Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1523

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elii INDEX. Machodoc Creek, Va., Upper, P¤B°· Mail Transportation—Continued. _ Ym- Mapgropriajgolp for improvement of. . 253, 906, 1277 appropgatggi for star routes, except pg 1197 ac `nac, ic ., as . 1, appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 258, deficiency appropriation for messenger 909, 1283 service ... 22, 492 Madden, VWllvZam, for star routes in Alaska 23 deficiency appropriation for extra services 28, for railroad routes . 23, 381, 383 377, 836 for star routes ... 381, 383, 1041 Madison National Forest, Mont., for power-boat service . ... 381, 383 aplpropriation for maintenance, etc., of 987 for electric and cable car service 381 M$ e o lgndg 1;:1, for hotel, etc., authorized. 1152 ;or inland transportagioif ... 28; ison, . ., or war ex nses, ve ic e service ... 9 appropriation for public building 109 Mails (see also%ostal Service), Magazines, etc., deficiency arygpxopriation for war expenses, second class mail rates on, increased, etc. - 327 censo `p of ... . . - 492 Magneslte, transmitting letters to or from the United provisions for increasing supply, produc- _ States, exceptin the, unlawful . 412 t1o31,detc., of, for national security l1e•<;nsefg:·1.i . . ... 413 an efense ... 1009 use arm orces to prevent 0 truction, Magneth: Qbservazzkms, _ _ etc., of, during present war . 272 appropgiation for continuing, under C0as{:63 688 M labor provisions not 8H6Cl’B(1 ... 272 _ urvey .. , awe, Mahoning River, Lafayette National Park, established . 1179 bridge authorized across, East Youngs- Ma`or Generals, Army, Nigownéghio . . ... 1158,1159 of staff pslrps, departmengs, or bu- - es, `o . . . 899 reaus to ve ,etc.,o . 411 Struthers, Ohio. - . 1186 two line, may be appointed from staff Warren, Ohio. 392 corps, etc . 853 Mail and Divinlon, Treasury Department, Malnh Indians, Wash., apzpropnation for chief of division, etc. 772, 1227 a propriation for support, etc., of . ... - . 587 Maz Bags, etc., Postal »§’ervice, , appropriation for freight or expressage on deficiency appropriation for control, etc., _ empty bags _ . 747,1194 of, onareasadjoining militsay, naval, deficiency appropriation for freight on- . 381, 383 ,etc., reservations .. 468 Mail Bags, Locks, Equipment, ctc., Postal Malden, Mass., f bh b dd ervake, appropriation or pu `c u` ing .. 635 appropriation for purchase, manufacture, Maldzrn. River, Mass., etc. ._ . _ . 7 50, 1197 a propriation for improvement of . 251,1275 for materials, etc., equipment shops- 750, 1197 1{allurur County, Oreg., for labor in equipment shofps .. . . _751, 1197 citizens of, may be permitted to cut, etc., disltmctnve equipment or egecuuvs tinéber m ldtgho, for domestic uses epartmeuts pomes- an remove m ... 1326 . ”i°m· °0°· - · z ····· ’ -·-·-·-··-· 7 51» 1197 Malheur National Forest, Ong., d66°1°¤¢Y ¤PP¤>P¤’*·¤°¤ for mnt °{ ¤h°P» a ro tion for maintenance, etc., of 987 ew ---·--·--·~—-·------·····-·--·- 374 ualizpodiigasaazasnya, D. 0., for ?XP"m?“ ···----· . -···•·~---··-·· ; - · 493» 601 appropriation for operating force ... 1241 Mall Dzstrjzbating Machines, Postal Service, E,]. Operating ex mes _______ _ _ _ 1241 M3§P§>£;?0;1§; for °XP°¥'i¤1°¤t°·l ~-····-··~·- 750 Mall, Washingtcm, {J'.,_ The, · i ~ · i exempted from selective draft 79 deH°1°§gc,, i{,l:£i§¥),§§,(;.nw;,(;rD;';,x;`,I;?,,r;'],,}; MMI Tmepemmn (M ako Poem Service), tm ais between 7th and said seem 483 appropriation fcgslpecial assistant to Amr- M I . ’ is B ` ney Gen _ in cases of, etc . 743, 1190 ;·,,,g{g;1;w*#, (8;;; gn, °r`§§g?°)’ for be for star routes m Alaska. .., 747,1194 ku Jed P cmg, V6" 282 fo! Steamboat, etc.,_routes; aeroplanes-, 747 H agesautlfodz ‘**‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· 28,, °°f§p$§]f»°tZ¤°»“y"’»»“g7s§’£°f’.°. .°.“*i‘Y 747 r>;¤¤i¤hm·;,¤* for eeggem ----- 282 for mglpggd muws ___,___ _ __________ _ _ _ _ 747 P ziizlgesra man ture Pm X 282 “"Ee°‘“*rgt“7 ummmDg9m,§txl:l¥?¥.(?l1?i?y. .'“‘°.. 5* 727, 1194 me ¤¤e¤1¤· ifféi `f·»¥`i>¥=V·¥r¥ for steamboat, etc.,routes __,____,__,__ __ 1194 *’·g€S• Pmlublted aim! M“Y L 19197 for railroad routes; aeroplane; ___________ 1194 etc --~-··~···-·· · -·-··---·-—--—--- 1040 am lam, service ____________________ 1194 sales of, for beverages, except for export, for Hagwjay Mail Service ,,__ Z ___,,,_ 747, 1194 . l°’b1‘%1d$§af“tf;“ g“IE° 3°él19%vi;_· · ·£ — — 1046 for electric and cable carservice . 748, 1195 dg r’ uring 8 ’ Q °‘* compensation;ma1l cars, etc .., 743, 1195 . °’ I eu —···-·-···-~···-·--·—---- 1047 routes outside of cities 748, 1196 “h‘Rm,;‘;“’ eg "°“l"’1§§°°p“’d ······--—--· 10*7 unusual conditions?. ..,_______ 748, 1196 Pums . eu; tgt vw .d0¤S ·--- I ·.-·;-- -~-·- 1047 pay for urban and interurban service “·“t‘h°nl;Y ° ° I we 89* to uint **2*3 of to be determined by Interstate Com— . g“}“’P> °“’·· f°’ m“km‘=¥» “°" mpwed 1047 merce Commission ,,,_, , ,______ _ _ _ _ 748 Maltby B1{‘•ldw¥,_ D. C. , penalty im- refusing service .._..,,.____ 749 conversion 0 mw apartment house or for substitution of wagon service . 749 Oiiw Pm’P°¤°¤» 9·¤¥·h0¤·¤9d ----·-·-- 552 for foreign mails .. 2 . 749, 1196 Manatee 1fivq, Fla., amount for sea post service .. 749 sppmpnation for 1mproyement of ... 255, 907