Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/826

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1988 INDEX. Manrose, Lucy (widow), P¤B°· Mare Island, Cal., Pav- Mpension increased 1423 appropriation for navy yard, public works; anti Natzkmal Forest, Utah, iloating crane, etc . . . 568, 1178 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 459, 1147 for ordnance storage. ,.._,. 569 Mantua Creek, N. Q, for naval magazine, public works 570, 1179 appropriation for improvement of ... . . . 393 for naval hospital, mess hall . . . 570 Manuel, Andrew, for marine barracks, public works. . 1179 penswn increased 1386 extension of navy yard, for construction of Manufacture eif Arms, etc., battlesbips, etc . . .. 10 gauges, too s, etc., for immediate, by the 1{ariamuz, Ark., . Government or private plants to be condemned cannon granted to ,.. 836 prepared .. 215 Mamma, Mmm H. laws requiring competition for procuring nsion increased; ...,. . .,.,..,... 1515 supplies may be waived 215 Mgnqm City, Mah., Manufacturers, ctc., condemned cannon granted to ... 84 mvestigation, etc., for al` informa- Jlarinc Corps, tion as to military etc., supplies appropriation for pay of officers, active needed by the Government 650 list ... 609, 1188 Manufacturers of Munititms, increase; reorganization of personnel. . 609 excise tax of net profits of sales by, in appointment of second lieutenants. . . 610 United States . 781 restoration to active list of retired ofli· 1(¢m1q'actw·er.s’ Railway Company, oem. , 611 transfer of right of way through Saint Louis for pa of officers, retired list 612, 1188 Arsenal from Anheuser·Busch Brew— for enlisted men ... 612, 1188 ing Association authorized to. .. 858 force increased; additional . . 612 exchange of, with Saint Louis, Iron increased pay to band; civilian em- Mountain, etc., Railroad Company. 859 ployment restricted. - . 612 Manufacturing Eatablirhrmmts, service as mail clerks with expeditionmterstate, etc., shipments of products by, ary shore forces. .. 1188 rising children of prohibited $866, fo shore service paisfor gunners forbidden . 675 uartermaster c er . . 1188 punishment for 675 for retired enlisted men . 612, 1188 Manufacturing Induxtnks, Formbn, for undrawn clothing. . ... 613, 1188 appropriation for commercial attachés to for mileage to officers without troops. . 613, 1188 investigate, etc .. . . 111 for commutation of quarters, officers Manzano Natabmzl Forest, N. Mez., without troops | 613, 1188 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1147 for pay of civil force . . , 613. 1189 Mapes, Jacob, to constitute pay fund 613, 1189 pension increased 1398 for provisions; commutation of rations . 613, 1189 Maple Sugar and Simp, sale of subsistence articles to officers, provision for free entry of, after May 1, 1916, enlisted men, etc ... . . 613 re led ... 57 enlisted men on shore to have Army Maples, 7'iE§:aa R., ration; exception ... . .. 1189 pension increased . ... 1403 for clothing . . ... 613, 1189 Maples, Thomas W, exchange of wom-out sewing machines, pension .,.,,,,,.. 1573 etc ... 1189 Maps, United States, ctc., for fuel . 613, 1189 appropriation for connected; distribu- for military stores, etc.; ammunition. 614, 1189 tion .,,,,,,, 100. 1104 for camps of instruction, establishment, for separate State and Territorial . 100, 1104 etc . . .. 614, 1190 designated areas under enlarged home- for transporting and recruiting ... 614, 1190 stead provisions ,,.. 100, 1104 for repairs to barracks, etc . . 614, 1190 for geologic 301 rent, etc., in District of Columbia, for glost route, etc .,. 422. 1067 etc 614, 1190 Maps, ar Department, per diem, enlisted men 614, 1190 appropriation for publication of Engineen. 292 for forage. _ . 615, 1190 gn topo phic, from Geological Survey. 293 for commutation of quarters, officers Maquoketa, live, with troops, etc 615, 1190 appropriation for public building ..,... . . . . 266 for contingent. . 615, 1190 deiiciency appropriation for public build- extra pay of detailed enlisted men not ing ...,.. . , 18 forfeited while on furlou¥h 1191 Marcarey, Leora L. (wrkiaw), to constitute maintenance und, Quarponsion __,,.. . ..,,,., 1293 termastefs Department. . ... 615, 1191 March, Eliza (widow), for Marine Cogps Reserve expenses. . . 615, 1191 . ponnion ______, , ...,,___,,.,.,,.,_,,,,____ 1228 for addition land,_ Quartermastefs March, Samantha (widow), depot, Philadelphia .. . 565 pongion _____,.. . ...,.,.., 1231 for officers quarters, Guam. 570 Marchant, Annie P. (widow), for establishing base at San Diego, Cal. . . 1179 ngion increased 1294 deficiency_a_ppropriation for pay. . 29, 33, 825, 828 Heipziecushook, Pa,, for provisions. ..., 29, 339, 816 . appropriation for improvement of ice for comrnutation of quarters . 29 harbor ,,...,..,.. . 394 for contingent 29, 339, 816, 825, 828