Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/887

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INDEX. 2049 Pensions Incmwed—Conti11ued. Pm- Pensions Increa.sed—Oontiuucd. Page. -·’1¤<1¤¤#<>¤, Mm F--; ---·--..----. 1554 Baird, Harriet E . 1427 Anderson, Joseph; W; 1410 Baird, John A .. . 1315 Anderson, L ____ _ ________ _ ______ Bgkgr, August ____ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ Anderson, Mary I· .,. 1278 Baker, J acob ... , _ 1295 Anderson, May Bell .. 1209 Baker; James .. . . 1213 Anderson, Paulma. . .v . 1232 Baker, James C., MBBS. Vols .-.- . . 1418 Anderson, R0dne§ `W . 1433 Baker, James C., M0. Vols .- . . . 1336 Anderson, Sarah ... 1258 Baker, JSJDGS H .···--- · . . 1232 Anderson, Walker, ,,__,,,, , ___,.,... 1379 Baker, John, Ind. Vols . . - 1271 Andrews, Frank C ,,.,,,,,,,,,., . . 1387 Baker, JO}111, N. Y. Vols .·-·.·-··. . . . . 1214 A nev, James P .,,,.,, , ,..,,,.,,...,. 1522 Baker, J0hI1 H ·····----·····---.. . . . 1437 Angie, Aaron _ Z ,__,_____,,_,___..,,,,... 1421 Baker, John W .. 1219 Aphn, Bemamm 1545 Baker, Mary E . .. 1558 Apple, charks ,_____________,___,...,...,. 1463 Baker, Melceuia G ... 1245 Applebee, Nathan H .. 1513 Baker, Nathan ...,.,..,._. 1523 Applegate, Lucmda. .. .. . . 1251 Baker, Newton G. . - .. 1418 AP]TiE€g8tB; Thomas S ... . . 1273 Baker, Paulina ... 1343 Arc cr, Mmhael . 1454 Baker, Peter H. . . 1288 Armer, George . ... 1217 Baker, Sarah. . . . , 4 ... 1556 Auustmug, Alexander G .. 1274 Baldridgc, Vicy. .- - .. 1327 Armstrong, John B. . . 1434 Baldwin, Olive L 1259 Armstrong, Thomas. - 1417 Baldwin, Josetgh. .. .. .. . .. 1407 Amold, Ailes H . 1501 Baldwin, Ru C . . ... 1216 Artley, Josegh 1555 Bal], John C . . ... 1562 Ash, Grace 1409 Ball, Millie M. .. .. . .. 1550 Ashby, Oarric A. . 1436 Ba.lli11§er Mary. ... . . 1281 Ashens, Francis ..,.. 1417 Baltzo 1, Mary A . . ... 1342 Asher, Josegh B . .. . .. 1375 Baughart, George 1485 Asher, Phe e J .. 1309 Bangs, Catherine . 1327 Asbline, John J. .. .. . . 1552 Bauister, Edward S . - . 1383 Ashton, Charles D ... 1566 Banks, Daniel M 1254 Ashton, Marion. .. .. .. . ... 1523 Banks, Peter .. . .- . ... 1561 Atchesou, Joseph, .. .. . ..., , .. 1218 Banks, William H r .. 1533 Atherton, Lomg•A .. 1486 .. ...-.-— .-.- 1247 Athey, ..,... .1 .1438 Hants, _ . . ·... 1313 Atkinson, H ,,,... ;;..1 1434 · Harber,_A11ge11ett¤, .. · .».·-» ,1 1510 Atlee, Isaac R ... 1489 Htber, J'¤m9¤_$. 1 ...- - ---·-··~··· ,· » ·- 1529 Attlesou, Niels. .. , ,,,. , .. 1482 Barber, Iq]u1`M - . .~ .·-. 1255 Atwood, Nemo P. ... . ... 1282 Barber, Nelson ...-.. 1462 Augur, Adelia, C- .. . .. . . 1402 C .··--· - ···----·-·· 1447 Austin, Hausford ._,..,. 1580 Bard, mss K .. . ... 1237 Austin, Henry J ____,_,.,_,..,,. 1504 Barfoot, Fmuk R . 1572 Austin, Juse G . . ... 1375 B8l‘k61', AJ1D8._ .·---·----·~-- _ -----·---· - · - 1245 Averill, David 1; .,. 1235 Barker, Francxs M ... 1572 Avery, Charlotte A . . ... 1255 Bilkél', George A ·--···· - -·---····--··-·· 1245 Avery, Silas H _.,,... . . . ... 1435 Bllfkly, Jchrg M --·---·····-·-· · ··---- · · · · 1328 Aye]-, Gggrgg S _______ _ ____,, , ,..,,,,,,, 1315 B&l'|.'I€tt, EHIOWK ..-· · -·····-· · · · · · 1237 Ayers, Edwin ______________ _ _________,_ 1456 Barnett, Homer T ... . ... . 1588

