Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1408

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INDEX. `xxxvij Bureau_0f Medicine ami Syrgery, Na·vy—C0¤. Y¤8¤· Bureau of Navigation, Navy-—Coutinued. hsedeiimency spproprmt.1011 for surgeon? deficiency s. propriauqg for tuiuing sta. necessaqes . ._ . . . . . 15, 18, 600, 1167 tion, Saliicmig .,,.., . . ;. . . 1166 for trsnqporting remams ... 15, 31, 600, 1167 for training station, Rhode Island L . . . . . 1166 im- couppgent. .. 15, 600, 839, 1039, 1167 for training station, Great Lakes 1166 {or add1t:10u2.lforco,Na.vy Department _202, 1033 for war expenses, iou. . 204, 389, 839 or war agppuses sprgeons necessmcn ’v1Jmns` ’ al ‘ . 1. 204 and c1v11 estibhshmeut .. 208, 832, 832 §ava.l Riasgzrfc Bggce ffl . 204 for resemjve medical supplies . 209 for recruiting .,.. . ..,, . 204 for contmgeqt ... 209, 832 for contingent . 204 for tmusporqng remains , ... 209 for gnmnery and engineering exercises . . 204 for hospitals mgm 370 for outtgg e§liste;*l men mdrgpprentipes. % -·-··-- · ·--···--·- gm 8.Va rv 0 ,,,____ __ for wgylggm, Brooklyn, N. Y., and ZHB4 got equipniexétlisitmmentg, sugcglies, etc. ;05 .. or ocean an e uurv .. 0’ for care, etc., of yhospital patients ... 1167 for ship for Illinois Nav;§Ii1itia;limii: of a balances for 1wsp1tsl and supply depot cou- cost increased _ .. 205 struction, covered in- ... - . 1174 for training station, California .. 205 Medical Corps officers; position stated. 89 Rhoda Iglmd ,,,_______________ _ _____ 205 Naval Dental Qor%provisions ... - 708 Great Lakes LL . . . 206 surgeons to assmt ar Risk Insurance Bu- Saint Helem, ,___,___________ _ _____ 206 _ {mu ·---·-- _ ------·»- ; - - -_ ---------- 399 for recruiting, etc., Naval Reserve to md m supprassing “Spamsh mHuenm," Force _,,__,_ _ ; ________________ _ _ _ _ 295 ctc ·-.·-··-.-.---.»--·.--···-- 1008 for schools, etc. of jnsuuctiou, mcgpig Bureau 06 Mines (sec Mines Bureau, Interior and Ngwl fvtces .. ..'. . 206 epu_ytmg¤t)_ for mcgeguon of enhsted meg; my ge- 369 B N wm D mums 0 “““° °“ ···· ··-··· . ·-··-·~·~- . --»· ""“" ‘3;m"'??“ N’2v;g§€?§Z. Bméi, %"£ M W ¢¤§g¤¤¤· ¤=¤¤¤·¤<·¤ fw . partmeut of Commerce). for gf} ····· .· ····· 1033 Bureau of1VG1}’|:§?l’lb'I'L, 1\’a1.·¥&u0 706 1919 ______________ __ ___ · · 1033 appro riation ortmnspo n 'balaj · · ’ `' ·' " f§*mm~%.:¤:"¤Fo*“ ·········· · ······ Z3? ~Ivaf**·;¤§:;?§·=1s:@i*‘~$“*‘§,*“?B¥’f’“§,;,.3c,`?’*`* 1173 for recreation for enlisted men . 707 a` wi ______________ KIT?} ____ ;_ _ · 712 gm- H. . - ; ·.·- , ·-·-~··- _ ~···- Z Bureau of Ordnmwe, Navy, V r` - · " or une en 1-mg exercmes. . · · Ordmm - for wm, e..