Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/537

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 51,52. 1918. 519 pertaining thereto, needed for the site, location, construction, or prosecution of works for fortifications, coast defenses, military training camps, and for the construction and operation of plants for the production of nitrate and other compounds and the manufacture of explosives and other munitions of war and for the development and transmission of power for the operations of such plants; such proceedings to be prosecuted in accordance with the laws relating to suits for the condemnation of property of the States wherein the proceedings may be instituted: Provided, That when the owner of pmsm. such land, interest, or rights pertaining thereto shall iix a price for ,u}2“`°h°’°’ "m‘°“° the same, which in the opinion of the Secretary of War shall be reasonable, he may purchase or enter into a contract for the use of the same at such rice without further delay: Promded further, That the Secre- u°*$g°**g%°°; °' d°¤°· tary of %Var is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the United ° States donations of land and the interest and rightfyertainiy thereto required for the above—mentioned purposes: A provid further, rmm¤aaa» use in That when such pro erty is acquired in time of war, or the imminence Q°';'§°g,,§{ “' °°’°'° ut ° thereof, upon the filing of the petition for the condemnation of any land, temporary use thereof or other interest therein or rightdpertaim ing thereto to be acquired for any of the purposes aforesai , immediate possession thereof may be taken to the extent of the interest to Smmmmofrwm be acquired and the lands may be occupigg and used for military tbgsk 355 we purploses, and the provision of section t hundred and fifty—·five’ ’°°°° ’°° of the Revised Statutes, providing. that no public money shall be expended u on such land until the written opinion of the Attorney General shall be had in favor of the validity o the title, nor until the consent of the legislature of the State in which the land is located has been `ven, shall be, and the same are hereby, suspended during the

of the existing emergency. "

Approved, April 11, 1918. CHAP. 52.-An Act Making appropriations for the Diplomatic and Consular %uIg§iKi?·i§. Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of Representatives 0 the United an Ek States of America in Congress assembled, That the followixig sums be, ¤u£i°i°;i1;ii¤tisinu`·i»¤i§‘i and the are hereb , severally appropriated, in full compensation for the Dipibmatic and Consular Service for the iiscal year June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: sanamas or Amnassanons AND MINISTERS. mam. Ambassadors extraordin and plenigotentiary to Austria- Am°”°°d°"‘ Hunga , Argentina, Braziljughile, France, ermany, Great Britain, Italy, fliipan, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and Turkey, at $17,500 each, $227*500; Envoys extraordi- Envo s extraordin and ministers lenipotentiary to Belgium, nary and ministers ghina, Cuba, and the&NYetherlands and Tiixxemberg, at $12,000 each, *’*°'“"°‘°“°""‘ 48,000; Envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiari to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dommican Re ub `c, Ecuador, Greece and Montene 0, Guatemala, Haiti, Hondpuras, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, giraguay, Uruguay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, and Venezuela, at $10,000 each, $230,000; Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Roumania, Serbia, and Bulgaria, $10,000; _