired 848 pension increased. .. . 1420 " F red G. Hartwell. “Steamer, Fried, Lfary (mother), name of. changed to "Hzn-ry W. Croft" . . . 1199 pension 1578