Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1623

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cclii mmzx. Soldier! and Sailor! Civil Reliqf-Con. H86- Solicitor for the Department of Statc——Con. Page. life insurance, reports, etc.; veriHcd c0mpu· apipropriatiou for additional assistants . 769 tation of monthly difference to be or additional law clerks ... 770 certified to Secretary of the Treasury . 446 for assistant solicitors, law clerks, etc . . . 1224 United States bonds to be issued to in- Solicitor for the Interior Department, snirer for amount of monthly differ- appropriatiou for ... . .. 801, 1254 ence 446 gr Ecard of appeals, office of 793, 1247 registry, interest, etc ... . . 446 for assistant attorneys - . 793, 1247 ob igatiou for yiremiums to cease if in- for per diem, etc., ins ctors 794, 1247 surer be vent .. 446 Solicitor for the Post Office Kapartwnent, to be secunty for unpaid premiums. . . 446 appropriation for .. 801, 1254 to have s first lien 011 pohcies .. 446 Solwvltor General, deductions from p01icies1f insured dies in appropriation for . . 801, 1254 service 446 Solwitor, Navy Department, lapse of policy for qonpayment of pre- apipmpriqtion for, clerks, ctc . . 988, 1242 mums after serv1ce ends 446 or 9»dd1t10D3l force .. 787, 1242 cab sunggqder valge pa ab1e by Lili- d8HCi6;lCY appropriation for additional surer; msurod in mxgtary BQIVICB orce .. . ... 202 at and of war .. 446 Solicitor of Internal R , 51131 statement of account between in- appropriation for...€1f?ilf . 801, 1254 surer and United States after end of Solwitor of the Department of Commerce, war 446 appropriation for, assistant, clerks, gu; 802, 1255 paggngnt of balance and surrender of 447 Solwztor of Dipargmmtlof us . apronamn or, awcer .. 803,1255 policies vcidxgble, etc., if_i11sured in mili- Solgritovrpof the Treasury, B, 8 gary B€I'V1C8, not subyoct to benefit of 44 appropriation for, assistant, clerks, etc. 802, 1255 66 ··---··--- ; --··--···--·--•·· , · · 7 Sopris National Forest, Colo., b€¤€6t€ 0¤]X 8PPl1¢¤bl6 fo ¢°mP°m°° appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 988 _ mamtaming reserves, etc . . .. 447 80,.9 um,

