Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1506

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INDEX: cxxxv Insane A Zum, D. G. (see Saint Elizabeths hm- Imtitutiom, Pmliyospital, D. 0.). I census engmeratigvn of inmates of . 1297 I , D. C'., nstnuxaon amps, any, nipyplropriation for expenses executing appropriation for expenses, for Naval Relunacy Wl:1tS.~ . 943 serve Force ._ ... I ... 713 for support of indigent .. 948 Imtructum Day, Diplomatic and Consular for deporting indigent nonresident. . . z . . 948 Sgranoe, - deficiency appropriation for support of m- uppgrogxqm for..:1 .. 520, 1327 digent. . .: . . ... 9, 472 Imu _ hon of Me]1.{m·y or 11/`aval Forces, I forgaunacy . 9, 823 I f? mcr¤?, 111 time of war. . 219, 553 €I'80n8 G8 ,. 1 1 ngpm priation for care of 150, 676 appropriation for pay ofizfglcem; longevity. 48, 854 degrcgencg aipdyzropriatiobi for ... 373 or care of insane soliitiiers in the Phi1ip·61 86 I ‘ ,D. ., inesan co...; .. 7 ndgggmrgiatilon fzlixandemning . 930 forlzw officer, clerks, etc 785,1239 _ Imuztmlgatr, Qu¢;'a‘?ne Dismcu for Plum Iniglar _ mums 818 BD6 cs 1 . . . 'I ' ° ‘ ' ’ ° appropriation for enforcing regulations gov- 1005 i§>tl3¤¤¤¤¤t G;g’b1g;£p1;o giant?. 8l8 {nin _ _________________ ___________ O , , .. , - Imecticiiz Act? pedp structures, Hawaiian and Philappropriaolon for salaries, enforcement of. . 1004 ·1p1>r¤¢ ;I¤l¤·¤d¤· - ----·-·-----·· ,818, 1007 I E1; general expenses, ,,._,,,_________ ___ 1004 for searchhghtz for defenses, Hawguau 818 nszcticides, .*:1:.;; ... 1 . 1:.. appropriation for chemical investigations, 992 for 1ral1s,etc., Hawaiian 818 1mss1t·»srma°tj°`:i§r§&}§ ``````````` _` pr »u¢o¤¤otfiié;;;§iI€1}s1¤ sn` `éiééirill sis appropriation for enforcing law protecting. . 995 G! §¤8'¤1¤§1' W 1 _ _0 ll --.. K,} 818 provisions to carry out treaty with Great f¤1' 1¤¤¤H¤ ¤ f9f fil? _ do- Britain for protection, etc., of .. 755 ., f¢¤¤¢¤» PP¤¤I¤l§¤<¥¤· · . : --. 1307 I’”°°“ (’“ “"“’ ?X“"‘23}°g’ {’“’°““’ `°°"“'° fi" °ws¤s¤l°$°i°s¤}Zi“f{h13`p‘i£’Z?i°.is§?a€" Hgis- 1307 mento gri ture, , , , ···,_ 1 appropriation for study of, aiecting health 994 {0i' decmc PUMA H$V¤¤¤ of man,etc .·-·`·-. ····-···----····-·~·· ;- for mdjm6ng_ Em, injurious m ,g,1cu1_ for m1bn1arme mme structure, etc., Phil- 1307 ture . .. 274,1046 f 1PP1n°I’kmi°. * " ····· . •···· i "ig; for control of cereal and forage ..,... 1046 0* *°°?'V° °'lmPm°“ » for control of stored product . 1046 f muum I I . ·]·1= · ·. ···•··-·-····-·- 1007 ros vegetable and truck mp 1046 **0** <=°¤?‘9 ¤'~¤>¤¤ --------- 8101307 forsweet posts vyssvu . 1046 gg; {_;-;_§;¤;¤_*;e¤ghS>r ¤¢e~t;{_*;n¢¤c¤;¤¤¤-- 81*% 12%

