Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1389

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xviii INDEX. Ar*m.y—C0ntinued. _ _ Page- ArmyjC0ntinued. _ _ P¤·8¤- deficiency appropriation for retued enlmbed deiic1cncyappr0p¤a.tion for gmall arms tarmen ... . . 190 get practice; a.mmunition,etc. 197, 366, 481 for retired enlisted men on active duty. 190, 357 for ma.11ufa.cturc of arms at armories, ctc.; for reservists on active duty .. 190, 357 additional contracts .. 197, 366, 48]. §0r courts et.c.,t;xpefxI1ises. . kk. .190 for preserving, etc., ordnance stores . é66 orcommu mno qua; rs,o cers,e . , for mileage to officers, etc 190, 357, 475, 827 for purchase and manufacture of stores ’ for six months’ pay, officers, etc., dying for troops 197, 366, 481 in service ,_.., 357 for Infantry, etc., equipments 198, 366, 48]. for one years’ pay, aviation deaths .. 90 357 for terminal storage and shipping fa.c11i- for subsistence supplies .. 1 , 357 ties ... . ... 481 meals to competitors in national rifle forautomatic machine riiles. . 198, 366 match ... . 190 additional contracts authorized ... 366 for payments; commutation of rations for armored motor cars. ._ . 198, 366 _ etc . 190, 358 additional contracts authorized ... 366 for Qnxartermaster Corps, regular sup- for antiaircrait guns; ammunition ... 198 h plies. . 191, 358, gg, ig? for arms, ordnance equipment, ctc., for eat and t to quarters .. 191 5 military training camps 198 post bakeries, ice machines, ]3.l1?[l· , for civilian military training expenses- . . 198 0‘§t'i;°§a;é{g4rg¢ ;,;1,;,;)1g‘;;,ze"‘ {3% $253* ii? f°’“6‘“{,;§“· R°°°"° °‘*‘°"”’ T'“i‘“"g 198 , . . . , o gorpgg, stationery, etc . --.. for arms, ctc., for issue to schools and printing; restnctxon ... , colleges . . 198 for inc1d€n\`a.I expenses ... , 192, 359 additional emergency obligations for Extra duty [:1:3;;, etc. ordixlaucccd afnd ordnance supplies orsc expen urea, e authoriz · imit . ; 366 for transportation. .. 193, 360, 476; 829 technical, etzc., services in Depart.- 011 _ land grant roads not bond mgm; authorized _,., , ,..,.,.,, 367 fu§1ded.t:O .. J . . :133, gig, ff]? rent allowance for Office of Chief of pay_ excep . , , 7 (Drdmmce .,,.. 367 draft animals, wa,gons,_ ctc ..,... 194, 361, 477 for machinery for rifles. ,. ._,..,..,,,,,. 367 vessels, trargsggort pervxgg ... $[94, 361, 477 0H1C€1'S may designate agents 7 BX GIISCS 0 ore 0 CCIE an GD- or ursements etc ,,,,,,., , .,_,, 36 Esged men attaged to the Army- . . 361 for fortifications ..,,.. ,.. 199, 367, 481 certam land grant roads during present for ordnance proving grmmds; officers, ad?{§§’§.3";?;.·· m,;,;·1;g1;e E?} ‘%“‘“i¥““’ i“kD"*””“°““· °“ °°“‘ 200 Y, _ : . - B 1’l1C 1011 Wcr ... . . for sponge and shipping faciliues, bu1ld— for submarine mines _____ , _,,_,____,_, 200 adléligql, dcicks, éiliidtg, etsié Z · .·.·.-- for fortifications, insular possessions . 200, _ txona con mc_ au nz ... 481, 831 { lmmtgdiatg P 1<;¤, etc -··----· §&·é61 for fortifications, Panama Canal ,. . . 201, Of W3 {311 ¤€W€1` BY €¤1¤ ------ ;- , » 355, 482, 831 Y0¤f ciothuzg, and C¤¤¤P, Etc-, €q¤1{>¤Rf§· 194, 362 for arsenals and armories . . 352, 474, 826 1¤d§¤1¤1tY {Of d€¤Y¤¥0Y€d C <>thmgi94 362 for ordnance proving ground; condem- 6 €· --·---------·-·-·---·-·----· f , tc . . .. 352 {OF horses; limit -·---··--·—-----··--·- 194; 362 for Ii}.;r;:iI;15 ordnance storage, etc., f¤%b2·t;'¥'=*€1i¤ \}¤ft0Y¤-_ ---- 195, 362, 478, liacilitimxagélitiond contracts ... 353 a Ona ,‘ mP€"’*°€·;·;; ·--··-· f ilitary r .. 367 commutation restricted; CIVIIJSII em- ig; bumgks mai (§;lr¥er¤, seacoast posts. 474 SEIOYFWS -·-··-- _ -··---··----·······-· 1 95 for Fort Monroe, 'a.., public works .. 474 for wm; gaiierws and ranges . _. 363, 479 for Wu Port Board 478 fc? glost ey-`h¤¤§€9§ ¤'€€F€3·¤<;¥§5 b3\g31d.;79 830 for linsstinkof property of officcrs and engs*·*•‘··· ···· ·····•··• wl 1 v is IDBI] . . .. use for personal services restricted. . 196, 363 for wu expenses, 1919 __________________ 1026 {O! 1;·<;;dS, WBHKS, W}1¤l’V$, (gif';-¤‘;78 830 for contingent expi@s, 1919 .. 1026 --··---··------- · ---- , , , { ‘ 'mry ' i¤rh¤¤pii#»1¤.¢¤¤;¤¢ructi¤¤,e¤c- 196, 363, 478, 830 or ci)s11t$i1§€i€1?? Z . 1026 M mm m I?¤¤¢¤¢¢ ¤f €<>1¤¤¤bi=¤ -------·- 364 for com Anmery schm1, 1919 . . . . 1027 wd ¤=¤<i¤¤¤{ Huppiy swrehouse -.---- 364 for simu semce, wu exgemm, 1919 1027 for pracjgce, etc., damage claims- . 364 for Lglitary Aemuauticg iwénilon, SHS. . 1027 mr c1v1 _ n xm tary training .. 364, 830 for rovcat Marshal cue ’s Hice, for Medical Department; guppligg, gag draft expenses, 1919 ,..,.. . . 1027 maslgs, etc .. ... 196, 364, 480, 831 . for Quartermasber Corps, 1919 ... 1027 mosquito destruction, (jun?] Zone. , 196, 365 1 for pay, 1919_ , , . . . . .. 1027 motor axnlbuhncges; contagmus disease for cglmxlnsutation of quarters, etc., field preven 10;; g .(3 ____ - ________ 2 _____ 196, 364 er 1919, ,____ _ ________ , _ _ _ 1028 employees; transporting supplies, etc. 196 for mileggé to officers, etc., 1919 1028 for Eggmeer Dgpagunentq surveys, maps, for gubggglx-mee, 1919 ____ , ,,,,____ _ _ _ _ _ 1028 eyc . ... F ... 365 for transportation, 1919 .., I ,,,.. 1029 §§L’i§’§’2fi§; 12 $§°.§°§2ia ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ iaé §Z§’ 233 f°' °{3¥5““g’ ““d °““"" °°°" °‘*‘“"“g°’ wg sm- ordnance Depumehz; miriém ek. ’ forhcrseni1§1E);;:;;;;;;ii;;;:;1111111 10:29 { peuses: . .f . 197, 366 for water and sewers at posts, 1919 ,.,,. 1029 [1; ammumuon m·smz11a.rms,et»c. 197, 366, 480 for post exchanges, etc., 1919 ., 1029