Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1494

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INDEX. cxxm House 0 ce Bnilding——Continued. P¤€¤· Housing for War Needs-Condnu.ed. ?°8°· deiiciejiiicy appropriation for mainte- amount authorized tobe used in District of nance 25, 601 Columbia lim1ted for designated emior additional rooms. . . . 2 . _ . . Z . . . 835 ployees . . .. : .. 552 space in, not subject to Public Biuldmgs c0nversionofMaltbyBuild1ngasapart- (yommisgiqm ___,,,,,.., , , . ._ 1270 ment house or for oiHces._ .. 552 Houses of Ill Fame (soc also ;P1’0SlZ1i7I1l'10D), alle? population to be provided for out suppression of, near nuhtary camps etc., o amount assigned to the District. . 552 during present war, authorized. 83 corporauon authonzed with iuépowezs for. 595 punishment for violations ... : .._. . ._. . 83 capital stock not tp exceed ,009,000.. 595 extendedto places under naval yurmdic- agency of President to subscribe for tion ...,.. 393 and OW?1 .. : _ . . ._ . 595 Hmmng for War Needy, _ may deal ui real estate m Distnct of deficiency appropnation for all expenses . Colugnbm. _ . » 595 connected with .. . .. 595, 821•;h?, etc., not zpplicable. 595 limitation increased . Z I .. 821 all moneys recew used as rev ving fund powers vested in the President dunng the unt11 June 30, 1919 .. . .. 595 present war to provided industrial cunent to Union Station, D. Q., froup to workers in arsenals, etc., with 1. 550 be furnished from Capato Power employees in District of Columlna Plant; payment ... . ... 821 whose services are essential during Housing ofSh?y•11d Empleiyus, the war, and for families thereof 550 powers con erred on memgency Fleet purchase, condemn, etc., houses, 109251 Corporatgon, ._ ..s... ,.. 438 transporation and commumty utili- to secure smss, etc., for constructing ties., ,. _ ... 550 houses . . ,.. ,.. 438 acquire lands, buildings thereon, etc..,. 550 bu1ld houses thereon; sell, lease, etc., only ly contract, of colleges, publig thelzme .f.,...-..i..t.., 438 bu.i1 ings, furmsb.mgs' o puvs acquire uses e _. oruseo employees dwelliuis, etc . . .. 550 and their iamxliss _ .. 438 occupied uildings to be by contrspt, make loans to persons to provide houses, unless condemnation as necessity etc . 1 . ...-...- 438 decided by the district court; pro- just compensation to be made for property cedure; restriction. : . . . . . . 550 _ acqu1red_by condemnation, etc . 438 existing statutory limitations on con- suit allowed if amount not satisfactory. - 439 tracts with Government uwdd immediate occupation, etc., of property as to owners of propert ed 550 before title, etc., secured. .. 439 manage, sell, etc., acquired property. . . 551 powers to cease at end of the war . 439 restriction on sales .. _ . 5 51 meaning of "persou” and "¤h1pyatd” exfree disposal, rent, etc., forbidden. , . . 551 tended 1 .. Z- .: .- : .. 439 loan money to aid persons to provlde expenditures authorized; l1m1tation on houses, etc _ . z ..·.- 551 amount . - . 439 interest and security to be given .. 551 contracts restricted to reasonable cost . 439 only to American citizens 551 approval by Fleet Corporation .. 439 use for living pu;g¤¤¤¤ vwmt Govern- bonuses for speedy oommucuoo summernment-own houses in District ized ,,,,,,,...,... . 439 oi Columbia ·-.· · - · 551 detailed statement of all expenditpres in Msltbv Building excepted -----··--·- 551 excess or :10,000 to be submitted to use Government lands not. dedicated to Congress ... 439 specific buildings for construction Ilouglon Ship Channel, Tex., of dwellings . . 551 appropriation for improvement of,. 256, 907, 1280 may be executed through designated prelimimrglezxamination, etc., to be made, agency 551 of c nel connecting Goose Creek buildings to be of a temporary character; oil field with .. . 264 exception , _ ... 551 Hm,·ey·King, Paymaster Alvin, Navy, use of force of Supervising Architect on reopening of disallowed accounts authorwork of .,.,.,,...,.,.. . 551 ized. .. . .,. 719 compensation for property taken, to be de- Howard University, D. C., termined by the President . 551 appropriation for maintenance. . 154, 680 payment in part, and suit allowed for for expenses ...,,..., . ,.,, 154, 330 remainder of price not satisfactory- 551 for improvi grounds - .. 154, 680 immediate pomession authorized, etc 551 for medicallde ent ... 154, 684) construction of "person " ... . 552 for fuel and lim . 154, 680 authority to cease with end of war 552 Howell, M. I ., sale o property, etc .. . 552 appropriation for services. .. - 172 consent of Congrem requ1red-_ ... - 552 Hudson River, full report; to Co ess at each session . 552 acquisition of North German Lloyd and details requirgtil . .. 552 Hamburg·American, etc., terminals final relport on declaration of peace ... 552 on, etc ... . ... 459 no wor allowed on percentage basis 552, 595 preliminary examination to be made for contracts to be let after competitive bids water route of oceamgoing vessels to requested .. - 552, 595 the Great Lakes, from . . 1289 under $l.000_ excepted . : , . . . 595 Hudson River, N. Y., amount authorized for executing provisions appropriation for improvement of . 136 hereor .. . .. 552 for 1mprovement of, New York Harbor. 252, 905