Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/401

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382 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. For refunding taxes illegally collected, $146,729.16. For redemption of stamps, $4,886.89. For payment of judgments against intema1—revenue officers, $3 424.94. l•`or pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and o forth, Life-Saving Service, $172.20. ‘ cLAms ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR ron THE wAn DEPARTMENT. Ag}.§,if,'{.“;0'}u‘¥LY$ $5 For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $1,613.37. l>¤¤¤°¤*· For extra-dutydpay to enlisted men as clerks, and so forth, at Army Division an Department Headquarters, $964.80. For mileage to oiilicers and contract surggons, $77.50. For incidental expenses, Quartermaster epartment, $23.45. For transportation of the Army and its supplies, $26,530.16. For medical and hospital department, $120.42. For headstones for graves of soldiers, nineteen hundred and sixteen $5.27. Fdr National Home for Disabled Volimteer Soldiers, Northwestern Branch, $1. 01.Ams ALLOWED nx THE AUmT0n Fon THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. Au°,K"#,, ,,,‘,?°§§$‘§ Q; For pay, Marine Corps, $131.32. _ _ P¤’*¤°¤*· For gunnery exercises, Bureau of Naviéation, $20. ` For maintenance_of naval auxiliaries, ureau of Navigation, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $45.88. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $5,574.75. For pay of the Navy, $4,484.75. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $95.03. For freight, Bureau of Sup lies and Acconmts, $95.34. For indemnity for lost clothm g, $148.76. For indemnity for lost property, Naval Service, $1,587.57. c1.Ams ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR Fon THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Aw §,?°°f§.,,lf,{ For Geological Surveg, $1.75. D°P°’°’”°¤*- For General Grant ational Park, nineteen hundred and seventeen 45 cents. F dr Rocky Mountain National Park, nineteen hundred and seventeen $2.43. For (purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundre and sixteen, $1,043.40. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $158.80. For suplport of Sioux o different tribes, subsistence and civilization, Sout Dakota, $20.09. cnams ALLOWED BY THE Aunrron Fon THE sTATE AND 0THE1z DE- rAnmENTs. A§(iiiZ'is¢e?1i°i;v¤°Z,d¤¤lSZ For transportation of diplomatic and consular officers, nineteen D°p"'““‘°‘“" hundred an seventeen, $1,925.37. For contingent expenses, foreign missions, nineteen hundred and seventeen $55. For contingent expenses, United States consulates, $46.33. For relief and protection of American seamen, nineteen hundred and seventeen $11 055.93. For supportjof convicts, District of Columbia, nineteen hundred. and seventeen, $2,183.90. For general expenses, Forest Service, $19. For general expenses, Bureau of Standards, $87.38.