Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/485

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 28. 1918. 467 ' QUABANTINE STATIONS. Q¤¤¤¤**¤¢ m*i<>¤=· Cape Charles Quarantine Station: The appropriation of $143,500 §‘I,‘?.',f$§‘£?‘ mid. for improvements, contained m the deficienc appropriation Act ings · · X . Ante p 349 approved October sixth, nmeteen hundred an seventeen, IS made ’ ' ava.ilable for the of existing buildings. MARINE Hosrrrars. M"i¤¤¤°¤P**·¤'¤· 12. , _ Boston, Massachusetts: For remodeling main building and ,,,éfgSd%l“g'8l)lS*“'d*¤¢S» erection of medical officers’ quarters, junior officers’ double quarters, pharmac1sts’ double quarters, female nurses’ quarters, attendants’ quarters, and a tuberculosis pavilion, approach work, for mechanical equipment, telephone and bedside cal} ell s tems, $155,700; rent o temporary quarters, $3,000; for eous furniture and equipment, $21,600; in all $180,300. hmmm Md kiBls;ltimlqp]eli Maryland: plxtending mpss hall ing “é1ddi¤i¤¤alb¤iidi¤z¤. tc en ding` two temporary ospit units iso ation w ° building, officers; quarters, pharmacists quarters, female nurses’ quarters, attendants’ quarters, remodeling administration building; a proach work; for mechanical e uipment, including refrigerating pl)ant, telephone and bedside callqsystems, $189,000; for miseella- · neous fiumture and uipment $18 000; in all, $207,000. . Detroit, Mic1iiga¤?litte¤daiiis· qéamm biiiiaiiig, $31,500. S”°,8““,ff';"Y New York (S{:pleton): Remqdeliaiig old white ho11se for atte}1;dp.nts’ etiaiiiiieadibaiidmp, quarters psyc `atric units em e nurses’ quarters am u ance °· house, jimior medical oflieers’ qiliarters (tem;l;orary); temporary hoslpital ward imit, and approac work; mee anical equipment, mc uding refrigerating plant, telephone and bedside call systems, · 2356,500; miscellaneous furniture and equipment, $45,000; in all, 01,500. New Orleans, Louisiana: Two hospital ward units, remodeling iiIii$iiT¤§.°*§ii'a’iiigs, and extending kitchen and mess hall building, female nurses’ °‘°· quarters, attendants’ quarters, isolation ward, approach work; mechanical eqiupment, including ref erating plant, telephone and bedside call systerqix, $162,000; m1scr¢i§aneous furniture and equipment, $18,000· in a , $180 000. . San Francisco, California: Three hospital ward units, kitchen and ii1`¢ii!uii?ii1a°ili»°iiii¢i;iiilgs, two mess halls; remodelingmpresent building officers’ quarters, °°°‘ attendants’ quarters; remode g present outbuildings and approach work; mechanical equipment, mcluding refrigerating plant, telephgne and bedside call sysmms, $216,000; miscellaneous fiuniture an equipment $22,500;in $238,500. t Savannah, (ieoigiaz One additional hospital ward building, re- .liiYai%1?iinm¤gs, modeling present uilding, and approach work; mechanical equip- °°°· ment, including refrigerating plant, telephone and bedside call bell systsms, $126,000; miscellaneous furniture and equipment, $9,000; ma $135,000. cme eu ni ing;1 Qgagylglg gh;. icgigoipghapgopdzgcxyfcr tgqgza {,08%,;;,,,11;;, j;§_gj¢;¤iu¢¤¤°c'i¤¤ip2i: e e e e o e easu en moconrac or purchase materials in open market, or otherwise, and employ laborers and mechamcs for executing the work as in his jud ent may best meet the public exigencies, within the limits of til;) respective appropriations made herein. rnnmc BUILDINGS, OPERATING Exmmsms AND EQUIPMENT. Operaf supplies: For operating su plies for public buildings °p°"°d°g’"ppH°s' includinguthe same objects specified uncliir this head in the simdry c1vd_ appropriation Acts for the fiscal years that follow: Nineteen hundred and eighteen, $250,000.