 Hgn·ig[______ _____ _____,_,,_,,   B&`I'.I1€tt,J0hI!S•. .-. ··--·· ··-· »·  

Ayres, Cyrmus B ______________,,,,.,., . 1512 Barnett, Wilham C ... 1538 Bsbbrdgs, Alvah .,. 1503 Barnhm, Herbeqt W .--·-·---·-·· 1584 Babbin, Joseph _______________ _ ____,____ 1408 Bamhart, Zachsnah D . . . 1562 Babbigt, Lijhe N_ _ ____________ _ ______,_ 1499 Barns, Turner .. - ... . . . 1247 Babcock, Jg,ngA ___________,,,,... ,. 1255 BNDWGH, 16889 J"- ······---····—·-- ···· 1380 Babcock Lucy . I ... 1264 BNI', EdW¤·Td ··--·—···~--—---······ - ···· 1566 Baca de Martinez, Teodom Antoma .. 1260 BMT, Héyfy --..--- - -·---·----·---·--··-- 1567 Bdchegder Abyghgm __________,_ . ,_,,,.. 1512 Barry, Mxlton F .. . . . . 1407 Bechtel, mm Jane .. . 1280 Barwu, James P ..-. - .-------- 1224 Backus, Susan ,.,,..,,, , . ...,. . ... I265 BBTUOD, JKQDQB W -·----··--· - -····--—-- ~ · · 1439 Bm-;0n,]8_InggE__ _________ _______,,_,,,,, mh W1]l18ED.BOBR ... ... ··. 1499 Bgdgpy, Edward 1; __________,_,, . 1520 Bash, Llired H .. . ... 1520 Badger, Harrier M _,,,,,,,_,... - .. 1331 Bash, John W ..-..--- 1464 ggggrr, 160..5,1 ,3; __,,_,____. gg? Baalmw, Emxltyx . . ... gg e urbiu . . . ·-------- 3**, M1¤’8¤1’€ ·~-····----···-·---·- · - · . Baer, H{mm_ _____ _ _____ _ _______,___ , ,__, 1440 Basterdes, Theodore . . 1245 B3g]9y’ E]jjgh_ __,___ _ ______ _ , 1419 Bates, Edwm . . ...--.---- 1267 Bzuley, Francis H .. . ...· 1235 Bawpon $60129 ·-—-·····-··--···- — -·-··· 1246 paddy, Km, M_ ____ _ ____ _ _______,,__,,_, 1424 Baton, 121qm S . IH? Bailey, Thomas H ____ _ _________ _ ______,_, 1221 Batting Dmntha A, .. . ... 1451 Haney, Virginia ,__,.,,,.. . . . 1270 Bauer, jghu George -.--------· - - - - 1289 Bailey, Wsilace W. .. . ... . .. . 1414 BBUGY, $181111md --—·-···-·-·— · · ···—---··· 1250 Bailey, Wrilligm w_ ____,_ __ _,,,,,. . . . . 1548 Baughman, Chaxgles M .···---- - ---- 1588 Bain, wmg,,m_ ____ _ _________,__,_,,, 1339 Baughman, Damel . . -...-. 1279