Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1025

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178. 1918. 1007 near the border of the United States, in cooperation with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $25,000; To investigate in Mexico or elsewhere the pink bollworm as a I’"°’“¤°“°“°· baslis for (ciontrol measures, $25,000; T h S o con act surveys an inspections in exas or in an other State “¥"° *‘·‘§°°Y *"°“‘*g to detect any infestation and to conduct such control iiieasures, in- m" m im Sims cluding the establishment of cotton·free areas, in cooperation with the State of Texas or other States concerned, as may be necessary to stamp out such infestation, to establish in cooperation with the w ;°¤ ‘°* °¤· States concerned a zone or zones free from cotton culture on or near W_ `_ the border of any State or States adjacent to Mexico, and to cooper- mh M°”°°‘ ate with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, or otherwise, by undertaking in Mexico such measures for the extermination of the pink bollworm of cotton as shall be determined to be practicable from surveys showing its distribution, $400,000: Provided, Qgmggmmt ,01, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay <=r¤p¤,•>tc.,<1¤¤tr¤y¤d. the cost or value of crops or other ppoperty injured or destroyed. That any moneys heretofore or ereafter received by the United §ff;‘,*° °‘,’;’§;· was States for or in connection with the disposition of nitrate of soda pur- ¤v¤i1¤b1iitsd¤ri¤z the suant to section twenty-seven of the Act entitled "An Act to rovide "°j;,,,, ,,_ 287_ further for the national security and defense by encouragi.n_g)&e production, conserving the supply, and controllinglthe distn ution of food products and fuel," approved August tent , nineteen hundred and seventeen (Public, Numbered Forty-one, Sixty-fifth Congress), are hereby a propriated and made immediately available as a revolving fund toqre used at the discretion of the President for further carrying out the p1u·poses of said section and extending its operation throughout the eriod of the existing war as ascertained and proclaimed in accordiance with section twenty-four of said Act: Provided, §§S°l'Q§’,;;, 0, gmk on That nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the sale or dis- hand. ew posal of any nitrates remaining on hand at the time of, or contracted orlprevious to such termination. _ d oalgnable the Secretary of Agriculture to coopeirate pfithh-indi- ,,,§22§‘i’§t;°° °‘v°g” vi u , firms, or co orations, 0WI11Il' g or o eratin ants or C°°P°’° ‘°¤ “,“* or dehydration of rgegetables, fruits, and) otherg jgerishable ezhlilg gclgiiirgiiite products to determine the best means and processes of dehydration and to disseminate information as to the value and suitability of such products for human food, $250,000, which sum shall be immediately available: Promkled, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby {Q’§’,§",§’g,,hm,,,, 0, authorized, if the President shall determine it to be necessary to use ¤¤v¤mm¢¤_§dr;1=¤·¤· ¤•> all or any art of this appropriation for the establishment and opera- wpply mm °r°°S° tion of a pl)ant or plants or the dehydration of vegetables, fruits, and other perishable edible products in an place or p aces in the United States for the purpose of supplying flied for the Army and Navy, and the money received from the operation of any such plant or lants shall constitute a revolving fund until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen. qwew mo www For applying such methods of eradication or control of the sweet- iayaaicging by mpi potato weevil as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture may °""“°" “"“‘ ‘*‘°°°*#"‘°· e necessar , including the payment of such eévpenses and employ- ment of such persons and means in the city of ashington and elsewhere, in cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals as he may deem necessary to accomplish commu such purposes, $20,000, which shall be immediately available, and in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture no e enditures shall be made for these purposes until a sum or sums atilgast equal to such expenditures shall have been a propriated, subscribed, or contri ut_ed by State, county, or locsil authorities or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of such pur : Provided, 12~¢#¤¤· t , That no part of the money herein appropriated shalllisgs used to pay piigis, eigfxilsgeoyéiil