Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1640

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INDEX. (3(3·1XiX· Trading with the E·nemy—C0ntinued.` P¤8¤· Trading with the E1wmy—C0ntinued. Pam acts permrtted; termination or continuance of propertyin Cust0d.ian’s annual- 460 of hcenses under order of court ...,. 422 usgodjm to be trustee _____ _ __________ 460 owners qi patents, etc., may sue other ownership, management, etc., by 460 than hcensee for use, etc. . 422 sales of property to highest bidder at notice to Custodian required 422 ubhc sale ... . .. . .. 460 pgwepg of attorney for lawful acts, orgy to Amerirzn citizens ..., 460 valid. . . I . - -: . Z _ ... 422 rejection of bids, mesale, etc., on order patents dmclcping mventmns detrimental of President _______,__,____,_______ 4430 tic fiubhc safety, etc., may be with- 422 pugisbment for purchasing for undis- 9 ·••*··•··••··· ········-·· ‘··• Osed 7 tc••·*·•••••••··•· coiafsidereili allaandongld published, eg. . 422 c0rporat{:onIs%t:;{:“lto° transfer enemy’s app ca I1 m any 0 er . sto t todiau. . . . 460 country without license, etc ... 422 proeeegs toipe gzposited in theTreasury 460 compensat.1011 for inventions tendered tc, export restrictions applicable to silver coin gud used_ by, the Government . 422 and bullion nmtil designated amount smt authorized for . . 422 purchased by the Treasury 537

 prohibited by pmcla- 422 mone=y,.etc.;'°•§ unlicensed enemy to be

ma 1.1 awful .. con tc., to Cust0d1a.n' 1020 exceptions and limitations .. 422 pahenY3;·;g):r;hts, trade marks, etc., no preference to any port .. 423 in d ..,,. s ,,.. 1020 moneys receiwjed by Custodian to be de· seizumxuthnrizedd ... 1020 _ posited 1:H the Treasury 423 filing of etc., in proper remvegtmeut; mterest, etc 423 curdaxg , . . 1020 disposal of other enemy property . 423 force an effect thereof- ., 1020 depositariergyfor, authorized; clames of 423 etc., tobemnceled by gorpontinn 21 rope .. xssuing . -. ..,.. ... ... 10 c0Hectiou of dividends, ejac . . 423 certificates in lieu bf, fo be isusd to money to be depgsued m the Treas- _ Custoqum . t .. . 1021 ury; bonds required ... 423 claims sgmnst, sub]ect to terms of this Custodian to be trustee of . 423 _ Act . . . .. 1021 ownership, management, etc., by 423 _ 11m1ted to net proceeds of M16, etc 1021 corpomt§>nt‘f•),cetc., to transfer euemy’s 423 pxers, fltegugf lines at 459 smc 0 cn, . . en over"- payments direct to the Treasury. . : . . 423 paynient for, etc..-:.._ -...·· . .. ,.-- 460 claims for money, etc.,held bggustodmn regulatwu, etc., qi fomxgn exchange, exafter the war, subjectto 424 ports of com or money, etc., aupayments 01:; ordgés of President, or 424 thonzgd _ . urt, aut onz ... . . ers 0 e . . retain of patent, etc., ilgnosit fund. . . 424 debts; properay pwnership, etc. . ._ 966 shipping man1fests;additio sworn sta.te· transacuonsm mted States securit1es.. 966 agents that cargoes shipped are not 424 ¤a¤h1?)leste5Ta1:epted...§'é . gg ` . compu ry xmony e .. detailsegeaéuired; copy to consul 424 Traill County, N. Dak.,~ ’_ _ vessel re uged departure It statement 424 and Ni>%r§sI¤;iv(§r11;1:{£°L{{11;1rtl; may budge 1054 false, e c .. _ _ ..·· gold, etc., exports to be reported; details. . 424 time extended for bndging Red River of appropriation for salaries and expenses 425 the Nortlg, Be mont, by Polk penalty for violating regulations, licenses, Countg, Mum., and  : .. . 1160 etc ____,_,,,,,,,.,,_... . .,,,,, 425 Train Comrql ygteing and pplumeu, punishment for natural persons; forfeiture 425 sppmpristnon for mvestngating and was-23 649 f ropert . .. _ _ .. _ .: ... . .-·-·- :·_·· jurisdigtign con¥erred on district courts; 425 Irmnzngmgqnps, (ue am Mghtgry ' peals, tc ... IYNBIDB _ Phiggpine usd Canal Zone courts .. 425 appmpxjiatigm for Jxpment, etc., for primiqg, etc., ir; fqreizn limgvege, new ¢Ml¤5¤¤ elwxns ------·-----··-·· 69 nems, edxtonsls, etc., respectugg for_recreat.xou expqnsesat, etc .. 862 policies of United States, etc., m de6c1ency_ appropnat1gn_ _ for ordmence present war, unlawful .. c. . 425 eqmpment, for CIVIIIBDB attendmg, not applicable if tmnslimen filed with 425 { t ··..·-·...-.---····~- iss gg t¤i¤¤¢¤r··-· •--··-—-·-· · ----···· • 0 ·--•·•·· ;•·_ ·•-·~-···· ;·•j· 1 pmh¥§?ted matter, nonmailable .. : . 426 balances of appmpnstnons for cyvihan, tmnsportinv, etc., matter made uonmz1l· 1917, 1918z coveredm .. 1170 sble$>y espionage Act uniawful . . 426 graduates of Military Acsqenny may serve permits may be issued for cnrculaupn, ssmstrngctors at cxvrlmu, mst after etc., of newspapers, etc., m foreign fl'$dU8l·10¤ ·----.· _ -.-- - ------·------ 892 language, if not in detriment to lands gr, may be acquued by condemnsconduct of war by Umwd Stews; _ _ mn. etc ----··-···------------·-·· 518 revocstien ...-..--------·----····- 426 Trevwyz Umm, Navy, _ _ copies to be fumished postmaster! at defiq1ency_ appropmuon for cumtructmu, place of isue. 426 _ equipment, etc: -... _ . ~ . 370 contents of . . ... L3 .. 426 deficnentiy t.1on for cunstruchngiiss 832 ‘ 8 .; Pen; -··--- • - · · · · · 1 P 4% for construction, °q“iP¤e¤t, etc., 1919. . 1034