Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/19

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XX1 Dam, Old Rwer, Tea:. An Act To authorize construction of a lock and dam 111 Old River, in the State of Texas, and the making of improvements enabling the (passage of fresh water from a portion of Trinity River above the mouth of Old River into Ol River above such lock and · dam, and for the protection of rice crops against salt water. March 3, 1919 1317 Krlrwa, etc., Indwhns lands, Okla. An Act To authorize the contesting and cancellation of certam homestead entries, and for other purposes. March 3, 1919 1318 Mlnam National Forest Oreg., additabns. An Act To add certain lands to the Minam National Forest, Oregon. ’March 3, 1919 .. . .. 1319 Gig Harbor Milil@rReser~a:atrk2n, Wash., sale of lands. An Act Providin for the appraisal and sale of the Gig bor abandoned military reservation in the State o§Washi.ngton, and for other purposes. March 3, 1919 .. . ... 1319 Lincoln-Douglass Sanatorium, etc., Colo., lands granted to. _ An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue patent in fee simple to the National Lincoln-Douglass Sanatorium and Consumptive Hospgtlal Association (a corporation), of Denver, Colorado, for a certaindescribed tract of d. March 3, 1919 1320 Rosebud Indwhn Reservation, S. Dal:. An Act Authorizing the sale of certain lands in South Dakota for cemetery purposes. March 3, 1919 . 1320 Malheur County, Oreg., ttmberfrom Idaho. An Act To grant to citizens of Malheur County, Oregon, the right to cut timber m the State of Idaho for agricultural, minmg, or other domestic pur- _ poses, and to remove such timber to Malheur County, Oregm. March 3, 1919 .. 1321 Prisoners of war, allowance to others than soldiers, etc. An Act to members of the Army Nurse Corps (female) and Navy Nurse Corps (female), Army iiel clerks, field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, and c1v1l employees of the Armuydpay and allowances during any period of _ mvoluntary ca tivuty by the enemy of the Uni States. March 3, 1919 1321 Chippewa Indukms of Minnesota, ceded lands._ An Act To validate and confirm certain erroneously allow entries m the State of Minnesota. March 3, 1919 .. 1321 Public lands, Oregon. An Act Providing for the extension of time for the reclamation of certain lands in the State of Oregon under the Carey Act. March 3, 1919 1322 Jlodoc Cmlnty, Calgi, timber from Nevada. An Act To grant to citizens of Modoc County, Califorma, the right to cut timber in the State of Nevada for agricultural, mining, or other domestic pfurposes, and to remove such timber to Modoc County, Cahfomia. March 3, 1919. 1322 Perry': Victory emorial Commrbsion. An Act Creating a commission for the maintenance, control, care, and so forth, of the Perry’s Victory memorial on Put in Bay Island, Lake Erie, Ohio, and for other purposes. March 3, 1919 1322 Representatwes, compensation on discharge from war mrvahe. Joint Resolution Authorizing and directing the pigment of the usual compensation of Representatives in Congress to those

 of the ouse who have been discharged from their military or naval duties. March 2

, . . . . .. 13 4 District of Columbah, probation system. An Act To amend and reenact an Act for the establishment A of a probatglon system ats; the Dgrictlxof (golumbia. March 4,_ 1919. .f . . . .1 .. 1324 pproprnations, plomatw comm . n ctMak1nga nations or e omatican A Consular Splrjdrice fo; the fiscal en e 30, 192l£mgd¥cht;, 1919 . . 1325 ppropnatums, 'uzry y. n ct ’ a ropriations or e support o e i itary Academy for the iiscal Hear ending June 30, 9%: and for other purposes. March 4, 1919. . 1336 Wheat stabzlrzatwn. An Act 0 enable the President to carry out the price guaranties made to producers of wheat of the crops of nineteen hundred and eighteen and nineteen hundred and nineteen and to protect the United States against undue enhancement of its liabilities thereunder. March 4, 1919 . J . 1348