Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/345

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326 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 63. 1917.

  • °“”‘;';g§,';” ”°‘ lected, or accounted for and paid over, to be assessed and collected

in the same manner as taxes are assessed and collected, in ang case t in which the pylkishment is not otherwise specifically provide . E“'°'°"“""‘ ‘ Sec. 1005. t the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the apopiroval of the Secretaig of the_Treasury, is hereby authorized to m _ e all mles an regulations for the enforcement of the provisions o ct. ,,,l`§gm§tQ",‘},',{s“}‘§,°§ Sec. 1006_. That where the rate of tax imposed_ by this Act, payable mm- by stamps, is an increase over prev1ousl§ existing rates, stamps on hand in the col1ectors’ offices and in the ureau o Intemal Revenue mag;} continue to be used until the supply on hand is exhausted, but sh be sold and accounted for at the rates provided by this Act, ,,,P§,,’f,_"“' '°'“""’° and assesslment shallh be made m:?1ufapture§S aipd otlller taxpaers avm suc sampson an on e a t cttaes gect yfos the diéfltliarence betwegrgge ailplgugxt paid foriuch stamps and otax ueat crates rovi yt ct.

,}’{,,,,,°‘§‘,,,§§ Sec.1007. That (a) fi any_ person, corporation, partnership, or

1::;>M¤v¤» 1917. by association has prior to May nmth, nmeteen hundred and seventeen, ' made a bona ii e contract with_ a dealer for the sale, after the tax takes effect, of any 8I`liIC1B (or, 1D the case of moving picture Elms, such a contract, with a dealer, exchange, or exhibitor, for the sale or lease thereof) upon which a tax is imposed under Title III, IV, or VI, or imder subdivision thirteen of Schedule A of Title VIII, or under this section, and (b) if such contract does not permit the adding of the whole of such tax to the amount to be paid under such contract, then the vendee orlessee shall, in lieu of the vendor or lessor, pay so much of such tax as is not so permitted to be added to the contract rice. $liilZ°§l'iiZl`°¤’ P The taxes dpayable by the vendee or lessee under this section shall be paid to e vendor or lessor at the time the sale or lease is consummated, and collected, returned, and paid to the United States . gy spch vendordorllgagor in the same manner as provided in section ,, ,, I i ve un an t . Dun Tlip term "d¢;a$ai·" aslpsed in this section tincludeslf a vendee who urc asesan a ew1t intenttouseitin eman actureor ro- Fmumohmt , suction of ariother article intended for sale. P ' Sec. 1008. That in the payment of any tax under this Act not payable by stamp a fractional part of a cent shall be dis arded un ess glaaoimts to one-half cent or more, in which case itrggall be Adv¤& ts 1Il01‘6&S 0116 C8Ill'». g{a¤,{gg;•;¤¤ ¥:*y!g=mi¤- Sec._1009. That the Secretary of the Treasury, under rules and ` regulations prescribed by him, shall Apermit taxpayers liable to income and excess profits taxes to m e_payments in advance m mstallments or in w ole of an amount not m excess of the estimated m,,m°,m¤_ taxes which will be due from them, and upon determination of the PMN taxes actually due any amoimt paid in excess sha.ll be refunded as Anersga tr 1,.,. taxes erroneously collected: Provided, That when payment is made '°°°'·’· ininstallments at least one·fourth of such estimated tax shall be paid before the expiration of thirty days after the close of the taxable year, at least an additional one-fourt within two months after the close of the taxable year, at least an additional one-fourth within foushmpnthjs after theiglose of the taxableibyelazi; apd tpe remainder o e ax ueonor oretet1menow e aw orsuc a- p$$_*gu{°' °d"°¤°°d Inrlxsntc Psmrideei {farther, That b(t£ebSecl;·i¢;t1ary of tgp Treasgy, ugdgr esan re aions rescri ,ma cwcret ainst such taxes soglpaid in aldvance of axlramoimt nlit exceedin thige per centum per annum calculated upon the amount so paid from the date of such payment to the date now Hxed by law for such pay- ment; but no such credit shall be allowed on payments in excess of taxes determined to be due, nor ou payments made after the expira-