Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1193

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cue. 40, 41, 44. 1919. 1175 appro riated, out of any money in the Treas not otherwise a ropriateid, for the payment of pensions for thdlzcal year endinglgme 30, 1920, and for other purposes, namely: Army and Navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, minor nmua, ew., pm children, and dependent relatives, Army nurses, and all other pen· ’i°'“`“ sioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon, under therprovisions of any and all Acts of Cong{ess, $215,000,000: Promgled at the appropriation aforesaid for avy pensions shall be paid from the mcome o the Navy ion fund, so “’ "°“"°“ ar as the same shall be sufficient for that urpose: Frovided further, That tltigdakmount expanded under each ofp the above items shall be A°°°"”“‘ accoun or separa y. • For fees and ex enses of examinin surgeons,.pensions for services E****¤*¤“=¢¤¤*8¤·>¤= rendered within the fiscal year 1920,g$30,000. _ ’ F°°°'°t°` Approved, February 25, 1919. · . - CHAP. 41.-Joint Resolution For the a tmentof four membenof the Board of F° 2*% m9· Managers of the National Home for Diagl:inVolunteer Soldiers. ‘ ~ - . · . Bl., 0. Resolved by and House ¢Z;lReHl‘e•entat·i#ves xg the United States of America in Congress assemb_ , at (km . Wood, of D,§:,f{gd¤l ¥{,g¤¤, lm Ohio; ames S. Catherwood, of Illinois; John C. N n, of Indiana- stun; and Menander Dennett, of Maine, be, and thig are hereby, '“"""‘”°""°"· members of the Board of Managers of the ational Home or Disabled Volimteer Soldiers of the nited States, to succeed Georgl¢;0H. Wood, of Ohio; James S. Catherwood, of Illinois; John C. N n, of Indiana; and John W. West, of Maine, whose terms of office expired April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and eighteen. Approved, February·25, 1919. fC§AP. 44.-An Act To establish the Grand Canyon National Park in the State F°l"'E;f’Y3,§i M9- O AIIZODB. ...- [Publlc, No. 277.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House qZi_Representat·ives ogthe United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is here y reserved ,,,,°],$“,‘},,‘,i'f'},’,E’,}‘_ N* and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the 1·¤¤¤¤·*·v·¤f¤r- laws of the United States and dedicated and set apart as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people under the name of the "Grand Canyon National Park," the tract of land m the State gf Aigzonafpliirticularly_described by and included within metes and oun s as 0 ows, to wit: Beginning at a point which is' the northeast comer of township D‘°°"l’“°°· thirty nort , range one east, of the Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona; thence west on township line between townships thirty and thirty-one north, range one east, to section comer common to sections one and two, townshiplthirty north, rang; one east, and thirty-five and thirty-six, towns `p thirty-one nort , range one east; thence north on section lines to the intersection with Tobocobya Spring- Rowe Well Road; thence northwesterlglalong the_southwester3;]si e of said Tobocobya S ring·Rowe Well oad, passing and in r tion to United States Geological Survey bench marks stanéped ‘ ‘Canyon" and numbered 6340, 6235, 6372, 6412, 6302, 6144, an 6129, through townships thirty-one and thirty-two north, ranges one east and one and two west, to its intersection with the section line between sections nine and sixteen in township thirtv·two north, range two west; thence west aloéig thl:6 section lines through townships lthirty-two nortii, ranges two an t west, to its intersection wit u per westery rim of Cataract Canyon; thence northwesterly along Iixpper rim of