Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1667

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. mxevi INDEX Weights and Measures, International Bureau of, Y¤8¤- Wheat and Fl0ur—Continued. P¤g¤· appropriatiou for annual cout.ribution.. 523,1329 powers conferred on the President; lease, Wemghts and Measures, Intematakrmzl C'ommit· etc., storage facilities .. 1349 tec cj, compensation for; suit if amount unapriropmmon for acjzpsnsss of member.. 807, 1259 sgmsfactory. ._ .. 1349 Wezg ts, Measures, Markets, D. C'., Super- regulations a.uth0uzsd to prevent evil inzendenz of, pract1cos at exchanges, etc . 1349 appropriation for, chief inspector, inspec- records, retums, etc., of transactions in mrs, etc.: ..,,..,,,.,.. 920 wheay and flour, requued .. 1349 for motor velucles . . 925 at clearing lnouscs, etc ... 1349 Wmkcr National Forest, Idaho, penalty for v10lations, etc .. 1350 afpregzriation for maintenance, etc., of 988 free and open market for wheat and prod- VIQ ls, `l and Gas, . ucts to be estabhshed when this act deductions allowed for doslctiou, etc.; of, 1_ exgues .. 2 ... _ .. 1 350 m computing taxa o income o in- xceusss or gmportmg, oxgortmg, manudividuals ,,,,,, 1067 facturmg, etc. may e required 1350 corporations ...,..., , ,, 1078 preference to flonr exports 1350 Wenaha Nat1bnalForest, Wash. and Oreg., coudqcting busmsss mthout, etc., for- Wsppropria2;iozr1e%rc;n1‘l1i;rtgmnce, etc., of 988 blddfzll . . . . ... 1350 ee r r ampany, accotm s, e c. c su mitts ... 1350 may br`%l£;Columbia River, Chslan Falls, 1185 Il11f31I' rawtoslh profits, etc., by licensees, 0 . . . 135 Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., to be diB(!0Ilti11ll8d 011 order of the Wappmpdaltliztnhim maintenance, etc., of 988 f _ PI9B'ld8I.llg1;..% .. 1 350 , mr rates pro e c. acted. 1350 w2£}§)né£:i%1fLrpubHC '°““‘““g ·········· H2 £§?2%§1f3§£?§t‘i‘§2”rS£§“··t; ·········· {S23 , . rs s . . construction ol bridge authorized scum _ common carriers .. I .. 1350 Fox Rivsr by ast Dundee and. . . . 450 1mp0rtmi0r cxporting of, may be declared West Incfdz Acqtéged _/rom Denmark l1.n_ ,... 1351 sec xrgin . exceptmns, o 1351 West Indies no port preferences sllowéd ... 1351 appropristiou for Weather Service cx- penalty for violations, ctc .. 1351 pensss in . . . 975 addiuoual duty on xmporqs of, etc., au— West Pomt, Ga., thorxzod to mamtsm guaranteed appropriation for public building .. 112 ppqe . 1351 gut Poing M YC (Eu Military Academy). no 3X1B`t11t§1?.)UtY ;‘0od1;ced . 1351 estport mm. amen men cot 11 utures ct 1351 ¤PP¥°l;b!':;¤0¤, f¤i' imP1`0V€m€¤*¤ °§51l¤g65 1276 pe11alt% for glssofstatemotnits, ego., to secure 13,2 ·~•-•·~••···-··•-··~ --·· r D8 0 BMD , . , W¢2rm<m0»_Bqc1= River. Mw-, ’ ¤sssu1$;i¤g omcigxs, ctc.? .. 13g2 approprumon for mpmvement of . 251, 1275 willfully violating regulations ___________ 1352 W4/mmdh Fm Rim'. Mw-, appropriation for carrying out guarantiss apggopgstionbgirgpgmvgment of . 251, 1275 etc ______ _ _______________________ I 1352 Wha mwra _ _ . allowance for administrative x ns 1353 deséegigl *g>[I£;’1g;*¤°¤ fmt conwgted 918** 27 money; frgm sales, etc., made s rgvglvirgg · .-.. •__·___•·__·_··_··-•-__.--•~· Whaling Vessels, b I un b · deck officer requirements not applicable to. 549 p:;;;;E;;?m;’%%¥i;€$ gg `6{ 1353 W7w¤¢ <·¢¤,¤l-20 Fwd _Pr¤d¤p¢¤,_F¤¤¤. ew), 1um1>is, forbidden . 1353 ¤PPmP£¤g<;¤ for m"€¤¤8¤tm8 bbc}! mst 98]. statemgnt ofifeceiptshxiud expenditures to mlm.; c;eas;‘e:;0;;§;g;.·ga»;2;.1;.e;.xs C$,,':3;;.fi‘??%€..¥.f‘i.?%€‘T.]F¥‘i‘i“if’F 1353 for purchase of United wm. etc- · 1312 am report no contain mu statement of all minimum price guaranteed to producers oi opemtiom, _______________ _ _________ 1353 FFOP °f 1918 ·-·· , ···-·-···-··- ,- · ~ ;- · 281 construction of terms used .,.. 1353 $·dd1£l°ti9g On ¤¤P0¥*·¤ W m%mt¤—m» 281 corporatgons, etc., responsible for acts of ammo sbssnigé i&§r$»`i§ ibi§.`f QZ 281 p,0Vi,,§,"§§’ §j,"°°,,e,“’,,"g"Hf.‘§§;,°$,g;‘;,;,gg,;;g,gg5; 1353 preference to be grven nmsnm grown, m has 1 1353 §I‘;§;f“ °‘ ‘°h°‘ °* E“'°P°““ P°¥" 1161 to be proclaimed by me President .. 1353 `'’°‘`' · °'‘'‘'‘ not later than June 1, 1920 ., 1353 "“‘°“°§°s2Z}i;1i2?;§%s?§§t*T§¤E’z?h???T T`? 279 ¤¤~¤;;gS;g· gfwg ¤¤p¤b4&d1920· by the 13.3 Wrhpal and Flaun _ OQD , G C., OI' 1 BH . . 0 provisions for maintaining price guanmtiss peuding .°°t{°°S’ °t°" mt amcted by tm" - ( mmanon of the Act- .. 13.33 for wheat crops of 1918 and 1919, etc. 1.»48 . . . . . _ 0 · · enforcement of nghts and I1H.b1]1t1&S 13o3 arrangements, xencms, etc., authonzbd. . 1348 tj f H tc powers couferr on the President 1348 pm°°°u °u ° ° °u°°°’ e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ • · 1353 purchase or wheat for cash at guaranteed Wlmky (see ako Beverages). _ _ `cg _________________ _ ____________ 1343 blended, gxempia {rom addguoml tax on ssgsrtaf, and Hour thereof ... - . 1349 !'€¢t1E€d BPIUW ··--·--··-· · ···-· 3IO, 1108 charge for h8I1d11.Hg,_SUO!’8g€, etc ... . 1349 White Earth Band, Chippewa Indiam, Minn., control, etc., for delivery to trade . . 1349 appropriation for annual celebration, from borrow money on assets . 1349 tribal funds ....................... 572