Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1576

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INDEX. gev Post O_§ices—C0nti¤ued. P¤B¤· P ml S ’ Dim;-p,Q P st O 1) - P . appropriation for car fgue and bicycles. 747, 1193 08 :3:;:58 ’ 0 mw cpm age mr ¤treet_car poiiecuorns .. 747, 1193 appropriation for director, assistant, em gm, 1253 for Detrplt River ¤<=¤¤¢¢ ·-·-·------- 747,1193 for travel and miscellaneous expenses, iorppecml del1very_messengcrs .. 747, 1193 office of director 749, 1196 deiic1ency_a.ppr0pnation for temporary and for clerks, etc., auditin accounts of Auauxilmry clerks substitutes etc 22 ditor for Post Officg Depurtm { 7”4 1229 1 y — · - 1 BD . I , f I se mating _ :33., (§01;n8§7, 1168 for acgiountant, clerks, etc., '.l‘reasurer’s4 1235 0 p 0 0 ce .. 77 , class gfiices .. , . 3 3,381 for supplies, etc.; expenses of bond for rent, 11 ht, and fuel _,,... 33, 381, 383, 1041 issues ... . . . 750, 1196 _ for cicrks, and second class 33, 34, 381 deposits allowed, increased to $2,500, exfor c1ty delivery: -: .. 381, 842 clusive of uiterest . 754 for upusua.1 C0l]d1t10l\B ...,,.. 492, 1168 mmmteriest bearmg, not accepted ... 754 iorm1sccl1s.11e0us,iirstandsec0udclass 492, 1168 postal savmgs stamps may be purchased gon- vehicle allowances, etc .. 601, for gen cents ... 754 or messenger SBYVICG. . tp e for ,,,,, , ,,_,___,_ 754 clerk hire increased at thirg`1 class, if post- with ten stamps, accepted for savings gllgqter 031 geave mthout pay for 329 P lgaccount, or may be redeemed .. 754 mary u y . osta cr-vice, grades estabhshed for clerks at first and Office of Postmaster General . 742, 1189 second cla:es.., .. : . _ . 751 appropriation forsgower, light, ew., for letter 11; C1tf¥0dB1lVQl’X serwtgcen . { eq;1.i%iuent ops ... 742, 1189 automatic ram er m exmting . or pos 0 ce inspectors . 742, 1189 limited to iiscalegear 1919 ... 752 for per dieminspecfnrsiuthe field 742, 1189 ‘*““1m%°"?°§.i.”¤€§?’ga‘e;1‘ me ‘‘‘‘ $23 —¥?$£¥}°§$’»L?'r‘;”°”“g °"’°°’°’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ZZ1§’}}33 c ca 10 e v , . v .. . . .. , pay of other employees receiving not more for expenses, division headquarters. . 743, 1190 than $2,200 a. year increased; rates- 752 for rewards, etc . ... 743, 1190 officials excluded ... ... 752 for special élssistant to Attorney Generals 90 rovisious f r incre¤sed_ 0 postmasters m pos cases .. 74 , 11 P at fonfrgm .. Omfcr tr?v§}i;;dA¤;1¤g]ci;1.;¤;1ei>_us . Q . .G 743, 1190 t a van .. . . ce 0 `s ostmas en- B\1 $1&? temporary, gr auxiliary clerks eral: ... 743, 1190 and letter carriers to be pmd 40 appm·opriation for postmsstcrs; pay adjustrents an hour . ... . 752 ments. ... .. ... 743, 1190 employees receiving pay from oufside rendjustmeut of pay first, second, and sources or at nommsl compeusatmn thud class offices . . 1190 not included in increases .. 752 no allowance for increased first class additional pay {::-1 fiscal year 1918 not com- 752 { mail . EIR Q1 ... é. . .1; . 1190 ted , ,,__,... . .. or assis an secon c ss eight-lgxir 1;:* ggxcable to designated offices. . .: . 743, 1190 employees . 753 for mpennteudents clerks, etc., first and overtime pay for excess yvorlg .. . . . . 753 ¤ec0¤d_cl9·¤¤ 0$C€6· . ...--.. 743, 1190 grades for cder}: and carriers m first and 1198 for pgmotxcns, first and second class 745 gem we .,..,..,. . .. 0 ces. ... promotiolns sfter one year’¤ service .. 1198 foreman and atamgraphers author- _ under law fo; ... . 1198 uejd . . . 1 .. . . 745, 1192 m 0 appom eu _Bn _ assxgumgu S IB- cr for IISBZX-? . . ... . 1199 st.ricted;cl¤s¤g6c¤¤0nsperm1ttod. 745, 1192 grades not advanced by. : . 1199 compensatory uma or overtime pay for increases in prior year coutmued . 1199 Sunday, etc., service ... 745 o$cia1s excluded ... .. 1199 compptauon oi leave ... 1192 additional in 1918 an 1919 not com- cv e wor res · aggrega puwgag salaries ,____,,_,,.,,.,.,,. 1199 allqwed . . z .. 1192 steam to operate {pneumatic tribes, to be for prmters, mechamcs, watchman, furmghed rom appropriations for etc .--·--. 1 ...-·.·..-.. 746, 1192 public buildiug.€;`ap¤Iz·ment for,. . 116, 640 for contmct station glerks ... . . . 746, 1193 goat goada, Ruragaee R ost Roads). for teixipssrary, auxxhary, and eubsm1m';;§6’ 1193 oat rmte, etc., . aps _ 0 of ·; -·-·- · ·_ ·-··-- _ -·-·--·-··· appropiiatiosrgl for ekpenses of preparmggo 1197 for sceimfgngsmaxls, third and fourgnw 1193 P0,gag;.5€g;{,{P_q, , forunusuzlconéiizicnezj.-.·...i;;;:;:;; 746:1193 appropristiou for manufacture, etc . 749, 1196 for clerical services, third class offices. 746, 1193 degciency appropriation for manufacture, assistant postmasbers at third class etc __________ , ,_____,_,.. . , . , 23, 374, 492 officee . ; ... 746, 1193 Postal Car-dg { fr _ ht 747 1194 £1rreut,l1ght,_2.u¢i:1f11e1;::ira·rms ... 746, lg?} r r ressage on , owauces, ass 0 ces .. . apEJr)};ur£ni3'2c€¤§re?%g . . T). . 749, 1196 for miscellaneous, Erst and second class deiicienci appropriation for manufacture. 3g? I f piiieiesli . _ . - . t increased ,,,.. . ... or city e very· camera .----.- · · poieggrgd zgggcrpner rate July 1, 1919 . 1150 Q observance of inglidays . . , 1193 Postal Guule, Omcml, i for substitute camera ... 746, 1193 appropriation for publication of ... 801, 1254 for carriers, etc., at new officee .. 746, 1193 use of receipts from sales as 2. further for vehicle allowance; garage leases. . 746,1193 appropriation - . 801, 1254 amount for Hscal year 1918 ... 746