Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1475

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c1v INDEX. Food and Fertilizer Surveys, Page- Food Products, Fml, etc—Continucd. P¤z¤. appropriation for . 1047 unlawful acts concerning necessities .. 277 Fooap Conservation (see Food Products, Fuel, destrolying, to increase prices, etc .. 277 ctc.). willfu ly wasting or permitting deteriora- Food, ctc., to European Populations, tion .. . 277 appropriation for furnishing, other than hoarding, monopolizing, etc 277 Gernmqy and her allies 1161 discrimmatiug in prices etc 277 Food Production (see als0_Agricultuml Food nmjust charges for handiing, etc 277 Production, cbc.), conspiracies limiting tmusportatiou of appropriation for increasing, by demonstra- products, etc ... 277 tions and educational methods. . 274, 1046 restricting supply, distribution, mzmufor gathering infomation of production, facture, etc. .. 277 f ‘ ¤5ppl_y, distxgugion, ctc ... exacting excessive prices, etc 277 or e mar e ... - · · · for pr:;§'§‘f¤g wm in mage, mt, 274 "°°“°§u€.i2Es‘§°i‘3 f.‘;i§;?§;‘§Tf’?? .?‘???¥‘??‘? 277 Q : z -·---·-——·~···---·----·-·---· regulations for issue of, cbc. to be made. . 277 for sixgsarket movements, etc., 274 cha,gesL;tc_, by ljcemcu to be 277 . Pe"!. . ········· : · ·. ·········· iscoutmu . .. . .. f<¤ 1;¤g gy cervgga ggxgji substituyion of gm, em., rates xm, mkm. ’ ‘* . . 274 ,m;;,,¤*m¤¤¤5;d-—-.-1-ié —-·-·-··--—·---·- 333 effect of certificates as evidence". - - - 275 gccupatigxg gcvuggcegntza '''''''' 278 for expenses of, 'lllldéf Department of no import 01. exlggrt duty `' 278

gg·g·=·¤**·¤¢· for My wd ·*·¤¤¤¤¢· 843 mu aww demd ... .111111 278

not available after regular appropria- P'¥m°hm°“t f°r hwdms n°°°°°“Y“’° ······ 278 go? me umm, for sm yw 844 ig egéggying g¤g;g=;gs¤ig1¤c;*ge; 278 1 · ''''''``‘````'`’``°° of business r uirements 278 °°“‘?““°d "h'°“gh S°P“‘“b°'* mgm °57 wmum · rmmegmkem mm prim. 278 contmued through October, 1918. 1008 . Fwd continued tjuough November, me . - me ¤<>¤ ¤m> h{:t;<>b;¤¢h¤é:r:,¤.ei’;¤ -----·- 7 ' ‘ appropriation for experimental postal “°°°”}‘:1“ l“b1° t‘° °°¤d°mm’ g motor Qrqck servxce for, near se- wmv $*6% °z °“’·i·i ···· _ ·······-· 278 { lectegi uugi .. Eukii . 758 P’°°°dti0‘;°» lm? t“”·]“ ° ‘*°'“’• P"°°°°“‘ 279 ]_‘ • ••••••’••’*'••••••••••····•·•· O ?;ge}1;g:;;n punishment for willful destruction of necfor collecting and delivery of ... 1198 essanes ··-· , -·-- _ -·--·-····- ; ·•---·· 2 79 for conservation of, in transportation and 104 unkwm-l,€‘;°mbm¤u°m 1`°8P°°tm8 ¤°°‘ 279 storage ... . . 7 . . . 2*:: ···•··········· , ········ for market inspection of perishable. 1047 hmiting ,f°°1lm°¤ f°*’ *·¤*·¤¤P°m¤8» P¥°· for city market service .. 1047 *?u?t¥°¤» GV? ······•·--·· · --·· ~ ····· 279 for direct market activities . . . . 1047 MWCUPS ¤¤PPlY~ -·····-··-·-· · ·~····· 279 for special market activities . 1047 P¥°V°¤¤¤8 !}¤*¤“-Y¤°t“!°» etc-» fo €¤· use of grain, ctc., for making malt or vinnus h¤¤c° Imccs ······-··•-····-· · ·-·· 279 mtoxicaut beverages forbidden after nccessries may be taken over for public May 1, 1919, etc 1046 use ... . ,.. 279 Food Products, American, compensation to be paid ... 279 appropriation for investigating tests made aunt authorized for, if not stinfactory; in foreign countries of, etc .. 991 jurisdiction of district courts ... 279 for diffusing information as to markets for for consumption by natural persons not Fwd nonmarlgxfzctured, etc .. 1002 mediixcluded. .. . . 7. 279 ucla, zu , etc., or b owner cxem t .. 279 deficienqgappmpriation for expenses of purchase and e 1% food necesagries by gsdmxmstenng Act conservmg, etc. . 461 the President authorized 279 necemuy for adequate supply, etc., dur- not less than minimum price to be paid. . 279 ing present wat declared 276 continuing use of proceeds; bglmcgg, . . 279 to facihtate distribution, etc . . .. 276 taking over and operating fmmnies, plmm, to prevent scarcity, monopoly, etc . 276 mines, etc., for public use, su- Govemmental control ...,.. . ... 276 thqrized ,__,,_________,_,___, _ _,___ 279 means, jnstrumentalities, etc., created... 276 com usatiou to be determined by the effcchve _ lations, etc., to be made gi-esideut ..,,,,,,.,_,,,,,..,,,,,,,, 239 by th;egP1:esident .. . 276 suit if, not satisfactory; jurisdiction agncxes, etc., authorized . _ .. 276 of courts ...,,,,,...,...,,,,_,______ 280 agents and cHic1a.1s fprbxddeq tg xqduce opergtiye regulation; ip be §;·€gc;·jbed__ 280 contracts, etc., 1f pecumsmly mter- conupuing use of rece1pts_; algnceg ,,,, 280 GH/Gd 111 them . 7 . .. 276 regulatmxgs govermng dealing m neces. or firm, etc., a party therefo ... :. 277 canes at exchanges, etc., authorto recommend contracts without dm. ized ,.,.,..,.,,,..,.,,_ 280 cloqiqg personal interest . 277 records, returns, etc., to be kept 280 to partxmpatc m award of such con- by clearipg houses, etc .. . 280 tugcts .. :.. . Z . .. 277 agents to mvestigate, etc., to be spgumshmgnt for vwlapons . . .,,,,,, 277 pointed. , , ,,,,,,,,,,,. . 280 ' Code pmvmons not changed. 277 pumshment for violations, etc .. 280