Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1177

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SIXTYZFIFTH CONGRESS. sm. III. css. 31-33. une. 1159 of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢~ expressly reserved. Approved, February 25, 1919. CHAP. 82.-An Act Granting the consent of Congres 50tl16Y0 W11S]h€€t F6l¥Lm1'€l§i¤ig__ aénd Tube Comspany to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge acres Mahoning [mane, Na 268.] wer, in the tate of Ohio. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represe1•tat·ives 1y' the United _ _ States rg Amerfica in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress iz[.°l¤l`1%Z$$§°1l`ee¢ is here y granted to the Yotmgstown Sheet and '1'ube Company, its ;¤8*;'{)*;{>; <;¤¤¤EPg¤;r; successors, and assigns to construct, maintam, and operate a brid e Yo1mgStown€dhie. and approaches thereto across the Mahoning River at a int suitable to the interests of navigation at or near the town of Eastwoungstown, county of Mahoning, State of Ohio, in accordance with the provisions ~ of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges $‘$§‘.}‘}‘§}‘§‘{g over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. ' Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ~**¤°¤d¤·¤¢· expressly reserved. ‘ Approved, February 25, 1919. ‘ CHAP. 33.-An Act Extendinggie time for construction ot a bridge and for the F [H. nl1ii1bi$1°' maintenance of a pontoon andgg) by the Chicago, Milwaukee and Sunt Paul T Railway (bmpany acres the un ver at or near Chamberlam, South Dakota, and providing additional requirements for the bridge to be constructed. ` Be*ite·nac¢edb*ytheSenateandHm4seo Re esevttativeso the United . States of America in Congress assemblgd, 'Kat the for com- nm:°3m:¤Rt$l3r•h at meneing and comgleting the construction of the bridge authorized ,'§.f*f§,‘}§;,{‘,§_°"°‘“"“‘ by section one of e Act of Congress approved April twenty-eighth, °dV¤1-¤¤,p·5B.¤m¤¤d— nineteen hundred and sixteen, are hereby extended two andg live ' years, respectively, from April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred · and seventeen. Sec. 2. That if the bridge built under the provisions of said Act °"‘°‘°“ ‘°"°“’“°· shall be found, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, to be so constructed that it does not reasonably meet the requirements for continuousdand unlintlerrupted txhaflic, then ancégn such event, he may or er suc c anges as m ju gment may necessary to make said bridgp meet such requirements. All the privileges herein ¤r·i•riii>l»°$l°L¤°‘$am°°$°1i•ii conferred and the right to maintain the bridge to be built ereunder "‘“'· shall cease and determine unless such changes as the Secretary of War shall direct shall be commenced within six months and completed within two years next following the date of service of such Order' . . . . Maintenance ot n- Ssc. 3. That the time during which the Chicago, Milwaukee and my snags emsligc. Saint Paul Railway Com arm was authorized to maintain its pontoon ,,,Y°"3°·P· “"·°“‘°"°‘ and pile bridge across the ° ouri River at or near Chamberlain, South Dakota, b section two of the said Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, is hereby extended for one year drom date of approval hereof. I L Sec. 4. 'llhat the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 25, 1919.