Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1384

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INDEX. xm Anna, Munitivns, etc;.-—Continued. Pm- Army—Continued. P¤s¤· seizure of; discrcmonsry release on order of appropriation for rent of quums for the President .. 225 local draft boards without written enforcement by the President .. 225 losses. _ 851 Army (see also Army Emergency Increase), for pay of Imc officers; longevity .. 44, 851 appropriation for expenses of, for July and not _1:o he paid officeis ggpomtod in August, 1918 ... 843 ymlation of domgnat increment not available after regular sppropris- mcregses. .. 44 tions msgigor fiscal year 1919 .. 40 m proporuox; of ifictrgases restricted to inforsu porto c. .. . , creasco enxs mcn,ct4: .. 44 for alliizontingencics ... 40, 845 hppointulents of second licutenauts to for Army War College .. 2 .. 40, 845 vacancies made by increases, modifor contingencies, military 1l'1fol’!D2w· ... . . . - 44 tion ,. . ... 40, 846 retirement for disability of provisional for eipenses observing War opemtiormlw 846 fo ... 851 a road . . . , r ccrs’ oservs 45 852 for service schools ...1. 41, 846 for National Guard officx 45; 852 second tieutensng Igslga allowaupe to pay igispccuigs and amisma s amiga nes a actors sms arms c- Sclirool of Fire, for instruction. . 41 tics mobilization of $6. 45 for contingencies, headquarters of dc·41 846 · fom lgilistsd men. .. . . . 45, 852 ¥>a.rtments, etc , L10 ymtiugs or mar en. . 45 for cast. Artillery School . 41, 846 twenty Infantry bands for purchase, ctc., of typewriters . 847 present cmsigsncy authorized .. 852 for Signal Service cxpensu 42, 847 for enlisted msn, ongovity 45, 852 electric plants at posts ... 42, 847 for Regular Army Reserve- ... 45, 852 purchase of airships, etc., for Aviation for En istod Reserve Corps ,.,.,..., 45, 852 Section ... . 42 for enlisted mon, National Guard. . ·. . . 45, 852 Awgation sections), OHlCB1'B, and En- 42 for enlisted men, Ordnance Depart- `sted rve orps. . . ment 45 852 development of aviation motor ... 42, 849 for enlisted men, Quartermzmtcr Corps. 45: 852 sites for aviationhpxirpeases, etc ... :15 for enlisted men, Signal Corps . 45, 852 ex diture su oriz .. - aviation increase . 852 liiiiiizufor land; leases if practicable. . - 43 for enlisted mon, Medical Dgpurtment. 45, 852 details of detached officers for aviation- 43 for clerks, ctc., office of Chi of StsK. . 46, 852 milmge to officers in aviation sec-43 849 for clerks, messengers, ctc., at headtion . . , uartcrs, atc .. 46, 852 civilian employees, supplies, cbc .. for aiagditional pay, foreigiilseirvicc . 46, 853 cx eriments in s1g1mlmg` ; . owemces to Army iis c ex-ks ... 853 buildings for supplies, etc . . . • 847 for commutation of quarters, ctc ,,_ 46, 853 for agiation expcngcs; yguftchue, manu- 848 for cimrgsutation of quarters, ctc., Held cturs, etc., 0 mrc . ... c cr , uartermastcr Cor ,,___,. 46, 853 buildingiletc . : . -_ ... _ 84 8 amignment of clerks, ctc.; dz; Departcstablis ent of aviation stations, bal- ment duty rohibited .. , .,,.,_ 46, 853 loon schools, etc . . .. 848 for pay of stag officers, Gcnernl Staff special clothing, ctc .. 848 Corps ..,,,, , ,,,,,___,, 46, 853 travel cx cnsos at home and abroad . - 848 rank of Chief of St,aE ..._,,_,,,,_, 46 vocation5 training, etc ... 848 modification of personnel, details, etc. 46 civilian employees in District of Co- for lon vity ..,,,,,,,.,_,, 47,853 lumbia . . . 849 for Asfiutsnt Gsnoml’s Dopsrunont; manufacturini plants; instruction in longevity 47, 853 technical sc ools, ctc . . 849 for Inspector Genorsl’s Dopsutment; exchange of aerial material, ... :- . 849 longevity 47, 853 mileage, etc., instructors from foreign 849 got gligmeer (gxerps; longevify .. 47, 853 armies . . . . or nance partment; ongevity". 47, 853 prilor appropriations continued through 849 · msximgxdxn naimber of officers allowed `sca year .. 1mm nate y . . 47 technical employees in District of Co- 850 {or Corps; lcingevity 47, 853 lumbia . .. or i epartment; on vi . . . 47, 853 war su plies may be sold to persons, reserve veterinarians. . 47,853 allies Governments, etc.; rsstnc- 850 gontmct ,,,_,,, ,, _,_, _ 47,853 tions .. uperinten ent use Co .. 47 allotment to Aircraft Board for em- nurses, female .., ..,.,,,, 47, 853 ployces, supplies, etc ... 850 for Judge Advocate Genera.l’s Departfor afrogggicsg stations, etc., under 43 mgignt; long?\;3· . B ... 47, 853 ca er ureau .. . cation 0 i ws ,,,_,. 47 for Washi.ngton·Alasks cable, etc .. 43, 851 apggintments of in OHics1¤’ collecting outside charges 43 e Corps and National Army, for telephone service, Coast Artillery. . 44, 851 for service in ...,,,,,,,.,, , ,,,,...,. 853 for Provost Marshal General’s office, ex- two line major generals, authorized pauses of registration for draft .. 851 from chiefs of staff corps, etc 853 for eipenses of military police enforcing for Signal Corps ... 48, 854 liquor, etc., prohibitions in mili- aviation increase . 854 tary camps, etc . 851 longevity ,, . ... 48, 854