Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/374

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SIXTY-FIFTH couennss. sm. 1. Ch. 79. 1917. 355 NATIONAL cnmnmnms. N¤¤<>¤¤l ¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤· Disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, and civil employew:¤rI•i1§liZid1?r2?:l`Li For disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, and civ1l employees, including the same objects speciHed under this head in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the Hscal year mneteen hundred and eighteen, $500,000. rnrroinu. Mrrrmnr mnxs. 9 Mmm PMS- Guilford Courthouse National Military Park: For the establish- §,“{,”§{§h?,§’,§“h°“° ment of a national military park at the battle Held of Guilford Court- V¤*· 3% P- 996- house, in accordance with the Act entitled "An_ Act to estabhsh a . national military park at the battle Held of Guilford Courthouse," approved March second, nineteen hundred and seventeen, $8,100. PANAMA CANAL. Pmm °°”°l‘ FORTIFICATIONS. F°'*“*°°“°”’· For extraordinary expenses heretofore and hereafter incurred by ,w1T'°°°°u"‘ °’“""* the governor of the Panama Canal in protecting the canal and canal U¤*’°’ ¤°'°’¤°'· structures, $300,000. Am For extraordinary expenses for military purposes heretofore and ’°‘p°°°°" hereafter incurred in protecting the Panama Canal and canal structures, $150,000. _ Ordnance Depot: For additional amount for a building for storing °'°“““"°°°l’°°‘ artillery vehicles, $5,500; _ For a set of (guarters, single family cottage for armament machinist at Fort rant, $2,700. S b _ Submarine base (Coco Solo Point): For inner basin and “ "'“""° °‘°°‘ channel to same, concrete dock, containing w , finger docks, tracks, dry Hll, municipal works, electrical work, officers quarters, barracks, shops, storehouses, stationary crane, magazines and torpedo storagp, shop and power tools, furniture, and p ant equipment, · $902,625: rwided, That the construction work hereunder s all be wm_ performed rmder the direction of the governor of the Panama Canal. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Army. REGISTRATION Aim SEI.ECTION2 Fort; additional forgnphll ex- Resscmtmmrcma. penses necessary in the registration o persons avai a e or `t _ service and in the selection of certain such persons and their dr•l1?t f>:.:;gp.79iii?`s51, mto the military service, $4,000,000. ‘°2’· “ · OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF. ChjgfgfStg§_ _MH.fTARY Inronrwrrox SECTIONZ For contingent expenses of the ,°,,“§§‘,§j‘f,§',,f,‘g‘§{"“"°“ military information section, General Staff Corps, including the purchase of law books, professional books of reference; }periodicals and newspapers; drafting and messenger service; and of the military attachés at the United States embassies and legations abroad; and of the branch office of the military information section at Manila; the cost of special instruction at home and abroad and in maintenance of students and attachés; and for such other purposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, $489,000. _ orrrcn or mn omnr sremu. ormcmn. ¤is¤=¤S¤¤*¤¤- SIGNAL SERVICE or THE Army: For expenses of the Signal Sorvicé E‘*’“'“‘ of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and repair of Held