Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1256

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1238 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. sm. 111. cH. se. 1919. _ the (persons employed hereimder and the annual rate of compensation P°"°°"’°*"”‘· pai to each: Prmnkled further, That no person shall be employed ereunder at a rate of compensation in excess of $5,000 per annum, . not more than five persons shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation in excess of $2,400 per annum each, and not more than Emmmfougm twenty-five persons shall be employed at_ a rate of corriiqpensation in ' excess of $1,800 per a.1mum each: Prcmded further, at detailed estimates shall be submitted by the War Department in the annual Book of Estimates for the fiscal year 1921 for necessary services of the character rovided for in this aragraph. Of*§2,l{‘*““* G°“°"“1’“ ADIUTANT GPENEnAL’s OFFICE! Chief Clerk, $2,500; ten chiefs of divisions, at $2,000 each; clerks—fifty-eight of class four, seventy- four of class three one hundred and sixteen of class two, two hundred and thirty-one of class one, ninety-three at $1,000 each; en ineer, $1,400; assistant engineer, $900; two firemen; skilled meglianic, $1,000; eleven messengers; sixty-one assistant messengers; four watchmen; twenty-one aborers; in all, $852,540: all em loyees provided for by this paragra h for The Adjutant Generalls Office of the War Department shall) be exclusively engaged on the work of www Gmmrs this office for the fiscal year 1920. cam. OFFICE or INSPECTOR GENERAL: Clerks-—one of class fom-, two of class three, three of class two, four of class one, two at $1,000 each; Ju AdmmGm_ messenger; assistant messenger; messenger, $600; in all, $18,160. miiicdmee. Omron or JUDGE AnvocA·rn` GENERAL: Chief clerk and solicitor, $2 ,500; law clerks—one $2,400, one $2,000; clerks—two of class four, three of class three, four of class two, eight of class one, two at $1,000 Sigmwmo each; three messeng-pre; assistant messenger; in all, $35,740. ' SIGNAL OFFICE: hief clerk, $2,000; c erks—four of class four, three of class three, five of class two, eight of class one, nine at $1,000 SEM (Mmmm each; five messengers; three assistant messengers; in all, $45,960. sm. The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed onlfy in the Signal 0Ece to carry into effect the various appropriations or fortifications and other works of defense, and for the Signal Service of the ,,,,,,,,,,_ Army, to be paid from such atppropriations, in addition to the fore- Li¤¤i*» ¤¤¤- going employees appropriated or in the Signal Office: Provided, That the entire expenditures for this purpose for the fiscal year 1920 shall not exceed $53,280, and the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so em- Qumemnm Gm ployed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. mrs cmu. on or QuAn·r1=;1mAs·rEn GENERAL: Chief clerk, $2,750; principal clerks——five at $2,250 each, three at $2,000; clerks——fifteen of class four, twenty-nine of class three, fifty of clam two, ninety-three of class one, fifty-nine at $1,000 each; ten at $900 each; draftsmen-— three at $1,800 each, seven at $1,600 each, five at $1,400 each; hy- draulic and sanit engineer, $2,000; civil engineer, $1,800; electrical engineer, $2,000?;¥6Ct1’lC8.l and mechanical engineer, $2,250; marine engineer, $3,500; sanitary and heating engineer, $1,800; suc messengets; fourteen assistant messengers; twelve laborers; laborer, $600; Surgeon Gmmps in all, $403,590. _ _ _ cms. Orrrcn or SURGEON GENEnAL: Chief clerk, $2,250; principal assistant librarian, $2,250; principal clerk, $2,000; chemist, $2,100; assistant chemist, $1,600; pathologist, $1,800; microscopist, $1,800; assistant librarian, $1,800; anatomist, $1,600; entomolo t, $1,600; photographer, $1,500; two translators at $1,800 each; (§1;'kS-—fol11'· teen of c ass four, thirteen of class three, twenty-six of class two, thirty-six of class one, thirteen at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; engineer, $1,400; skilled mechanic, $1,000; two messengers; eleven assistant messengers; three firemen; three watchmen; superintendent of building (Army Medical Museum and Library), $200; six laborers; four charwomen; in all, $185,740.