Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/165

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146 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1917. mw- all t, li , e enses of travel and subsistence: Pmsxiiiieiilw wm M vide$1?1'l`1li:iz€rIio phi·1i>)Ith§:eof}£ay be used for investigation in behalf of , ,, M1; Private 1>·¤¢y·$400»<><>9; . . . . P°"°'°,,'}“‘ "“ '§,_ or in uiries and mvestigations concerning the mining, pre araumlzu v¤¤¤¤¤¤ . q . . . P tron, treatment, and utilization of (petroleum and natural gas), with a view to econpmic development ar; plonserving resouigi? t aiéghtthe f waste; toin uirein 0 e economic con ions cc ing ‘ lzllgviiildiiggrg, including edluipment, supplies, and expenses of travel, · and subsistence, $100,000; _ D,§gg*,g*c°,••$_*;_f¤,j,;_*¤ Not exceeding twenty centum of the preceding sums for investixiiwmstszm. gation as to the causes oi);.ine explosions; for inquiries and scientific and technologic investigations concernin the mining, preparation, treatment, arid utilization for ores and ot eg mineral substances; for 'nquiries an investigations concerning e ' preparation lcreatment, and utilization of petroleum and natural, gas; and not exceeding thirty per centum 0 the preceding sum for investigation of mineral fuels and unfinished mineral products belonging to or for the use of the United States, may be used during the fiscal year ngngotpen gnmdred and eighteen for personal service in the District o um ia.

,K‘{{,1{€ The Secretary of the Treasury may detail medical oincers of the

ml- Public Health Serv1ce for cooperative health, safety, or sanitation work with the Bureau of Mmes, and the compensation and expenses pf sg r§ayBbe pauh fig? the applicable appropriaionsm erem orte ureauo 'es. ,,,""**"¢,,,,,,, “P•*"*¤‘ For the em oyment of nal services and all the ' vs. ze, p. os. connection will}; tihetezltabllynéxlnt, niziéiteplancxe, End ro;§;§t§i1s ig minmgexpenmensaonsau craze y e ca thmd, nmeteen hundred and fifteen, $150,000; Ppmv am

°*P°"‘ The uneipended balances of the appropriations of $57,300 and

B•¤¤¤¤•v¤¤¤>1·· $42,700 m e m the sundry_ civil appropriation Acts for the fiscal vu. ss, p. sts; vs. years nmeteenhundred and sixteen and nmeteen hundred and seven- "’·’·“‘“· teen toward dismantlingand removal of the plant of the Pittsbiugh Mimng Experiment Station and installation m the new buildings m voulypim Pittsburgh constructed under the authority contained in section twenty-six of the public Act approved March fourth, nmeteen hundredan thirteen, mcludx the emplo ent of necessary labor; machinery, appliances, materi and suppligs, furniture and office equipment, cases for apparatus, shades, awnings, and all other artic es made necessary ysuch removal to fully equip and furnish these new buildihq for aboratory and office purposes, are made available fofj-Kwan ture for these purposes during the nscal WMS year mneteenhun and eighteen; _ ,,,,,’“‘*"_,,,,,°',,"",.,_ · For the filling, grading, an general improvement of the grounds hmmm me at 'P1tl'.Sl)\lfgl1, ennsylvama, on which the new Bureau of Mines Enum, ,,_ · buildings are located, and for removal to and installation on grounds gf th: e;t;§lSx:;n;t;t Bruicetoxg, Pennsylvania, of the machin- $§§’0(l)(l: to be,1mm` ediagelv gisreailhiblef Phymcal testing of explosives, “"’“"‘"‘"*· ..r£~·s:.=».*:.:.<:.<:;,··., zzizzaimiis mazsnzmza *0* ***6 ,;*,5 '°°°‘" For purchase of three additional minemregciie cal-sts$$5ll?17,220 ’ Opnum of mm For equipment for three new mine rescue cars, $1l*!,500· ’ un, For_ operation of mine rescue cans, including personinl services, v¤1.zs,p.s¤. traveling expenses and subsistence, materials and supplies authorized by the ct approved March third, nineteen hundred and fifteen · to be available for expenditure on any work that may bé found necessary m connection with such of the cars as are to be purchased prior to the time of their actual delivery, $98,000;