Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1350

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1332 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 123. 1919. V0!-37,p-1625- with the special agreement concluded for that purpose August 18, i1]910,_and the schlpdiélges of claingssthereuncleih to be expended rmder e tion o the cretary o tate as 0 ows: Azoncysmrasana Salaries, United States agency: One counsel and joint secretary, °’”°““°“* at $2,750; emplgrepher, at $1,200; _ Expenses, nited States agency: Necessary and contingent °"l§“§i"rZ3S€8 I I ’ rmcs PALACE AT mm moon. H;é"g§fP°'”°“T”° For the pa ent of the contribution on the part of the United States towanrlahe expenses of the Palace of Peace at The Hague, $1,045.25, or so much thereof as may be necessary. . INTERNATIONAL nanrorrnnnonarmc CONVENTION. ,°§gg';¥:;§g,¤gLn{,°g*,2 For the share of the United States for the calendar year 1920, as a tion- party to the international radiotelegraphic conventions heretofore V°L 37’°'15°°' signed, of the expenses of the radiotelegraphic service of the International Bureau of the Telegraphic Umon at Berne, Switzerland, $2,250. · INTERNATIONAL men comnssroxi. — I¤¢¤rz·¤¤<>¤¤l Fish T defra theractual and necessuyexpenses on the part of the c‘lJlll1iI1l:le§i(S1f·ates eee- Unified Stages section of Inteanatnonal High Commission, arismg “°{},;L 39, ,,_ A in such work and investigations as may be approved b _ the_Secretary of the Treagury, $23,000, to be expended under the ehrection of the Secretary 0 the asury. wxmnwars rnnarr, UNITED sryrns AND onmsr Bnr1•A1N: mrmz- NATIONAL Jomr COMMISSION, UNITED srarms AND Gamer BRITAIN. ¤¤¤¤<1i¤¤ B<>¤2¤d¤¤’ F l anl including salaries of commissioners and w$i»ilsag?p1imim·l’am` salai)·ie§b?;l§ks ainc'l)i>Itl3iIei·6eS’mployees appointed by the commissioners on the part of the United States with) the approval solely of the Secretary of State, including rental of offices at &ashington, District of Columbia expense of printing, and necessary traveling expenses, imd for oneglmllf of all Cgeasonable and necessaryl joutilt; expenses ¢}f gre t f `t m1ss'ionin uner etermso e tzlbgyuligtfiveen (tliia Unilsed States and Great Britain concerning the use of boundary waters between the United States and Canada and for other purposes, signed January 11, 1909 $75,000, to be disbursed ‘°"”’*’°‘ under the direction of the Secretarv of State: Provided, That no Suhsista1¤¤whmab· _ _ _ -· . ¤¤¤¤**¤¤¤W¤¤¤i¤¤*¤¤· part of this appropriation shall be expended for subsistence of the commission or secretary, except for actual and necessary expenses, ' not in excess of $8 per day each, when absent from Washington on fh lb . P*°P°*’°*i°¤ °‘°°¤¤· gubgbi psi;r?e§1;1Sl.§§ services gndpored ialnd expensesiincuméed under ézhe ' t'ono the cretaryo ta m e examina on an repara on of giisbs involving the obstruction, diversion, and use of all boundary waters aptly all other queptiomggtmatmpsiof mioveredi bg th: t t o anuaryll, 909, een-e ni aesan rea Brgilain, and in appearing before andrepresenting the mterests of the United States in matters or investigations before the Intemational Joint Commission created by said treaty, $6,000. Fifth Pau Amxican c0n,_,mm_ rnrrn INTERNATIONAL coiwmmxca OF AMERICAN srarns. ,,§,·g,¤;*°¤¤¤**°¤ **5 Not exceeding $50,000 or the appropriation of $75,000 we meet the actual and necessary expenses of the delegates of the United