 ¤¤¢¤_ °¤ wd P¤'°P°?*7Y of P°'°°¤¤ appropriation for iuvcstiga.ting production

2-“P6"26° ·-------·-·~ , ·~····----·-· 44 7 of, s1rup;d1seascs0f;bypr0ducts... 982 8md8V1t to bgfllelcldto rcistnct sale, etc. . . 447 Swgjmma Gmin, stay, etc. 0 er 0 court .. .. 447 ’· · · vestiga · mm- 8 r<>¤1¤r¤1>¢i<>¤’¤;flii>¤{(<;<% mer w¤¤i¤¤¤i<>¤ ¤f 44 appmpgelzgugl- grwe¤}]1T€.¥`? Z 1003 ¤€¥'Vi<?€, · B0 OF -·---·--·--··· - - - · 7 for investigating production etc 1046 interest, etc., em, limited ... 447 S nd ’ '’' public land rights, etc., not rejudiced by °u * . . . . . °“‘“"2 ”‘“i§.2 *’°“‘ “‘&“"*°°’”*°°· **8 appr°p$$l°° f°¥¤T1pPl&` “?n'Z5m °1"I"“ °f’ “’ 12 1 formerdemgnat re1icfact.snot1mpa.ired 448 S d R . m lf Fmpmwm · · · 6 perfection of, wlzulc in service .. 448 ogm °Y°gg'% fqu;p’”;;‘l.* :§°“?°"“¤ gilidavxts, etc., abroad, binding 448 ppmpm °d 3%:18 mg, ° ·· mm un` 816 evamvo trggsgers of interest, ctc., not rocog— umxpggggg b°;]mc§!°§_°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 1305 niz y courts 448 * ·••‘ ‘ service certificates to be issued by desig- ·$'°w”¢‘¢§ of I’*<’°’”¢· _ med ummm .. 448 <1¤¤¤¤d r¢¤¤r¤¤ ¤f Bred mms, profits. sw-, facts {ra, C0;1Sid€l’€d prima facie evidence P“*de6:u;71:Iha€H'yP;?¤0¤*;:ll€@<;·» to bi t PCO . .. .. ... rom 1 o to be furnished on application ... _ mcm- ··-··-·~---··-·--···--· · -·-· 337 presumption as to persons reported miss- if $1.-000 °' m·Q*`° -··· ; · · -: ··--········· 1086 in __________________ _ ____________ 449 provisions for mthholding mcomo tax at, _ END? of death required; limitation, . - 449 oi nonresident aliens ...· 332,1072 mts: ocutory orders issued by court may fmm }¤t€Y°S6 Pu b<>¤ds, 96*% Of ¢0!'P°Y'2· _ be revoked, etc., thereby .. 449 ¤¤¤¤ wma ta; ¢¤¤r<=¤¤ -----~-- 332»1°72 tenmmtiou of Act six months after end of South °"d_C€’*¢'°l A”*€?’w¤» , wm-_ _ ____________________________ 449 appropnatxon for prcmotmg, etc., comauthorized remedies, etc., continued 449 mem with --—-·--·--------·--·· 66*1266 mm or Ac: . 450 —$'¤¤¢’· B¤¢'&l¤'&¢m· P¤-· , , , sozdlzm and sauw Hm, D. 0., and ¤p£r<>p¤¤¤<>¤ f¤r public bluiding ----·-·—-— 111 Aryny, Sout Bostogf Vg., bu buildin lu appropriation for expenses, .. 948 ¤P£1‘0P¤’¤ 0¤ OY Pu C S ·-~-~··——· pam d had _____________________ Sc t Dakota, S0ldq};·;·g’ etcfsgmzlrabliy pzggcjmrged, 948 zyppmpriation for surveyor general, clerks. preference to, m c erica], etc., appoinp etc -_ ··---···~--··· · ·-···· - -···- 798» 1251 ments hereafter i11 ents, etc. 1293 . °°“S€“6 60 “PP’°Vem°I§t °f b°““f1“'Y mmm in work on rm-;] post ______ _ ______ 1201 by Mumesctu, h_01'th DSLOW, {md. . 266 in muonax {Umm, ,_,,__,,__,,_,,,__ 1202 surveys, ctc-, ¤¤*·h<>¤Z¢d ---·--··—-~·--· 266 S0Zd·b2ra* Home, D. C., Uqtited States, *`*I;£;`0P¤*`m°¤ fm`-: ···· D ·······~··-·· 266 disposition of esscmsor mam oi, {1 · at ·$<¤·¢’· 1? M Av¢¤~¢ Badge, I · €·· . Army hospital Ouwdc of mg} deiicmncy approprgatxpn for coustrucuon ttm _____________________ , ,,______ 883 Hof: rs¤L¥1§l¤P¤¤¤¤¤ ~-——-·—-----···-· 622 Solicitor, Department of Agriculture SWM m{6"z ’ ·z _ appropriation for, law clerks, etc: ...,. 973 °PP¥°P¤2*¤°¤ for *mP"°‘ cment of hubol'- ·‘ 2362 Solwitorfor the Depzvtmmt ofState, 90*% 1*83 aptpropriation for ... . . . 801, 1254 Smelh HcAl¢·¤lv‘. OWL. or assistants, law clerk. . .. 769 terms ¤f Cvuft st ···--· . ·.··--··· - .·····--- 604