Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1248

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1230 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. each; silver piler, $1,000 and $200 additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; fourteen messengers ; eight assistant messengers; twenty-three laborers; messenger boys——eight at $600 _ each, fourteen at $480 each, eight at $360 each; in all, $778,170. ,,§,§,d°c‘§§§§’§y_“ "“' For the force employed in redeeming the national currency (to be reimbursed by the national banks): Superintendent, $3,500; teller, $2,500; bookkeeper, $2,400; assistant tellers—one $2,250, one $2,000; assistant bookkeeper, $2,000; clerks—five of class four, seven of class three, nine of class two; expert counters-—thirty-five at $1,200 each, fift -six at $1,000 each, fifty-two at $900 each, thirty-five at $800 each; two messengers; four assistant messengers; four charwomen; in _ all, $225,770. w§,‘?s°°l S“"mgS Sys' Postal Savings System: Accoimtant, $2,000; clerks-—t1u·ee of class Salvo, two of class one, three at $1,000 each; expert counter, $900; in _ _ , $12,500. ,.,g,§,¥§‘“g m°°hm°S’ For repairs to canceling and cutting machines in the office of the , Treasurer of the United States, $200. R°g*”°°’ S °m°°‘ Orrrcn or Rnersrnn or rm: TREASURY: Register, $4,000; assistant register, $2,500; two chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; clerks——two of class four, one of class three, six of class two, e` ht of class one, fift at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; messengemltghree laborers; in all; _ $89,220. Ad‘m‘°""H°'°°‘ For the following additional clerical force for the Office of the Register of the Treasury: Two chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; clerks--one of class three, four of class two, five of class one, sixty at $1,000 each, twenty at $900 each; messenger; assistant messenger;- Om { C mu two laborers; two messenger boys at $480 each; in all, $99,040. erm¤°<i£·mi°¢$? °r Ormcn or- Conrrrnomnn or rim Cunanivcvz Comfptroller, $5,000; deputy comptr0llers—-one $3,500, one $3,000; chie clerk, $2,500; chiefs of division-one $2,500, two at $2,200 each; general bookkeeper, $2,000; assistant bookkeeper, $2,000; clerks—eleven of class four, additional to bond clerk $200, seventeen of class three, nineteen of class two, twenty-seven of class one, thirteen at $1,000 each, seven at $900 each; stenographer, $1,600; multigraph operator, $1,200; six counters, at $840 each; messenger; five assistant messen- P , gers; three laborers· messenger boys—one $480, one $420; in all, c£i°$i°°6r examining $165,560: Provided, That the com troller may designate a national- ‘“;‘Q’;€’“·al _ bank examiner to act as chief of tlie examininv division in his office. .,,6p§`¤L°$`§. °°°°°°’ For ex enses of the national currency (to he reimbursed by the national hanks): Superintendent, $2,500; teller, $2,000; clerks-—-one of class four, one of class three, four of class two, five of class one, four at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; engineer, $1,000; counterstwelve at $8,40 each, three atl$700 each; assiitant messenger; fireman; S H , messen er 0 , $420; two c arwomen; in a , $43,520. enc. 8 mm For gpeciagrexaminations of national banks and bank plates, of keeping macerator in Treas Building in repair, and or other incidental expenses attendinguthe working of the macerator, and for Omm0,G°m,mSS,0u_ procuring information relative to banks other than national, $5,000. emsmamsi amuse. Orrrca or Comrrssroxnn or INTERNAL REVENUE: Commissioner, $10,000; assistant commissioner, $5,000; deputy commissioners, five ‘*””’p‘m°‘ at $5,000 each; chemists-—chief $3,000, one $2,500; assistant chemists/—two at $1,800 each, one $1,600, one $1,400; heads of divisionsone $3,500, five at $2,500 each, five at $2,250 each; three assistant heads of divisions, at $2,000 each; attorney, $3,600; law clerk, $2,000; insurance expert-, $2,000; railroad expert, $2,000; superintendent of stamp vault, $2,000; rivate secretary, $1,800; clerksfour at $2,000 each, fifty-two oi) class four, sixty of class three, ninety-eight of class two, eighty-three of class one, seventy-six at $1,000 each, seventy-three at $900 each; eleven messengers; twenty- one assistant messengers; sixteen laborers; in all, $691,370.