Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1397

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xxvi INDEX. Automatic Machine Ra;/lea, Army, P•¢°- Aviation Motor, _ _ P*¤•• appr:5¤riation for purchase, etc . . . 64, 873 appropriation for developing type 01- ·· ·- 4.2,849 ditional contracts authorized... 873 Aviation, Navy, _ _ _ for purchase, etc., for National Guard. .. 64 appropriation for acquiring, etc., air stadeiiciency appropriation for purchase, etc., tion site, Cape May, IN, J.; resmcwar expenses.: . . 198, 366 tions: , . _ .. . 344 contracts authorized .. . ... 366 for procuring, etc., aircraft .. 1 706 additional contracts, etc., authorized for for establxs mg statwns, procuring land purchase etc., of .. . ... 1030 for, etc ._ .. _ 7 06 authorizations fbr, 1919, repealed. 1172 for experiments m developrng, for naval balances of appropriations for, 1917, 1918, purposes . ., . _ .. 706 1919 covered in ... . .. . . . . 1171 amount for technical, etc., services. . . 706 Automatic Wlzighing Scales, Guatmm, deticiency appropriation for war expenses- . 203 A appro£t1·Lu§*>:a;3r.B ..6.. .. 120, 644 usg amestown Exposition site for- 204 utomo , . ,, 1 en . .. superintendent of licenses to be secretary clerical, etc., services . 204 of . . . .. 919 for procuring, etc., aircraft 369 Auwqwbilc, ctc., Accessories, for stations; lands 369 excise tax on, sold by producer, etc., to for expenmentsm development oi .. 369 other than manufacturer. .. . . . . 1122 amount for techmcal, etc., services, at Autarnobile Trucks and Wagons, stations . : . ._ ... I . . . 369 excise tax on sales of, and accessories, by balances of appropnatwns for, covered m_. . 1173 producer, etc . 1122 claims for progty damages by naval au- A tires, ftc., to other than manufacturern 1122 craft toau adjusted, eg . . . 706 utomob-' cs, o increased owances to officers etc., or appropgiation for care, etc. , for Vice Presi- D duty. . - .5: if - .tB.’i);.§i . . 718 ent . . 761 station site a ape y '. . eu f purchase of pewsautomobileii. . 761 A oger E . . . . . 720 or care, etc., or Eeaker o e ouse station action WW or‘?• Army of Represents: es . 765 appropriation ’fpr purchase,} msaulscture, mount lor new automobile _ .. 7 65 etc., of axrslups .. . . _ . . . 42, 848 excise tax on sales of, and aocesoues, by psymgfor reserve o&ces·s and enlisted py0duc3['e(,,c___..,..- 1].22 m0¤.:..-.-=..:...-... 42 they, nun, to num umn msuuiaemreru 1122 developrngsvmtnon motor _ 42 special tax on operators of psnengsr, for for acquiring sues for schools, stations, » mlm ________ , ____,,,,, -. . . .. .. 1128 proving grounds, .. _ . -, .. 42 Awar tax on, sold by producer, etc. . . 316 useotforgfwgaplgmmmttmgn; hunt . ig utmng {kg, gy; 8 011 U. _1I1gH, 0 . _ .. .. deli b W; Department of for postal urchase of equipment supphes, etc. . 43 vezrvlrce, filet suitable for hrmy pur- leases of grounds, buildings, etc .. 43 poses _... . .. . . 753 iggréeirgséxgzal stauons, etc.; 43 A"“””°""‘ E"""“”* 8°°"" °f;,,, C · fundsavailsble untile; noiéal . I .1.1 43 two members of, to be chosen ommrs- , , EBS sion ron sonnonnonouon of Screw 1¤¤¤t¤f ¤¤¤<¤¤¤# for xzvrc d 1¤:¤d¤- - 43 nnonnn . ... 913,1291 ;‘;g’,“°h°:°%‘§}1“?(?;;§“é'(‘;$1;‘;)’1*:·;f1’;b1° jg A 'l' N al, · Detlcbed · "Q 1¢lze?6l:ai;‘z:·y alglpropriation for batteries for, ___________ 43 nr .”“no§;”£§£?°a;.·.‘.‘.;;;::::;:;:1 2: 333; 333 m;1»¤¤¤;¤f¤¤¤,¤¤;_,b¤ ved M me 4, Aomooo,C1;. C. (ue Street:. Avenues, em., D. for s§;fu1' ,°gic;i 1;;,3;; 3 · · _ ea er uresu ... 4 A'¤i¤U°¤ (!¢¢_¤1·•° Ai? , for rent in District of Columbia . 59 $PPT°P¤m9¤ llglzglgfumac °¥P°¤m°¤*¤ 8**58 1260 dggr aviation stations joriescout defenses. 816 memjgmmgo, ego., Lntgook to notion or ’ 297 °‘°,’§,'j,°'c,,‘*’,*’,,f°¤"“,,,,,,,*";§’,,,,‘f’ gg °§’°,“°°,,,,,· ¤‘¢¤f¤ W ·----·- · ·—·········-· h' .,. . 187, 356 •·l1¤tme¤t¤_g;¤:;t?1x:3pr¤pr‘§¤f;'¤:;¤¤ fvr. at din- 849 ooo .. , .. {2; o¤·~·n·»»¢¤·¤er·¤o¤,s·A’m»o&‘a»»- r3§§§$,%?§§3§$§?£.2;°§n’.,n.o."°‘“;;.tt:t::: no bor. CM-. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<1 for Amy and for tnnomgo, oqnnpnnono, ow., or ooo. N9VY» P¤*P¤¤¢¤· · ·-·- · ·-··--····-· 247 , tions, schools posts, etc 187 Aviation, Army (sec also Signal Service, amount for land . . .. 188 Array), _ ale of war materials for airplanes during the appropriation for purchase of surcralt, etc. 42, 848 war to lorexgn governments assisting or aviation stations, balloon schools 848 the United States, etc . 356 for clothing, etc. .: . ._ . . 848 reuse of receipts . . _ . 356 ger g;1vel,_etc., a§cat1;;1c';11u·t(y·h..i3 . . .. gig ratings of qualtngied officers as aviators and or ucatxon lll oo , e c.. aeronau .. . .. 244 for degeloping engines, appurtenances, 849 certigccxeg roftcqualification; examina· 244 e . --·---···-·--· - ··~~·-·- · ·- 0 , e ... im- pglnrs, iuctoriSe=;s,detc& fortaiigéiftt. . . 849 service gequirements for military aviators or ucating u en ¤ hmcal an aeronauts ,, 244 schools, etc; ..-·--~--·-- _ --··---- _ ·- 849 _ exceptjonsin time ot war . 244 college education not ementlal for avis- increase m rank, etc., for aeronsuts .. 244 tion officers . . .. 849 increase of pay for theht duty .- 245