Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/366

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srX·rY-Frr···rr—r corwennss. sm. 1. cs. 79. 1917. 347 For the relief of American citizens in German or German occu ied .R°“°‘ .°‘ A'“°'*°“” territory and American prisoners of war who may be taken by Gergran giyim m Gemmm forces, $80,000. _ _ For relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, °' ‘““’"°"" and in the Panama Canal Zone, and shipwrecked American seamen in the Territory of Alaska, in the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands, Escal year nineteen hundred and seventeeth $40’000' Treasury Depart- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ¤¤¤*· . orrres or rmi sncsnmnr. °°°‘°“""s°m°°· For two additional Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury, to be sisrltimi: sigiiiig. AS` appointed by the President, b and with the advice and consent of . e Senate, who are author1zed` at the rate of $5,000 per annum each from the date of this Act to the close of the present war and six months thereafter, $7 ,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary. (,,,,,,,6, D_H,,,,,,,,,_ The accounting officers of the Treasurilare authorized and directed ¤f¤¤iti¤¤¤<=¤¤¤¢¤· to credit in the accounts of Charles D. amner, disbursing agent of the Joint Committee on Rural Credits, the sum of $353.33 paid on vouchers approved by the chairman of the Joint Committee and suspended by the accounting officers because the services were rendered after the close of the fiscal year for which the appropriations were available. commenur nxrmrsns. ¤¤¤ti¤z¤¤¢¤rp¤¤¤¤¤» For purchase of file holders and file cases, $4,000. 4 I°`“°°· For urchase of boxes, book rests, chairs, chair cane, chair covers, F“”‘““'°· desks, Izookcases, clocks, cloth for covering desks, cushions, leather for covering chairs and sofas, locks lumber, screens, tables, typewriters wardrobe cabinets,washstands, water coolers and stands, and for replacing other worn and unserviceable articles, $7,500. For washing and hemming towels, purchase of awnings and fixtures, m°°°um°°°" window shades and• fixtures, alcohol, benzine, turpentine, varnish, and so forth, including the same ob'ects specified under this head in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation Act for the hscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, $3,000. . ormcn or courrnonnsn or trim TREASURY. °°¤P**°“•*’¤ °¤°•· For additional employees from October Erst, nineteen hundred and ,,;€°‘”"°““' °'“*"°" seventeen, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation as follows: Five law clerks, at $2,000 each; clerks-two of class four, one of class three, one of class one; messenger, $840; in all, $12,930. orrres or mnasunsn or mn nicrrnn sums. T'°”“‘°"’°*“°°- For- aadiammr emproyea rmm october sm, meats imamr and ..;€""'“°°**‘ °"*P‘°*‘ seventeen, to June thirtreth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation as follows: Clerks——one of class four, three of class three, three of class two, ten of class one, eight at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; expert counters-—three at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; in all, $30,000. mmuc smmmes. P“””° b“w"‘”‘ . . . . . cm1¤m,N. c. Charlotte, North Carolina, rent of buildings: For additional for rent of temporary quarters for the accommodation of Government officials and moving expenses incident thereto, $1.500.