Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1410

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INDEX. xxxuc Bureau of Kzrds and D0cka,‘Na·vy—C0utd. PNN- Bureau of Ymds and Docks, Nm. -—Contd. P¤8¢· appropriamion for submarine base, New deficiency appro riation for %a.shingt.on, London, Colm ... . ·~.. 723 D. C., yarei) improvements .. 370,1166 for Philadelphia, Pa., dry dock, etc . 723 for heavy cranes ..,.,,,..,. 370 suxplx depot 723 for training camps ,,,.. . ...,.. 370 for as ingmn, D. C., Bellevue maga· for marine railways . . . 870 zine .. . . ·.. 723 for ordnance stations, improvements . . . . 370 additional, land, etc . 724 for committee investigating, etc . .. . - 371 for Quantico, Va., establishment of Ma.- for navs.1 base, Hampton Roads, Va., riuc Cor? post . 724 cold storage . . 371 for Norfolk a., dry dock, etc . 724 for land for temporary storage . . 371 for Naval Academy, extending Bancroft for contingent ... 487, 599 Hell . . ... . - 724 for public works, temporary hospital for Manne recruiting station, Port Royal, construction, etc .. 488 S. 0 ... _ 72 4 for training camps . . 488, 600} 832 land on Psms Island . r. . . 724 for power plants, etc ... . . - 488 for Charleston, S. 0., dry dock; dredging. 725 for improvements at ordnance stations . - 488 for Key West, Fla., submarine base, ctc. 725 for temporary storage. : ... . . 488 for Pensacola, Fla., naval aeronmmc sta· for uxpment of yards for constructing tion . . .. 725 zips ... . . . 488 for New Orleans, La., improvements 725- for Hampton Bonds, Va., naval base 488 for Mare Island Cal 725 for temporary naval prison . . ... 488 transfer of liglxt station buildings, etc., for terminal warehouses, South Brookto Navy ... 725 lyn, N. Y., site . 488, 832 for naval magazines ... . . 725 for repairs and preservation .. 488, 600, 832 for Indianhead proving ground . . . . . 725 for contingent.; . .. . ... 1166 railroad extension 725 for Naval Academ . .. 1166 for Newport R. I., torpedo station .. 726 for Pearl Harbor, Enwaii, dry dock 1166 additional land ...,.. 726 for public works at designated yards, for torpedo storage. ... . . 726 etc., 1919 . . ... 1034 for fue depots .. . . . - {or ordnance stution;§£g19 . for stations ... . . or training camps, for Marine amicks Peking, China .. 726 for fuel oil storage, 191}). .. _ . 1034 for San Diego, Gal., Manne barracks, for hosigital construction; expenditures and fuel depot ... .. . 726 au orized, 1919 . .. 1034 for Hampton Roads, Vamoperatingbase. 726 for temporary storage, 1919 .. . : . 1034 for repairs and preservatnon. . .. 726 balances of appropriations covered m; for for investigating n¤v§ yards, etc . . . . 727 public works, traming camps . . 1174 for sdduzional force, avy Department. . 788. Boston, Mass. water front .. 1174 1247 Washington, C., additional land . 1174 for clerks, gt,c,, Navy Department .,,. 791, 1245 Cb“l€6Vm» S- C·» Pl€T·;· ·--~-···-· - ·--· 11*4 dmfcsmen, etc., anrhomed . . . . 791, 1245 New Orleans, La., iioating crane 1174 deficiency appropriation for maintenanccifi 135é M¤·!';é¤]¤¤d» Cal-. Shop 1mP!'0V¤m¤¤*$. Hu 6 . .. 4 - · ’ Naval Academy Isherwood Hall. ... 1174 for redpairs and preservation .. 15,1167 G La t . S . I d 11..4 or s `tional force, Na De ment.. 202, ’°°F k°° Tramps ¤m°°’ an '`‘' L { dl W pm *84»1•>=¤ "°°;"‘.i'£.',°2“°‘i’£§§“.,2,’.“.;s‘,7...¤ ‘‘‘‘ , ‘‘‘‘’‘'‘‘‘‘‘ fiii for war expenses, maintenance, 1917. . 207, 370 amount gm- dprggtsmeu, gk; Navy Depart. clerical- °t°·# “°‘Y“c“ ··-··· · ········ 207 ment, 1917, increased ... 14 d¤=¤¢¤r¤e¤. sw-. ¤¤,¤¤¤ D<>p¤r¤¤¤¤¤- -- 207 limitation my technical smaees 1019, infor war expenses, maintenance, 1918 487. C,-used ___________________________ 1165 599. $32 Bureaua, Executive and fidminiatrative _ limit for clerical. etc., services .. : . 487 coordination of functions, etc., autiionzed _ allowance for technical services in _ during tim WB? .··- . ·--·-··-··-·-.· 506 Department .. . 487 Burlagh Counlgl. N. Dalc., _ _ _ for comingem ,,_, , ,...,..,,,.,,. . . - . 207, 370 bridge authorized across Missouri River at for public works at designated yards, _ Bnsmarck, by Morton County and. . 1184 etc ... . . 207, 370 Burlmgtmg, C., _ _ _ _ for quarters for marine guards at mags- appropriation for public burlding .. . . - . 10. zines ...,... . . ... -- 207 Bw'l'm9¢0’Y¢, We for mbmarma fg,cilj¢;igg_ _ ,,,,__,,., 207 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 251, 905 for power lsnts, etc . . 207 Burlmgtmg, Was., _ _ _ __ for ue] Oilpswmge ________________, , ,... 207 appropriation for public building. . . . . . 10. for ordnangg gig;-g_gg_ _ _ _ _ ________ , , , , . . 207 BU8‘I7L¢8·8 Lédguff, HC., 9 for magazine, saint Julien.; Creek, Va., excmgt frqm mcome tax ...--· l0·6 aadnieuei land 208 Bucler wldma. D. C., for telephone easement, Puvet Sound approplriation for remodeling, etc., annex. - 636 navy yard to Key-port radio station, But er. 9.. _ _ _ _ __ _ Wash . 208 appropnstion for public baulding 10. , 63o for repairs and preservation 208 Bllfief. _ _ _ _ for tempcrari ospitals, naval medical approprxanon formspectxon of manufacture _ supplies uildmgs ... . 370 of ptrocess, etc.. ._ . L . . -. 9.§ for submarine base, New London, Conn. 370. for mar et news service on .. 104. 1166 Butterine (sec Oleomsrgarme). 112-160°——vo1. 40-—1>·r 1--88