Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/946

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2108 xmmx. Railway DAdj·u.stmrnts Division, Post Ojfice Y¤S¤· 5 Rand, Alfred D., Pm epartmmt, ; pension increased 1352 appmprfatgton for superintendent, assistant, 06 Rand, Cyrus R., c er s, ctc ,... 1 pension increased ... . 1285 for sgiperinteudent, assistant 1109 Rand, Martin K, Railway jnployces, pension increased 1503 appmpémtimiln for Board of Mediation and 28 Rand, Susan L. F. (f widow), 0nc` iation ... 1 pension increase .. , . 1365 judgments, etc., of circuit courts of appeals Randall, Charlotle (wakiow), final in causes relating to injuries to. 727 pension increased 1311 certiorari allowed from Su tame Court for Randall, Franklin T., . P . . Rami ay lE'Vl$g’;l§1t§. -. .. .. .. . ... 727 R£$;1i1lorb1¤crea;_cd ... . 1324 · qu , a , eorge ., appropriation for investigating materials pension .. 157-1 used in 115,1116 Randall, John J., Railway Mail Service, pension increased . ... 1506 appropriation for General Sugerintendent, Randall, Oakaleju, assistant, etc., in Post; Rice Depart- 09 Rpeyigoxigncregsed . . .. 1561 ment .. 106,11 an e ’lie . for division superintendents, assistants, pix31n,en1; tp , . , 1389 lclgks, 30 . f 4 19, 1064 Rm olph, Esther gzkiowr, c cr in a o crews . 419 pension increas . . ... 140" full tgme séelcgied when dcadhuading 065 Randolph, Mzrrtha II. (unidow) I un ero ers .. . . 419, 1 pension .. 1345 appoingenécuts and assignments re~ 19 Randzgph, gldass., wd { G d stric ... 4 con emu cannon gum to, or nm substitutes to be appointed to regular Army post .. . . 839 service after one yeafs eqmvalent Rams, Thomas M., service . ... 1065 pension increased ... . 1573 no reduction on change of assignments. 1065 Rcney,_ James H., - promotions to clerks in charge of crews. 1065 penmon MN for travel allowances; jncrease. - . 419, 1065 Range Umgd¤{wm, _ _ for emergency clerk hue 419, 1065 approgrmucxy for: expgnments. etc., an for substitutes for clerks on vacation . 419, 1065 gmlproving m mammal fomsts 461, 1150 leaves with pay; allowance without Rmzgzr Pug: wjs. Army. _ piy when furnisiing substitutv . appmglxjnatmu for p¤m·h;1.=·—. 4 ··· . i- *l'Il'i4'21TQ_ um USO Of Usgll if Ch.‘!' 'S. . . . . .. . . . 10 XUXIS .. . .» »_ * for traveling expernsos, um., away from R fnrpun·ha.<;*, etc., 1usu|arp·¤=•·=<s1·»1xs.. ;;m.:+1.§ hcadx uurtvrs ... 420, lO<i5 an ·iu, .—1;.m`u z, for II1j.BL‘8lix1IlC\>\lH vxpousos .. -420, 1066 pension ip¢·r<—as0d ... . .,. 1329 rent of space an ternninals . 420, lt}65 Runsmp, Qwk, for per diem, two assistant sup~>ri1m~nd- R pogsxon in¢·rc;a.):<;i ... . 13;:7 ents . . . 420, 1065 api (Try, S. ., _ dvli<·ie·u¢·y appropriation for injnrul vm- appropriutiunn fur Irulmu »»e·h•¤»l ..,.. lfd,1087 plnyvwl. . . ..., . 827 Raya! }• ore l·`u·Id Bullrrmr, Armvl. for travel allowance . ..,... . . . . . 827 appmprintimn for a1u·ra&imx»•, vw., in .. 346 Eur sulurivs .,... . . 827, S30 Rapulva I '¢x;·¤L¤hi{I.<; W 9 Of 3H!iE4LSll\t Bupwintvm outa. . . . S30 may brh gv tw VN', at ryvv . 25 Railway Snfvty ,·|ppli<mcrs Avis, Rnppalmnpmjk Riwg, liu., iinahty of judgmqnts, ctc., of circuit courts appmpnauon fur1mpmv•·nwnt<·f ... . . . 394 oi appcalsm causes arising under. . . 727 Ruruun Bqy,_ N. J ._ certiorari from Supreme Court. alhxved npprupnstmn fur improvement of .. 393 _ _ for geview. etc . 727 Rnrinm Rgmj, A, J., _ _ _ _ Ramwr Nqtrqnal Forest, Rmb., uppmpnamon for mmmmning nmprnvement Spprvpfulhou for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1148 of .. .._ ... . 393 Rmnujr. Qreg., _ _ f harbor Rash, .}Iarg{ R. ugddnzré. 1 99 pre ‘ exammauon, etc., 0 , peugon mqreat ,.__ __ _,,.,,,,,_.. . . ; R lm h e¢c.. to be lD3d€. .. . .. - ,_.. . 410 - Rusk, Tqbyhg \u·yd0u·¤, 1310 a ° ..'.C., peu5i0¤_ ____ _,_ __,,_____ , ,,,_,,,_... - ‘ .. adxitional terms of court at. .. . . . . 56 Ratvhjbrd, Janus, Ralf!/· ;I¢"U¥€€ U·¢`{d0Ff>, pension increased ... . 1435 Rape1g;1<>ni.;;i-;L 1465 \ RaIgjjQ_0.£mzus E., 157 m ,-1 I? , ,1151 _,___, .__,. ..,, , ,... . . ·. Rapneilniiccn inifzeased ..,.. . . . 1444 F Raw", AQ yuqf bu bun . 7bS im , ‘ ‘ dung .. ;` pgyrimnt, mo, for death of husband ...--···- 1348 ! Rgpgmprgiznfor Egan?

 Ggford, lr 1,1;, La ·` I,  

pension imgregsed ..,. . ..,,,__ _ , - . 1578 P°“S*°°g ·····‘··‘ ‘ ‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' ’ `` Rcmwdell Hm rs R0!/~ Damfl ·'{·»

 —· · aaa 146:;

pensmu increased .. . ..., , , . . . 1504 P€¤==\¤¤ 1¤C!`9¤~ ·-·····—· · ··—~-····-··-· Ramsw, Mary R. izukiow, ° Ray, Joseph, __ pension . - 14-H I pvnéon increased . . .. . ... 1.).1 Rmrwey, Rebe-em {:3210w of Thomas J.> € Ray, Willimn J., I mu pension invroas . ... 1368 5 pension incrmww . . . ` Ramsey, Rebemx s_n~€dou· of William W.2 B Rnybvll, Thcnms J . pension increase ..,. , 1456 . pmmiun nuvn·as¤~¤i ., 1432