¤m€".$2.. ...4 .p,m. 07 ·P¤*°¤;;*;·,·;§_*}i¥__ _·=¤ ·¤·§* www ,21 ticgg ____ , _________ ___ _____________ 7 I · · H: nu" U-°`°°"° .- gzawity, Naval R¤¤<>¤c¤ F¤r¤¢ ---·-·· 707 s¤:i¤$$¤a;i:s;°§¤;°¢?;???Z I I Z Z Z Z I ZZ $:1 ¢¤:;i£1¤;1§:¤;*;;¤S ¤¤ <¤¤¢h=¤z¤ f¤r Md 707 Eur new bam-sei for ghips _..,,_,,,_,,,. m . » ·, —-··-·······---··-· ;-· 0 ammu 'ti ... 721 {or ggzmpment mstruments, supphes, 707 $0; t01.ped21€;;),;d°;;pf1·};i1?B ___________ -·--···--·-·-· ; ·-~-····---·-··· or reserve 0 ngmce supp es .,. .. {O" °°€*“! wd 13}*** °'g';§fYB- ·. ········-· · 70;:* for torpeqo statxou, Newport, R. I ,. 722 ’ 10 :*;*c;1°¤1 °¤'m¤ ·-··-·-·-· for eécpenmental work, projectiles, pow- 2n Gr~¤·¤¢L¤k€¤ -----·-----···--—-----·-- 713 forcorigstcéiiziz-...1;;;::;.:;;;::::--.1 gzé S°i“tH°l°“ ···-· . ·:····; -···-~····• · 713 iorminsggpot . 722 for eggéxgses, orgamzing Naval Reserve 713 §0, nftmk? plgluti __,__ 5 ______________ ééo lggg ········ ···: ······· , ····· ; ··•· or r tc. `v. paxtm t... .4' for $:5:6 ijgééeof mstrucmm, luv.] 713 e‘;’ étc·,ilL6§d be pgd {mtg » 0 f~r >¥=¤~’¤¤ wv €¤¤¢z¤ ----····~-·------ 713 etc. . fl? . wwso 1245 {U" Naval Home -·····-··-·······---··-· 713 for additional force: Navy Department. I 1242 Li%g‘¥;°32gg$(¥:’gu€{§?;$“€Phé Michw 719 de1icie¤3· approsgriation for ordnance and 0 ¤a~·¤=1§¤¤<=¤.;g=‘>¤;y ¤hip <>¤¤¤¢¤‘¤¢¤i<>¤ Z · · 7;% for I I I 2 Z Z I ZY I I 15’31’gg§ Ca ay, .`. ., air station site .. " . S ' `' for agginivnui force. Navy D•¤1>¤r¤¤¢¤t- - iw 369 · -· c edcs. , etc., servi es .,, 1 ,,,. 206 fm- clorks, etc-., Navy Department". 788, 1243 technicalaesistantscin thedoifzartment- 206 detivieuz-y appropriation fm; Naval Home. 14, 486 for war expenses, ordnance an ordnance for tmnsportauon 31, 486, 599, 1039, 1166 stores, 1918 ..,,.,.,,. 4,86, 599, 839 for outiits on iirst enlistmgut 13gé available for necessary improvements 486, 83 839, 1 , 1 , 1 at stations, etc. . .,.,.. 487 for naval auxiliaries .. 31, 380, 382, 832, 839 amount {O1: chemical, etc., services. . . 487 for oceqq and lake sugveys-: ... 31 for agnmumuon for veqels .. . . 206, 370, 487 for addmrmal force, Navy Lavy Depart- pnce of powder resmcted . . - . I . . 206 f ment _ p11r;;1ixa$iqs restrgctelgutn fun 0pe¤£t1011 206 or gunne exemmes ‘ u muh m ..,. . ... for Naval lgepeyvc Force, recruiting, etc. I 456 cogtracts a.ut1e:_>ri§ed . . .. 370 for naval t1·¤.ming station, Saint Helena. 832, for new batteries for ships 207, 370 _ _ 1166 contracts authorized .. . . 370 for recrmting . . 839 for batteries for auxiliaries and merfor contingent . ,.,. 1166 ehammeu . .. 207, 370