Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1665

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coxoiv mom;. Washington, D. C'.—Continued. P¤8¤· Water Service, D. C'.—C0ntinued. Pageappropriation for navy yard, etc.; access to appropriation_ for installing-H etc., water Anacostia Bridge permitted. .. 724 meters m public buil gs, grounds, termination of river ont leases, etc- . 724 etc . .. . ...,,,, 951 deficiency apgropriation for improvements, for McMillan Park Reservoir grounds. . . 951 Nava un Factory .. . 370 area around Champlain Avenue umpfor Naval Gun Factory, tools and ma~ ing station transferred to `ct chinery (plant ... 370, 487 Commissioners ... . 951 for navy Pur improvements 370,1166 for pay, C1V`1l12.l1 guards . 951 balances o appropriations for navy yard control of Secretary of War over Aqueadditional land covered in . ... 1174 duct, etc., not affected . ... 951 building for use of '1(reasury Department for water department, salaries ,.. 952 authorized in ,,, , ,,,,.. 295 for general expenses ...,,,. , ,,,_ 952 ‘W’ash;2)ngtond1"cr¢¢'l·izcr {lampagny, f for eitending mains, installing meters, 52 garage isposalpanto inD1str1' `cto ec ... 9 Wash Colu3xbia,to be acquired, etc .. 540 for egilndipg main, including meter, to 660 ington a. era reservations in irginia Waripropriaitiiigigor public building .. 112, 636 deficiency appropriation for operation ex- 1 as ington . `penses ... . .,,,.,,, 9 35 Waplproprizitipn fin- public building . ... 112 for céonstructing lmaigs to supply new ’ as ingum, awa overnment ui ings etc . 472 aphpropriation fdr public building . . . . 112 for extending mains, etc. . ., . 472 Wa ington, M0. services of temporary technical, etc., emappropriation for public building . . . . 112 ployees authorized . 953 Wqghingtgn Monument, D, 0,, laborers, mechamcs, etc. .. 953 “"}"°"'i“‘i°‘2f°' i“{°* °‘°·· °‘ g’°““""" }§§*§23 Wgt;fp1§;§i§g!o?{·?o·; iZ'$%Z§‘?”’ o, .1 t or care an mam erumce . . .. , _ _ 10118 9 01’· for mo], repairs, etc - ,,,,, _ ______ 135, ooo muge the; artesnan wells . 145, 670 for_Sunday, etc., ppqui-ug ··· . . 135, 660 Wim" Yf¢""1!’1¢1l8» _ _ dcjclency appropnaucn Or new €X3·IH].DBt'1OHS fOI'•T1V€I' and harbor improvefor elevator ,.,.,,,,,_ _ ________ 474 mepts_to mclude report on transfer for fuel, repairs, etc ... . ... 474 f¤¢‘1l1¤¢¤» 9*0-, at ---·-----·-·----·- 912 Waahingtogn i\’at·io¢ru1lP;arest, Wash., Wale" T'*”¤P°’§W*°’*» _ sppropnauon for mmnfznancey etcq of _ _ _ I'0ulHD.g of C$D.B¤1, etc., . Washington Parish, La', OVBI SyBt8IDS uHd8I' time extended sor bridging Pearl River, ha ***2 ,°°¤*{1° -. ·······-·· . -------·· 1290 by rom River County, ins., ooo., ion Wa,;=r¤,ga,,;;s€,<;,;8¤111 ¤¤¤¤<1 ----~---·----·~- 1290 W¤··'·m¢r¢<r¤’t B·r”·z>1¤¤¢». Va-, appropriation for,public bonding. . -. _, ,, nz 2PkP¤>P¤¤¤<;¤ f°2 '°P°·“`B· etc -·---· · ····- 7§g5i§)gg Wogmo Riwr, M g_ °r cm? ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘'‘‘‘‘· · ····· > ·· appropriation for ilu ov m nt of. . .. 254 Washoe Ingiuvw, Nw., woemng flaws, Puble`§rLa:d.q? ¤PI¤'0l;Y;;2¢;1&9g>Y ¤¤P%¢;f, 910-, l`1’0¤1 1111- 57_ appro;}r1atior;)1_for classifying, etc., lands ······--·····- ~- ·f> or pu xc ... 145 670 W-“"’# . d6` f I 'f‘ ’ apgropriauvu for uulwing w<>¤l¤¢¤u1i¤z· - 1047 8 miiiiids gc . 4oo Wu ps, Worm, €X¢l$€ lu 011 83169 Of, by dealers ····- 1124 internal revenue tax on sales b producers, Water and_Sewers at Military Posts, etc., of artificial . . 1116 appropriation for expenses .. 54, 860 carbonated 1116 connecting Fort Crook, Nebr., with natural mineral or table 1116 _ Omaha water service .,_ 860 Waters, Medicinal, etc., deiicrency appropriation for., 11, 30, 194, $61, 379 war excise tax on sales of, by producers, éot vggligxpenses for 478 W Z hegfcfx. . Z. .. . .. 317 or, .. 1029 cr ers _ 0 ’¢w1ga treams sec onservawam Fycing pmpmy, Na _ , tion of Nav? ble Waters, etc.). impovements to, leasgdl from any State, W‘"”t°'”’HAf8'””l» a3·'·» _ °*°·· “’- "°‘f°'“° P’°P€">* °‘ ls"' “"£i’%i%$§L°§°“°i‘"°°i““° ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ E3 termination ..._ 70* _ 0q111P¤¤¢¢¤ ·o ··~-··· · wom zrgio oo. ° is its ¢¤s¤·¢; ¤>,g,<1e» etc ----·--------— 122 ·{· ’; d I · , d · 01*01 storage ac t1es.._..; 128 ““"°’L'2“ooZ‘§fo¤o‘f”ooo$`i?. 'Z‘3i&‘€ogi§§s.?Y€‘F 145 {gg ggglggai m¤r>¤>r·¤=>·==·>¤ -—-----—-- gg was Homie, . for snip Ji‘§p"ZY§’ °°"““ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ no “PP'°l’"“‘¥°“ f°" ’°m°V“‘g» {mm waters °f for fire protection etc, ---' h ` A l U ' - l - 129 Florida 255,907, 1279 { { d · '``°`'```'` 5 for removing, from waters of Alabama, fg; 0;‘;;latjr§ga:?c€%`;§)p°2§§&Ehé ’°°' iog Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tomséw for p0wm_tui]uel;*····_l’l¤°i¥.-nun-IU"- ,654 _ v for engines, cars, etc ..,...,,,,,____ 654 W-am S*"'E`1°°,» D- Cu , , for machine tools .. 654 approimauon for extending cormecuous to for main office, extension .., . .,,,_, 654 IWW G0V€T¤¤1€¤t 11111-ld111§,'S · -_ ··-·-. 925 for crane; roads and walk ,______ _ ______ 554 f¤rW¤¤1u¤gtenAq¤1¤~d¤ct, reservoir, fun- denciency appropriation, for machine DEL ll_lU`2\l10D plant, Bti!. .. . 951 shop, repairs, gtc_ ______ _ __________ 354 §01' Cuudult Road, repairs, etc .. 9231 for increasing capacity for manufacturing 01' €¤1€1'g€11CY fund ·-~. . 951 gun carriages .,,_ _ ________ _ _________ 354