Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/43

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24 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1917. F*S"°“°**B‘¤°°¤· BUREAU or rrsnnmns. "A“"""°“·"‘°¥’“*“· For necessary and urgent repairs to the steamer Albatross, $10,000. ta3i°siel?~i}i°c2fI°sp°° STEALIBOAT—lNSPECTTON sanvrcn. C°m°g°°t°x°°°S°s` Contingent expenses: For contingent expenseshincluding the same objects specified under this head in the egislative, executive, and ]ud1c1al appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $19,400. .,.,'3?P****m°¤* °’ Lr DEPARTMENT or 1.ABoR. o0N*r1NGm~rr nxrrmsizs. C°°u”‘°°°°‘*’°”‘°s‘ _ Contingent expenses: For contingent and_miscel1aneous expenses, including the sameotglects specified under this head in the legislative, elxecéirtige, aéid ]ud1c1 appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen un e an seventeen $4 400. R°‘“‘ For rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of the Department of Labor, $4,000. I“'"‘ig"“i°”B‘”°““‘ BUREAU or DIMIGBATION. it;`i;'§"“§”.§§,§2%§°‘EE _ For additional expenses for the enforcement of the laws regulating ¤¤\$gg;39,p·874_ immigration of ahens into the Uhltéd States made necessary by the Act 0 February fifth, mneteen hundred and seventeen, entitled "An Act t0_ regulate the immigration of aliens to, and the residence of ,.,,,,,,_,o_ 8-hens ID, the United States, $400,000, to_contmue available during tégssggtgegieimmelgei the fiscal year mneteen hundred and eighteen: Provided further, ilegesforbidden. P rgnhat D9 Part (lf tht? Sumgéféby 8»ppI‘0pI‘1ated shall be expended for e maintenance at any nited States immigrant station f f v<>,p.ss4. the pmvileges new disposed of after public Competition asoprggiigd by the Act of February fifth, mneteen hundred and seventeen N . . I entitled r}1;1Act to regulate the immigration of aliens to, and the . S residence o 1ens m the United States. ’ i iiiltiirisland S°m°°' rc tlglielaldz New ,Ygrk, Zgmrnigration Stgtion: For completion of _ eimmegra on_s ation atEl11s` and rendered n cessar by explosions on uly thirtxeth, nineteen hundred and sixieen, tb continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and mmm? B mu eighteen, $246,99:1. ‘ · CHILDRENIS BUREAU. ·°‘“'° ’·*°°* me- cmd Labor n· · · · mn. _ 1v1sion. To enable the S t f L any ,iS§u*g;¤¤¢¤ ¤f me into effect the provisions of the Act ofB(Sre(;>:diynlibr filidltr riingteen Vol.39,p.675. hundred ged sixteen, etntged "An Act to prevent interstate commerce in e ro ucts 0 c `dlabor, and for th mpeg " ' %)1str1ct of Collumbia and elsewhere, includixeg a ‘ifrglimina.i·sy siiilvbh? or purpose the sum of $50,000 sha be made immediately gg; 92:1 i leg g·:v e§£e1;s;]e§, ger them in lieu of subsistence at not { Bp 0118 SGPVI ` charges, contingent and miscellaneous expen§6es,e§i1)d€;$ier;Idgalr;b€·l;·E PWM aces in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, fiscal year nineteen paynmn. hundred and eighteen, $150,000: Promkied, That no sal Shall bg paid hereunder at a rate exceeding $3,000 per annum. ary L°gis1““"°· LEGISLATIVE. ,,,?f°""° 0** B““d‘ Seagate Office Building: For maintenance, miscellaneous items and "¤*¤*¤¤¤¤¢¢· Supp es, and for all necessary personal and other services for the car(e`and operation of the Senate Oiizice Building, under the direction an supervision of the Senate Committee on R es, $6,500.