Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1235

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SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. 1217 For compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others: °m¤¤¤’=·°*¤¤·¤*¤· Orman or rms: Srnaxmv.: Secretary to Speaker, $4,000; clerk to ¤1>¤·*=°=’¤¤*“*~ Speaker s table, $3,600, and for preparing Digest of the Rules, $1,000 D*¢•·*°m¤'¤¤· per annum; clerk to Speaker, $1,600; messenger to Speaker, $1,440; messenger to %peaker’s table, $1,200; in all, $12,840. _ CHAPLAIN: or Chaplain, $1,200, and $600 additional so long as mmm the position is held by the present incumbent. Orrrcn or Tim Cnmurz Clerk of the House of Representatives, ,,,§§§]‘,§’c{"‘° H°“·’°• including compensation as disbursing officer of the contingent fund, $6,500; hire o horse and wagon for use of the Clerk’s office, $1,200 or so much thereof as may be necessary; chief clerli,]$4,500; joumal clerk, and two reading clerks, at $4,000 each; 'sbursing clerk, $3,400; tally clerk, $3,300; file clerk, $3,250; enrollin clerk, $3,000 and $1,000 additional so long as the position is heldiy the dpresent incumbent; chief bill clerk, $3,000; assistant to clerk, an assistant enrolling clerk, at $2,500 each; assistant-to clerk, $2,400; stationery clerk, $2,200; librarian, $2,100;- file clerk, $1 900; two assistant librarians, and assistant Journal clerk, at $1,800 each; clerks——one $1,800, tl1ree~aii $1,680* each; bookkeeper, and assistant in office, ‘at:$1,600 each;. four assistants to chief bill clerk, at $1 500 eaclr stennographer to Clerk, $1,400; locksmith, who shall be skilled in the, $1,300; messenger in chief clerk’s office, Vandeassistant in stationery room- at $1,200 each; messenger in file room, memenger in disbursing ofii and assistant in House library, at $1,100 each; stenographer to chlizi bill clerk $1,000; seven telephone operators, at $900 each; three session telephone operators, at $75 per month each from December 1, 1919, to June 30, 1920; substitute telephone ommr when required, at $2.50 per day, $500; two laborers in bat m, at $900 each; six laborers, at $720 each; page in enrolling room, $720; two janitors, at $720 each; allowance to chief clerk for stenographic and typewriter . services, $1,000; in all, $103,245. i Urmnn Snrnnmrmrrnnnr or mn Oarrror. Bonmms mn Gnommsz °""'°"""°°‘·°*°· Chief engineer, $2,160; four assistant engineers at $1,440 each; twe1¥1y·four elevator conductors, including fourteen for service in the ouse Office Building, at $1,200 each, who shall be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of the Ca itol Building and Grounds; machinist, $1,400; electrician, $1,400; time laborers, at $800 each; in all, $41,920. Cumxs, Mnssrmcnrzs, AND Jaxrrons T0 mn romiowmc oonmrr- ,,,,,°‘°]’§;,,,,'§°§°,f"*,,,,',‘;,F: mss; Accounts—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $1,000; ¤¤=¢•·¤· Agricu1ture—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $1,000; Appropriations—clerk $4,000 and $1,000 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent, assistant clerk an step)35— rapher $2,500, assistant clerks-—one $1,900, one $1 800, jamtor $1, ; Bankin and Currency—clerk $2,000, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Census-—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Clamis—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Coinagje, Weights, and Measures—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; District of olumb1a—-clerk $2 500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Election of President, Vice President and Representatives in Congress——clerk $2 ,000 ; Elections Number One—clerk $2,000, janitor $1,000; Electrons Number Two-- clerk $2,000, `anitor $720; Elections Number Three—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Enrolled Bills·——clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Flood Control—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Foreign AlI8H'S·—Cl6Tk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Imngiération and Natm·alization— clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Indian ai1s——clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Industrial Arts and Expositions—clerk $2 ,000, janitor $720 · Insular AEa.irs—clerk $2,000, jamtor $720; Interstate and Foreign Commerce-—clerk $2,500, additional clerk $2,000, 112460°—v01. 40——i·r 1—77