Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1570

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INDEX. (gxcix Pen.s§0’{hs-Continued. _ _ Y¤8¤· Personal Property, Pageomsting lgxws not gapphmblc to persons m rexmburserpent for loss, etc., in Navy, acuve SGTVICB October gi, 1917, or Marme Corps, or Coast Guard, due eflxtemng thereafter, 01* Wldows, etc., to war, shipwreck, etc ,,,,_ , ,,,,,,, 389 f, grggf _____ _ _ __________ _ _____ _ ____ 613 ` rnjng ____ _ ______ _ _______ 389 accrued rights not affected .. 2. . 613 Pcrsgnrgléglegzxizzgoggporatwm, gl-nntogllumwwxdvozvtsf; gte., of persons scrving 903 dehmticgigf term asused in Revenue Act of _ _ _ ar_ pzgm - -...----·----------------.--- 1059 Ph;11ppme msurrecupn 903 exempt from income tax ··.--··----.- 1077 Chxneqe Boxer rebelhon. . . 903 mccmc wx levied 0n individual Stockcondiuons; minor children, etc, .,., ° 90 3 holders of . 1070 attomgysf fees limited ..., - 904 Personal Tm; Board, p_ Q_, ggumnhnrent, for violations 904 appropriation for Salaries . 919 mte or C1V1l War sorvmo of ninety days or "Perso·ns," _ more increased to $30 2. month .. 603 extension of meaning of, in Act regulating increases if 72 Fears old 603 manufacture, etc., of explosives 386 no reduction 0 present allowance .. 603 Peru, limitation of attorney? fees 603 appropristion for minister to . 519 widows; for Cjyil War, War with Spain, Er ambassador to .. 1325 and Pluhppino insurrection, to be Petaluma Greek, Cal., $25 a mont}; .. . .. . 408 appropriation for improvement of. . 259, 910, 1284 allowance to cluldren not affected .. 408 Petersburg, Va., _ no pemucm reduced ... 408 appmpmticn for improvement of channel Peygsimw, of, at- ; -··-~---~- · —· -·--··· · ··-·----- 906 approprmtuon for, aemstants, clerks, etc. 795, 1248 P¢¢087Y€!/, __ Pmgwam, Mich, appropriation for improvement of harapproprimjon for impnovemant of harbor. . 1283 bor •·····-—··-· · ·~·· ~ -·-·-· 258, 909. 1283 prohmmary examination, etc., to be made P¢!7'0lWm, _ _ _ _ of h3_,bO,_ _ _______________ _ _______ 255 approprmtron for investigations for eco- Pqrfgrmgnggg, publqk, · _ nom1c¥¤r0duct10u, etc., of ... . 146, 671 mternal revenue tax on a.dm1mi0ns to . 1120 lubncamng 01 of refined, may be used as emmpmms ___________ __ _ :. ______________ ug; stcrespn passenger steamers. ... 499 war revenue tax on admmuons to . P~‘m'°Zmm_ Jezlm. ld b md tc 317 tj _. ,,,,,,, _ _,,,__________,__, ., warexmse x0n,50 yp ucar, e ... Peg-Ziiglp ODS Petroleum_R¢{aer·ves, Naval, imemgl ·r9v8m!°·¤_x ol! imported, com P5.§5;>gnation for care, etc 726 tal led Bpmta ````` ``'° 308’ 1106 excise {ax on, bought for IIE . 1124 collection at customhouse, etc ... 308, 1106 . . war excise tax 011, sold by producer, etc. . 317 Phm`"m°°Pw{a’ Umud Siam? . . . 0 Pm¤d*¤’S· . · p»??”5°f‘»?*“°é‘f°”‘i“’°“n'€1”§*»*}2 $?““i°§ °$‘ ”°“ secongl class mxul rates on, incrogaed, oxo. - 327 ’ a e Egg? C;",’);";)‘;:g9» “ ‘ ·‘* W9 *7* ‘ mi" $£an;£dY`?? . li?} .¥’T'Yl?lT?Y’. YT 328 may Tdge 1;j¤¤¤¤¤·h¤¤¤¤ Rim Ham- 1013 P€T7·$}lrG’)[8 P)'0(lu€t$, ·th la ·· • · · · ···- - -·.·.. . . . . . appropriation for cooperation W1 p nts . ‘. ‘·· . , for dehydration of, to determmc °ppr°pnH?u°u f°' asswmnt ueuumggl 12.,5 methods, etc ____ _ _______ _ _________ for O · · · - · · ~ · • • --·- s establishment and 0 eration of Govern- . . . ‘‘‘‘‘* ‘ **‘·‘··· : • ·‘ ment plants autiiorized to supply 1 for 1?:l?§,r;2;:mu°n’ uudergmlmd W"' 170 Army and Vavy ... 007 . · ····· · ‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘·‘····· ,;· continued use of receipts of G0vern~ ig; agéé ‘ ‘lHt ‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘ '82’ Iggg ment plants unt1l June 30, 1919 1007 for ngwélimmb P ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ hg P¤~i·=h¤b1¤_Fq¤<!¤, , _ for naval 1mSp1iAi,` ;§{¤i{1i&`»l·2>}kéi I ZQZZZ 722. .

ppmprmtion formarket1nSpc<gt10u0f ..--. 10-17 {0; ggval hospital, etc,, League Island,

Permits. Jlilimw, Naval, or Ojiicwl, _ public w0,kS_ __________ _ __________ ;-23 puniehnmnt for forging, wrongfully u¤H1g, 2,8 for mvy yard, public works; dry dock, BIC ·------ - -·-·-·-·---------·- Z etc _______________ _ _______________ 723 Permi!.2 to Taarel, { \{ C ]‘ d g _ . required of aliens, during the war, from or or °*Si?,:l1;e€tc(irP?_ ygg

      • 0 the Unimd $*¤F°S-. -·-·······-- 559 ’ additional land, em _ 723

citizensnsubject to limitations and ex- r I degcjencv appropriation fm. Marine Corps ‘?"l’“°¤*’ ······· . ········· . · ·. ···-··~·- 5°9 sunplies dépom, additional land, etc- 215 Per·ry’s Victory Centennial Commzsmon, l for Frankford Arsenal ____ _ __________ 352,474 creation and composition of .. 1323 5 for mint at, Wm, expenses ______________ 465 memorial monument to the battle pu Lake J for naval Mme ________________ _ _______ 486 Ene turned DY". mv with mu ; Philanthropic Assodatiom, em., authority to maintain, etc . 1323 second crass mail mms on pubgmtjom Of, powers, etc`., conferred ... . ... 1324 » iDcmas8d_ etc ____ _ ________________ 328 P€I7`y2"iIl€, Jfd., .NT?:tTU.£B Plant, _ { pfng I1g,g]g77·é(_·[fgn7 hwpiug, ete, transferred to Public Health 1303 { wigowsv pension fm. Service in, to be $25 8 · *·€rV1cE· '••·· •·•·······-··•••••*··· mguthietc _____ _ ,,,,__ ,, ,.._, ..,, 408 Persia, l pensions allowed widows. etc., of persons approprintion for minister to ,.. 519, 1326 { serving iu; c0¤di€i0l1S- ... . . 903 Eur mterpreter to Iegation, ew ... 520, 1327 Philippine Iglanda, _ _ for interpreters and guards, at consulates % appropnzmon for pay of Resxdent C onumsin ,,,,,,,._.,_ _ ,,,,,__,___,_,,,, 529, 1334 E sioners from . . . 762. 1216 112460°—-v0L 40-Yr 1--98