  • ¤*<¥md¤°“s M ----····-···-·----·-· M r.m,...s..cs-¤gr;s“““mss01.t.¤·s¤‘

for citrus fruit ... - . 1046 and 9 for control of, injurious to live stock . 1046 { Em? °”· ctc ···· ········· 81 for control of rice .. 1046 °§m1wn”gi;°°°··l?°“°‘?“t . °'Y ···· . 1307 10,. suga,mc,;,,e _____ T. _____ E ____________ 1046 cznce loinsu marine mine materia 1307 I °' $22201.;};. . .` .”.'fT . T°.;T'Y”.g. E.'.`YYI nas for *;,g;··=;?¤H;¤¤.s¤·g1¤;·11d;··¤¤¤¢ ··~ ,30, mpector mera ’s apartment, rmy, . • . . ‘ • ···' . ·••• appropriation for pay of officers; longevity 47,853 d°6¤°¤cY *PP'°P¤·'m°¤ i°* Y°¤`·m0*¤°¤¤é00 48] or fzpert accountant . 48, 854 f wu °xIp°°°°;) ‘‘‘‘ '•‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘··•‘ · 200 for eage, expert accountant .. 48, 854 f°"°° idczm; n' ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘°*‘ Q deficiency appropriation for mileage, ex- °r mmgscta ° °"°°°°°°t °°°°°“* *· 200 port accountant . 10,475, 827,1028 for ft; ‘ ‘‘*'‘ •······· 201 {0* W? °xP°¤°°°» P°Y °E °‘H°°”9 l°“8°"‘ 189 for submangiie etc eqn - H D l 201 1_y 1 · te 1; 2 ‘' · ''‘' 201 { ml ’ rt tmt_H_____ 190,35., ornunn nance,su mannermnes . rmpféior G?w“¤?f%°1n?f$?Z}‘pr,mMs, *0* ;*;ggg,,g},;¤¤· Hm¤·¤ 1¤¤¤¤<*· 83, appropriation for clerks, etc 784, 1238 mvidxm of Feder;1 ‘ ‘d Inspectors, Interior Department, P menu mh · to bmksin en 240 appropriation for .. 792, 1246 Imunmm A MS? ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ or per diem, etc ... 794, 1247 credit hlxgd djsbllgyisik 1 ks f Im actors Internal Revenue · 8 ° sr °r m` { 1 , · vance premium payments .. 1184 a lowed leaves of absence for 30 days .. 1141 Inwrmw Campd,n,1“(“¢ also Imumuce Tu Inspectors of Hull: and Boilers. Revenue Act of 1918) ’ “pP’°Pri“¤P“ {O"? Wismnt i“SP€°°°” ”*t enemy; licensee required {br conducting . ¤P€¤5¤d P°<*·¤-. ----— ; -·—···---· 805-1257 business by in Umm States- .. 413 degcmucy °'pP"°p"“¤°“ fc" m“°”°d my · 1036 notice of refusal or revomtion to be `· en appeals from decisions of local boards of, other companies ’ gw 413 . ““°"'°d· em -·-·-—·----—··—-·—·—-·- 602 prior contracts with- i{ `2iJ¤i§é Ertl salaries increased of, and assistant 740 mmm ms be ai, y wd 413 ’*’“"°h¤g i¤¤P€¤*¤*¤ ?¤0¤¤¤i¤¤d, P0 · ¤¢¢·· 741 foreign- businemyin Umigsuéb Tis} I’”P“’°'8· P°'°ml Smm ("“ Post 0%*:** I“' be prohibited except under license. 414 Sp€°t°m)‘ normal income tax levied on domestic, Immllwi €’<>¤¤¤¢¢=,_ 1917 .. ssa restricuon on rescinding, during present foreign, from sources in the United States 333 Way madé by persons in military additional tax on undistributed ner earn- $€¤"1<`€ ---·--·--·--- - --.-.. 443 ings ... 334 112460°——vor, 40-—m· 1-94 I