Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1605

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ccxxxiv INDEX. Rock Island Arsenal, I ll:5C011t.i¤ued. PSKG- Roof Gardem—C0ntinued. Pageappmpriatiou for famhties for ma.uufa.c— war revenue tax 011 admissions to cuternzyipg field artillery an1munitio11,' 198 R Ztagxmentglathi 318 6 C ..-- ; · ·------- ; -·······--------- ~ oosevc t onora e eodm-e for iugge¤1x;;;,·mcimé>ac1ty for storage of 128 money’g;ift <g1l}I)ob•i1 pager; pri? may be so 1um _ ..., re um ti P - for central heating plant; motor truck tion of I11d1};str?al1nPgac(:2ut0(i!;- . 899 .. 128, 654 Roo: Beer, for p aut for grenades .. 128 intemal revenue tax 011 bottled, sold by for addition tq Qc; making pla.111; 128 . producer, etc ... 1116 for storage; famhtxos, cbc., contmuod 128 war revenue tax on, sold by producer, etc . . 312 for opamting power plant, etc 128, 654 Rose, Henry M., gm- bridges! cxpgnscs . 128, approprgntgn for, as assistant secretary of or increasing s rage c cs .. the enabe .. 758 1214 §0r Eater pigvggr plant .. Rosebud Ivuhkzn Reservation, S. Dak., ’ or re pro cry-: .. : 2 ... appropriation f r sch lbuildin , 585 dgricienpy appropr1at1un for p.dd1tional fa- for support, egtc., o§ioux Indg1:1Y;l of 586 i;;];t.1es§:0£’i;)1.112.nufacturing Held art11é53 474 sale oféract former, to White River cry ma e ...--------- , eme . . . 1320 for watergaoyveg plant .. . . 353, 474 Roseburg, Oreg. ,ry Ompany for office .. : . ._ .. 353 appropriation for public building ,, 111 for grenadeg, 1}1cludmg_bu1ld1¤gs ... 353 Rouge River, Mich., iop slpp b\11:ld1I1g`S, iiqnnhpments, egg; . . 353 Rappropriation for improvement of., 258, 909, 1283 r increasing m oa transpo ou emma 0 iacilitilzs; filtration plant ... 353 a.pp1·¢?]:ar§a1;ion for minister to .. 1326 f r fire wa ---·-------..----·--·-. 1 26 Roumania Serbia, and B ° Rock zizlamz', Ill., appmpriaizion for 519 appropriation for publ1c building - . - - 111 Rcutt National Forest, Colo., R gi pare of Confederate cemetery .. 131, 657 R agzpropdudon for maintenance, etc., of 987 oc wer u er, bl-idgeI?E1|;horized across, at Camp Gmut, 1042 appropdgn for developing standards of ... ; ..--.--.. q ty etc ---·. 1260 Janesville, Wm 1184 Ruddodc, Albat 19., 808, Rockford, Ill., _ _ may accept present from British Governcouguuction of budge acrom Rock RIVEF ment. ...,,.,,...,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.. 1326 at Camp Grant by Winnebago Rugs, etc., R khauCH{1g1ty and, authorized . . . 1042 R egzcisjg zaxéan, bought for use. ,,.,,,,,,,.. 1123 oc , . ueaote Ou8€O Re res tf ,D` t , appr0pria.t.i¢;n for improvement of harbor. . 253, appropriation fox`!-pre¥>uriez:;gi1.i1ii8. . . %2, 1217 Emu., gm "°5"2" §.‘1¥.1y§;$ ‘i}Z*“‘°‘*S""‘°“’· 1 1 ·v v ·» appropriation for public building . . . . 111 up ropriatiou for public buildmg' . . . . 111 Rocgg ;;y’s Band of Chippewa Indians, etc., Ru1·¢5C‘rezfit{, P _ Jgrrgt., appropriation for studms of cooperation iu, gppmpmmop for support, etc., of . . .. 574 etc ... 1003 Rocky Maunmzn Natwrml Park, Colo., Rural Delivery, Postal Service, appropriation for Fmtectiun, etc . . . 152, 679 appropriation for carriers, station clerks, acceptance 0 {and . . 152 etc - .,.,,..,.,...__ , _,,_,,, 751, 1197 deficiency appmpnatiop {gr ... 382 allowance for horse drawn vehicle limit on annual a;;`pr0pna¤ous for, repealed 1271 routes moditied ,,,______,____,_, , _ _ _ 751 Rods and Reels, Fix ing, maximum pay to motor vehicle carexcise tax on, sold by crroduccr, etc ... 1122 riers extended . - 751 R war ezgiie tax ou, sol by pmducer, etc. . 317 gates for horse drawn routes .. 1197 ogers, . r ., _ _ _ uring }’€81’].920,I110`COI'! ute appm riation for public bmlding . . 111, 636 increased .. (3. . . 1198 Rogers &ty, Mich., _ foxjsupplies .. _ ..: ... 750 appropriation for xmprovement ci harboréég § deficwncy approprmt10@§>r . Ei 33, . , , 381, 383, , 3, 1010 Rogers, George R.,_ { pay of carriers for iiscal year 1920, modified., 1199 may be appomted gecand lieutenant, { Rural Cavalry, and retued . . . . 1347 y apgrgymmon for investigation of .. 796, 1249 R0?er, Albert H, i Rum mils Poqt Office Department. may accept present {mm B,-huh Govern- I apgiropnauon for supexmtendeut, etc. . 801, 1253 ment ------------. . ... 1326 I Rum 1{<>·¤¢ Roads, _ Pcme Italy g meandxgg of term extended to all public I. , _ , 1 `ati n for International Imimm or s ’°° ··-—-·—·····--· . ·---·····~~· . --·· . · · mw appmpggdggllyurg at __________ _ _ _ Z _____ 524, 1331 P$Ym€ 0W€d iu!. mg- · I - Tm- - uucuou m' 1901 for International Oiface of Public Healg;5 1331 ggpmpriatiom for, incmgsied annually. _ i · _ 1201 at `````````'```````````'°`°`` ' "° ’ g ouneuts to State constitutional R<md*>¤¢» , Kr . _ ‘ amendment for ITS acceptance, to be ¤ppl'0p¤¤·¤¤¤ for 1mP¤>V€mB¤t of hafbor. . 2::1 wgthdmwu {mm fund _______________ mg] Roof Gardens, _ to be carried for (umm disbursement. - 1201 internal revenue tax 011 udxmssicua to immediately ayuglablc when consutuemertaiumeuts at .. 1121 tional mstrxcuou removed . 1201