Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1043

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srxrmrrrrrrn couercnss. sm. 11. GH. 201. 1918. 1025 rureuc HEALTH snrzvrcn. ic5¤b¤¤ H<=¤¤¤ Sm- Interstate rliuarantine service: For cooperation» with State and tinlgirgrsvtidsz q`m°°` municipal hea th authorities in the prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases in interstate traffic, including the sanitation of areas adlj oining military and naval reservations and Government industrial p ants, in order properly to safeguard the health of the military forces and Government emlployees, including not exceeding $25,000 for personal services in the istrict of Columbia, $500,000. Q ti i uaran nsstat ons. QUARANTINE STATIONS. E a Q · ...,...,.,.°“*’°...‘,?*§§.§2?.:.,}.’.L5gi§'3f.?..‘.-.Fg.°’.1?3°€$£';g.?i§§.f.iT.% l1‘;2;‘.i'.’§“t;?.‘2i.£;' ...iE‘i·*.z°m*l“il¤· plumbing, water and sewage systems, and for misdellaneous furnish; 4,,,,, p_m_ mgs and equipment for buildings, $100,000, and the appropriations made in the urgent deficiency_Act approved October 6, 1917, for the Cape Char]; Quarantine Station are made available for the purposes herein nam . Reedy Island Delaware: For remodeling existing buildings and for R°°°’,dI’,,,¤ M- necessary additibnal buildings and their eguipment, heating, lighting, ingimem mdsuudl plumbing, water amid pewsggucil systemga 316 0 ger rraisplellaneous {}g{P3l},:°lg{'f;,f*°¤°· mgs an e urpmen or dmgs an e approprra ions made in the sundry civil appropriation llctiapproved June 23, 1913, Am M9 and the urgent deficiency appropriation Act approved October 6, 1917, "°' ‘ for the Reedy Island Quarantine Station are made available for the purposes herein named. Savannah Geor ia: For remodeling existing buildings and for S°"°°”‘*‘· G°- _ necessary additionail buildings and their e3uipment, heating, lighting, ingigmeum bum plumbing, water and sewage systems, an for miscellaneous furnish- Ram _ _ mgs equipment for buildings, $26,000, and the appropriations .4m,;?gsi made in the urgent deficieneg appropriation Act approv October 6, 1917, for the Savannah, eorgia, Quarantine Station are made available for the purposes herein named. _ _ Su N d The foregoing construction work under "Quarant1ne stations/’ $,,,,c°Jy_ °° °°°` shall be performed under the supervision and direction of the Construction Division of the War Department. crtnrr IN Accourrrs. Relief of Major (now Lieutenant Colonel) Charles J. Nelson: The ;_I§§i1i;.._C°1‘ Ch°"°° accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed ‘~‘°°“*”°“°“*“’· to allow and credit in the accounts of Ma{or_(now Lieutenant Colonel) Charles J. Nelson, Quartermaster Corps, lmted States Amiy, the sum of $327 .04, being a shortage in his accountscaused by embezzlement of Quartermaster funds by Mack A. Steel, civilian clerk (temporary-}, who was acting as chief clerk m the finance office at Fort Logan . Roots. . was DEPARTMENT. “*·‘”·¤·"*¤·*"— coarrnverzwr Exrnxsrzs. For purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, C°“”‘“g°"‘°‘P°“°‘· including their exchange, and so forth, including the same ply-iects specified under this head in the legislative, executive, and ju cial appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $500,000. Narroxan cmmrnnms. N°¤°°°1 °°m°t°ri°S` Diéposition of remains, and so forth: For the disposition of remains sms. i d of officers, soldiers, civilian employees, and so forth, including the 112-£60°—voL 40—r·r· 1--65