Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1034

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1016 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-rs. 194-195. 1918. statements or representations, or make or use or cause_to be made or used any false bill, recei t, voucher, roll, account, claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition, lmowing the same to contain any fraudum§;ga1}}*;§m§y°Zti*¤· lent or fictitious statement or entriy; or whoever shall take and_carry ’ away or take for his own use, or or the use of another, with intent to steal or urloin, any ersonal property of the United States, or any conspiring to dg branch or d)epartment tliereof, or any corporation in which the United mma, ew. States of America is a stockholder; or whoever shall enter into any a eement, combination, or conspiracy to defraud the Government oglahe United States, or any de artment or officer thereof, or any corporation in which the United States of America is a stockholder, by _ obtaining or aiding to obtain the payment or allowance of any false migimiiifuiuaiifasiy rg} or fraudulent claim; and whoever, aving charge, possession, cus- °‘*"*“ P’°P°"Y· tody, or control of any money or other lpublic property used or to be used in the niilitixry or naval gprvicp, wit intent to defraud thpnU1pitp1d States, or an e artment ereo , or an co ration in w `c the United State; of Xmerica is a stockholdergbr wully to conceal such money or other prolperty, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to any person having authority to receive the same anfy amount of suc_ Fmdummy deh money or other property less than that for which e_rece1ved a certieringreoaiptfor arms, ficate or took a receipt; or whoever, being authorized to make or °°°‘ deliver any certificate, voucher, receipt, or other paper certifying the receipt of arms, ammimition, rovisions, clothing, or other property so used or to be used, shall malfe or deliver the same to any other person without a full knowled e of the truth of the facts stated therein and with intent to defraud the United States, or any department thereof, or an co ration in which the United States of America is a P““"’m°“° '°"‘ stockholder, fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not ,,h@Q'§{‘,¥§Y,,‘{‘§f‘ morethan ten years, or both. And whoever shall purchase, or receive

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mw. m , a s res,oro erpro e urms e e n1 aes, migder a cldirhing allowance or officrwxise, to an sdldier, sailor, officer, cadet, or midshipman in the military or naval service of the United States or of the National Guard or Naval Militia, or to any person accompanying, serving, or retained with the land or naval forces and subject to m' 'tary or naval law, having knowledge or reason to believe that the pro erty has been taken from the possession of the United States or furnished by the United States under such allow- P“"“”""’“"°"· ance, shall be gnegllnot more than $500 or imprisoned not more than two years, or ot . Approved, October 23, 1918. Omig?f2&2g5.i918` g'H’.?P. Ag To azrgleind secgiogi thrtelp of an Act entitled "A€r& Alpt to pbfg-

  • "“**"°· °‘°·”°·* Ziveintygiiiiith .§T.‘§£L`§¤ h‘K‘3$'}ed ailidzilxtec-iii. ° °' "`""°°°°’" “""’°" °°°“’ ”

Pub,,c,,,,,d,_ Be it ena,cted_by Senate and House of Representatives of the United St home- States cg America fm Congress assembled, That section three of the Act ver. és, p. 863. entitle "An Act to provide for stock·rais1ng homesteads, and for 3m°°d°d· gplhgr p;11rposes," lapproveg g)ecemb(pr tpvppty-ninth, nineteen hun- . 0, e an sixteen, e amen e to rea as o ows: augiiehd? M0 was NSec. 3. That any qualified homestead entryman may make entry under the homestead laws of lands so designated by the Secreta of the Interior, according to legal subdivisions, in areas not excedghng six hundred and forty acres, and in compact form so far as may be v sub]ec_t to the provisions of this Act, and secure title thereto by ggggygg to mma compliance with the terms of the homestead laws: Provided, That 8 enpggiség P 862 former homestead entry of land of the character described in section ‘ ’ ’ ‘ two hereof shall not be a bar to the entry of a tract within a radms of twenty miles from such former entry under the provisions of this