Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1540

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INDEX. elm; Nutumal Q'wy·¢ncy-Continued. _ _ P¤8¤· National Degense Act, 1916-—C0ntinued. Pwsppropuation for special exammations. 775, 1230 0Hicers* s Corps, a. pointmgnt in issue of notes with engraved or written of eligible registered colonels and _ signatures of officers ... . .. _. 1315 lieutenant colonels, and of National prohibition on issuing notes of less denomi- Guard, who served under ml] of 1916 73 mmn than $5. repealed -.-·.·.· 342 office to cease when vacated 74 limiting issue of five dollar notes re· recrui owance to postmaster for I{93l8d ..·... Z . . . . . _ . 342 0 ° ent; secured, ;9&g3_lgd _______ 754 proportion _ of denommauons mued at Reserve Officersl Training fps, details election of bank ... 342 moditied d the wu- _____________ 53] maximum of $1 and $2 denominations. . 343 total number www to be detailed Natqkmal Defense, increased ., . . . . 532 appropriation for every purxse connected one yen.r’s commimioned servicerequired 532 ddi _ with, at discretion ¢;f e President. . 635 full pay ct31reti{edh<£cers below lieutenciency a propnation or purposes con- ‘ aut one • 't for her grades. 532 nected) with, at discretion of the details of enlisted men inmblznezsed ... 532 President . - 28 additional to Army strength .. ,,, , , 532 continued to June 30, 1918 429 active ps. and allowances to ,,,,___,_, 532 Nau2mal_Defeme Act, 1916, other schools, etc., to receive military chaplains; preference for previous service, . eq_uipment,.etc ,...,,... . .._,,,,,,, 532 etc., Glllilll-12138d.. . : 1.. 72 . ofofficers and enlisted men to; chaplains authorized; ratio of number m- service requirement. .,., 532 un creased.--E -··--- _ -..- t -.····--··- 552 } meméwr cf, at gotateghqnme amgnmen ; uahficauons on, may rehe m age limitations mogitied 561 course . . ; 891 enlisted men at recruiting stations to have school graduateg£rinr. to July 1 1919, one withmnk, etc., ofaiirstsergeant eligible for ce-¤s’ Reserve <$orps.. 891 of Infantry 889 retirement of provisional officers for dis- Enlisted Reserve Cogs, pay, etc., allow- ability at rank held at the time . 852 ance when 0 ered to active duty second lieutenants; age_ waived if mcreesed .. 891 reachedafterexammauon butbefore no retirement, etc., allowed .. .. . 891 apgomtment ..,... 78, 890 time for Eayment when ordered to ac- travel owance to enlisted men distive uty... ... 891 charged since November 11, 1918, line officers, gn pomted, etc., in violation increased . _ . 1 203 of sgeciged reqmrements not to be allowed naval reservists released from pei ... 44 active service ._ 1203 limit of iilling vacancies created by uniform outer clothing of enlisted men secondinc:easeofen11stedstrength.. 44 retamed for mnhtary use, after disdates of promotion, subjectto limit . 44 charge,_etc _ . 89 1 filling vaumcies in grade of second lieu- temporarily retained to wear home, to tenants .. 44, 890 be returned under frank ... 891 under of selection· cadets . 44, 390 of National Guard in service to be taken enlistedmen; etc., serving un- _ up as property of §tate .. .. . . 891 der call of 1916 .. 44, 890 citizen suit to be furnished if not honor- National Guard officers ... 890 ably discharged 891 0Ecers’ Reserve Cows .. 44, 890 no restriction on members of Volunteer honor graduates of ' ed col- Soldier! Home  : ... 802 mg ,,..,,.. . ... 890 retention of outer, etc., permitted on ci " between21and27years 45,890 . - 1202 age limit may be waived if examination distinctive mark to be issued .. , . . . 1203 umdpamed before reaching; conditions. 73, 890 applicable to persons discharged since re officers not above co onel on active Apnl 6 1917 . I ...1203 dug to receive ge! etc., thereof. . . 890 if restored heretofore, to be returned m pay of e 'sted men; ditional for mili- kind, etc . ._ 1203 tary telegralphers, etc .. 890 Naubnal Defense Commodmea, Regular Army eserve, allowances for preferential rates allowed for transportayearly field training increased . 890 tion of, during present war .. . .. . 273 General StaE Corps, provisions modined National Defense, Council of, during existing emergen . 46 apgropuatiou for egrpenses of . 70, 646 restriction on etails in 'ct of de ciency appro nation for expensesof. 182, 461 Columbia, may be suspended during Natioguzl Defense, Espuonqge, Neutrality, etc., existing emergency  : ... 73 espionage; offenses designated . ... 217 increments authorized by, to be 1mmedi· obtaining mformation for mjury to the ately raised. officered. etc. 76 United $tates at places connected Medical Department enlisted men, stable with national defense, etc .-... 217 sergeants substituted for farriers. -- 889 where vemels, munitions, etc., for officers of Medical Reserve Corps and Government use are made, etc . 218 contract surgeons with specified other prohibited places. . 218 service may be a inted first lieu- obtaming copies of national defense tenants, Mleidicgiluggrops ... . . 889 plans, etc .. iéiigé.: ... : .- 218 Y6 Y¤i ushi in receiving, etc., pro 1 line of dusty .. ji? .. 889 from others. . . . 218