Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1573

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ccii INDEX. Plant Industry Bureazl, Degartment of Agri- Page. W Plymouth, Mass., P¤g¢· cq.ltyre—Contmue . _ appropriation for.mprovement of harbor. 251, 1275 appmpr1at10¤ for farm, Axlmgton, Va . 982 Pneumatic Tubes, for foreign seed and plant introduction, appropriayion ,for maintenance, etc., ap- €KP€¤¤1¢¤¤`·¤, €t¢ ---···-·-·-------· _ - - 983 pfaisers stores and cusmmhouse, for purclaasg, etc., new seeds, and m. _ ew York City .. 114, 637 vestxgation of forage crops; cactx, ctc. 983 Pneumatic Tubes, etc., Postal Service, for ad;11in1str2§:1vc cxgeéuses Z . 983 comnajfsigp tohirivmigtigate, etc., continued or se _ pxirc asa an ongressmna is- are , 1 .,,,,.,.,,______,,_ 431 _ T»l'1but1011 .--. ; --..-. 983 immediate use of appropriation for investidaHc1ency appropriation for general ex- gation, etc., of . 102 pauses _ _ .. 32, 381, 841, 1040 steam to operate, furnished from appropria- Pla fol' {K-wdg, diStgb\1t10D, GKC .. . 841 pious fo! public buildings; payment ntatwn ree a. or . . 116, 640 appropriation lor i1;1provement of . . 254 Poclretbooks, Plants and Plant Products, excise tax ou, bought for use .,.., 1124 appropriation for eradicating plant insects Pocomoke River, Md., ancgls diseases, and couserving pr0g;4 1046 Pggpropdgtign for improvement of., 253, 905, 1277 u ... try . . Plants, ctc., Agnlcultural, _ _ ’ regulation of practice of; fee required, ctc,. 560 appropriation for investigating diseases of-. 980 practice desned ..,..,._,_,,,_, 560 pathological collcctwns ... 980 punishment for violations ... 560 plant disease survey .. 980 Poinsett Ooumi, Ark., for mrtrition, etc., investigatiom  : - . 981 may bridge ittle River ,., 385 tzeniuug, etc., cultures for moculatuig 981 Point Borinq·uen,f.P. R., f egumcs ·.. a mriatin r' tstatin hangs Plants for Shipbuilding, _ _ PP Paine, (:>tc.?.-B?1 ... .. 2 161 appropriation for acquirmg, etc._ . 650 Paint Judith Pond, R. L, Pggficmrncy appropriation for acqmriug, etc- 345 appmpgation for improvement of B1ltl'8I1§§5 1275 ters, . . .. . war exgise tax on medicinal, sold by pm 317 Point Judith, R. g., t i hmbo , ucer, ctc .. appro riataon or impmvamen 0 r Plate Prirgting, Treaaw·;qDepar71rwpt, poi refuge .. . 905, 1275 suspension of restriction on uaing Exgler Point Loolvmgt, Md., presses for, m iélngraving and t- appropriation for mm of Confederate cemeing Bureau, l1m11¤ed to during the 349 P _ . 131, 657 war ... . msomms o , Drugs, ctc., Platinum, appropriation for expenses preventin sale, provisions for increasing supply, prodg1c· _ etc., of .. . 992 tion, etc., of, for natmnal secunty Pmsonous Plants, _ _ and defense ... 1009 appropriation for physiological and fermen- Pzamwm, and cmpwm, t¤ti<>¤ i¤v¢¤¢ig¤¤¤¤¤ <>f ---------·-·- 981 subject {zo law regulating sale, etc., of ex- Pzzlggfépriauon for m. . Br to 1325 p osives . ... 671 _ -·--·•·······- Platt National Park Okla. Pv we C0'{"‘»_D· C~ _ appropriation for protection, etc .. . . . 152, 679 “PF*'°P*'¤m°¤ f°Y,Pal”•n°S ·-·- , -•-··-···-·-· 942 pgambuygz yj, O d fprpxpenses, wxtpcaga feps, jurors, etc 942 appropnamon for improvement of harbor. . 905 €fu‘;_1$§§l};gPg_g°Igri§g;;;? t°;§‘;I:1°l:;f;°¤t;)·£1;é 8 Playgrounds, D. 0. C- · apipropxiiation for’equipment, etc .. . 930 8 i§§Z;LL“;i;;é ·‘·‘··· 1 ············ 333 for im- —»---- - ----,------—---—----- 1021 mappmpdatigz fgr two gig. H _ ig _ 930 PIEQEFSBIOIGOECBI, two assnsumts, etc., for. . 1325 r°°°rv°‘m°° mmfc °r P y` appro riaiiion for major officcrs etc. . 937 . g‘°““d P“'PP°*?° ···-·---·—-··· : z -··- 930 agmtaonn omcm km., provided . ssa deficiency appropnatigon for two add.1t10ual probationary GENRE 938 _ swmmmmgpoo ,etc . ... 350 · · '‘°‘°‘`‘' Plggggg, fggdgh ____ _ H3, ‘°' "1‘Se§°a§Z$%%%?].?“'.-°"..`}.?f.€}'."“‘““‘ .. 938 war revenue stamp tax ou; additional to 2; fgjgéreggggxetgééé ‘`''`’'`' present rate ... . . . . 324 Pg P ‘’‘’'‘’‘‘'‘‘’° ° ‘ ’ Pleasure BML, i f detection of §.'!'1H19.Hé.. . _ . . 938 annnal wanéxcise tax on users of . 317 I or rggxct ____ _ _’_ ?_?;’_ _ _ 939 Specwl lm www ¤¤ ¤¤¤r¤ of ----····--- 1129 rm house ot detention .. as Pleasure BMS, Mui Oamw. _ rm- hggbgr PWO1 ____,_,,,,,,___ 939 exciw tax <>¤ WGS ¤f» bx b¤;l¤<>¤ cw ------ 1123 for mugs fund mnowmces, etc .. 939 PZ¢¤¢<>1>¤¤w9·¤*¥1» em-: Anim » _ _ deficiency appropriation for harbor patrol- 7, 470

   emergency use 1H €!$¤d1’   got goutjnggyét gxp§ug$_ ______ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  

°» _ ·-·· , ···················· O1' ousc 0 cten OB .. . ... 7 P“Ym?5t mr www d°°¤'°Y°d$ $P‘ Polieemezfs and Firemen’s Relieg;)Fund, D. C., Pnlsal Of vv·1¤¢¤» etc --··~·•-········ 1006 alp ropriation for allowances m . 939 Plumas National Forest, Cal., { P0 1.31, etc., Forces, _ appropriation for maintenance, cbc., oi 987 readmissigxraftqr the war of resideny aliens Plumbing Inspection, D. C., _ _ _ I enlisting m, attached to Americau or appropriation for salaries, etc., division of.. 918 allied army .. . . 634