Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1488

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INDEX. Gxvii Great Brita·£n——C0utinucd. · _ P¤€¤· Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pxc. pmwdsipns to carry out convention {nth, for appropriation for ljghtkecp¤r’s.dwel1ings, the protection of migratory buds 755 em; ,... . . . .,,,._,,,____,,,,,,_ 636 Great Lakes, _ _ Gwmtanuma Bay Naval Station, Ouba, appropriation fqr hght vemels for servxcc on 160 appro riatiou for public works . . . 725 Ewrmvost;i,gsu1·§, etc., diversion of waters or Eml storage , . ... 726 f from, and B.ivm·...ii); . 241 Guaranty Insurance Policies, oriuégovernsnt 0 sh? chmme tween stamp tax on . .. 1135 ' Dulu uperior and Guatevmzl _ Bum,...:.. ._ ’ 258, 909, 1283 as to nliiation for minister to ... .. .. 519, 1326 prohmiuary oxammsuon, etc., to be made Courdaouae National Military Park, for mute of ocean-going vamels to N. C., Hudson Rave; fyom _ . 128 9 deficiency appropriation for establishment Great Lakes Naval Traming Statwn, Ill., of . . . .. . . 355, 657 apfropriation fo; msiutmgauco 713 Gulf of Mexico Coun, for naval hwgtrsébpublic works . m spfpmgiation for surveys of . . . . . 162, 688 or dre®: r ·...· of exim H ne 1915, for addiuonsl bpd .. 726 deicieimlcily appropriafiéu for repairs, etc., to for land for hosplpsl 728 s to navigation injured by . . 496 deiiciency appmpmtiou for war expenses. . glgé Gul jPom Terginal Cormpan¥i brid obil Ri obi! , Al 339 balance of apgrppriation foraddidousl land, 1174 G1Z?;>%r¢, Jlgaa., 6 vu, e 8. cov _ 111 -.-...------ appropriation for improvement of harbor Great Pudee Rwcr S. C. d channel to Shi Island P app riatiou fér impriavement of ... 254, 906 gc. .. . .. 256:*:57, 1280 Great Regwn, immediate transportation privilcgw sxapp rigtion for live stock productionin. . 1045 tended to ,,,,,,,,,, . . . . .. .L. L . . . 1272 Great E3! Pond, Bhgck Inland, R. I., Gu{fp0·r¢, Miss., Escpouftflm, ‘ appmpriation fqr xmgwroyement of .. 905, 1275 appropriation for transfer, eu:. of Govom· Great Salt Pond L}ght tatwn, R. I. ,_ _ mgm; exhibie from Su; biego, 0;],, appropriation, or proving, mcluding to . . .‘ . . . .. 126 Great S keegeary Elvwegzug - 161 Gun and  ?:“c:.;u’ Aqnyl 1305 ..#:·• amnononstructzing

  • PPmPmu‘m f°r '·mP*°°v“m°“t °f h”b°’§b9 25] 21vB I dggcigugy appropriation for construction 199

! ,,•••••¤••••¤••••• GM Swmgwygi 0m1·¤;gh_i . 1156 my F¤JL»kQ°Z}`Z$$»y' , _ _ mY b¤d8° W ver m PP’ ···· cxvilism employees to have addmomnl pay Greecev . . f . d . to . . . t for work on Iqave of alqsence days"- 870 ‘°""”p¤‘EE?&’i.·;°§f“d°“””¤0&‘£1“'é2‘;t§ MW ·*?“fiE"<;‘"""¥** E’{;g";;· NM- omm, Nah. sm “*""°*{,'{§ °“ °' ""‘°°’ _ _{’_ TTF?} 70-; forministcrto ..-.. 1326 d 6 · ‘ ty h. Greece a~z_um·»~·»m, _ ° °‘°?,2?,2£§§2£§§,‘$?»,2§}.’e“¤i?&’. 2352 382, 939 ¤vg>¤>1>m@¤¤¤ ior ¤¤¤¤¤*=¢* *¤· ·----—·----· 519 for pm-¤, mpmu, mu ,¤¤¤.. mo was Gm °/·{4?’“' M‘?“”¤ . Gunniaan National Forest, ggslo., to pamcrpato m rchef to European popu- appropriation for maintenance, mq °g__ __ 986 GTM Ba;¤~¤v<;;; -——--—----·--------··--·-·——- *161 aunpquxgilglm Expnouvw, appropriatioxiyfor improvement of hubor!369 G‘;e"‘g,‘; of mxn st _ ________ _ ______________ 604 · l k’s office .. 605 Green{{vr§, N. YY. _ _ Stem jail, transferred to Logan Dre 1¤11H¤fY €X¤m{¤¤U°¤»_ etc-- W by County ,... . .. 1041 made of Sterling Basin . 262 G ~`ll , C l., ‘ Egrgrgpiiatgon for Indian scb00I._ .. 570 H. deficiency appropriation for I ndmn school. 31. Habmm, Cuba, 840=1039 appropriation for Pan American Trade Gffmwfffhx C9‘¤·”··» _ Mask Registration Bureau at ... 1335 appropnauon for 1mp1·0vement of harbor. ._ 231, deficiency ap m'Fl.iati°n for quam In¥m,_ Gr J h C 90** L76 gatiouaf rude Mak Registration 1023 WJ We -1 ,, . . .. mzcy accgpt present from Bntxsh Govern- mm Hackmwlwuft 7 ’! Gdmun g"}1*;‘,;E}é£ ‘'°'`' '''``'````` “° appropriation iowmblic building .. 108 provisions foxxincreasing supply, prodgc- - H‘;”k"”“£a§g'%”{ r vmmt of 1276 tion, egc., of, for uammal secunty 1009 H Ppmgvw 0 p m1ddee¤se... . . --·---··-- .’. ·ndB_ GH mll, Iowa I appropmmon for share, Intermuo _ u_ Gggpropriatioix for public building .. 108 4 zig: ufcrmanent Coun of Arb1u;q4 1330 amr : L ·; ·····*····‘•'‘‘ ’‘ ‘ i * “""'°*L?§‘°” *°’ °“’° °‘ '°"°”· °‘°·· “““' 706 f°’ °XE§'$?%‘§§é‘€‘§§Y?Tf{ iT???‘f’T"?.‘?{ EEG, 1332 wu - .-. a _ _ for naval station, public works .. . . . . 725 ‘ Hmr Ozl, gte., {0F @C111¤\1f¤J Sxperimeut station .. 999 ; wjar excuse tax on . .··-·- · ···---·- 317 census of, to be taken in 1920 by Gov- { Hmli, _ _ _ _ em"' Of ··--··-·-·- · ·-·-- - ··-·--···- 1292 » uppropnauon for uumnter to ...···· - · — · 519. I3?6