Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/64

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. 45. one and twenty-seven years, of distinguished colleges as are now or may hereafter be entitled to preference by general orders of the War Department; and (sixth) of candidates from civil life between the C*"i"”°· ages of twenty-one and twenty-seven years; and the President is authorized to make the necessary rules and regulations to carry these provisions into effect." Om , Pay of members of Officers’ Reserve Corps, $3,000,000. c.§psi°” R°s°"° Pay of officers, National Guard, including staff corps, $3,000,000: P$,f,§;§g’§*G*“’d· Provided, That so much of this appropriation as may be necessary for Payments to Small- - the purpose shall be available to tpay inspectors an assistant inspec— "mmsp°°t°'S‘ tors of small-arms practice of e Org)anized Militia and National Guard who responded to the call of the resident of June eighteenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, the pag and allowances appropriate to their grade from the dates they woul have been entitled to pay had their services been authorized to the dates on which they were mus- _ _ tered out or their services were otherwise terminated; an the proper °‘°°‘°“ ““°"°““’°‘ accounting officers of the Treas1u·y be, and they are hereby, directed to allow crediti for ang-Osuch payments which have heretofore been made to such officers m the appropriation from which made. ENLISTED MEN or rim Lum. E“““°d‘“°“· ~ um. For pa of enlisted men of all grades, including recruits, $29,000,000. n That tlia'1i_I£_s:ragraph of the Act of May eleventh, nineteen hundred iigii“i1i,’°;ii' no, and eight ( ty-fifth Statutes at Large, page one hundred and ten), '“"°"°°°‘ which provides for additional pay 0 marksmen, and so forth, is amended to read as follows: N _ "That hereafter enlisted men now qualified or hereafter qualifying mug me mb as marksmen shall receive $2 per month; as sharpshooters, $3 per month; as expert rillemen, $5 per month; as second-class gunners, $2 per month; as iirst—class gunners, $3 per month; as expert firstclass gunners, Field Artillery, $5 per month; as gun pointers, gun commanders, observers second-class, chief lanters, and chief loaders, $7 (per month; as plotters, observers first-class, casemate electricians, an coxswains, $9 ger month, all in addition to their pay, under such regulations as the ecretary of War may prescribe, but no man shall receive at the same time additional pay for more than one of the classifications named in this section." Additional pay for length of service of enlisted men of the line, L°“8°""*'· $3*500>000° Army Reserve. Pay of enlisted men of the Regular Army Reserve, $290,000. Enlisted Remy, Pay of enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, $100,000. °°"P°· Pay of enlisted men, National Guard, $10,000,000. N¤¢i¤¤¤1G¤¤r<1- onnzuncn nnranmnnr. ,,,,§’§“"“°° °°’°“‘ Pay of enlisted men, $383,760. · Additional pay for length of service, $185,99616. ouairrnnmnsrnn conrs. Q‘“"‘°’“°““°‘°°"’“‘ Pay of enlisted men, $2,437 ,272. Additional pay for length of service, $300,000. sieiur. conrs. S*g°°iC°r°S' Pay of enlisted men, $1,070,000. ` Additional pay for length of service, $100,000. Mnmcax. DEPARTMENT. M°di°dD°pmmmf · Palypf enlisted men, $2,000,000. _ A ditnonal pay for length of service, $325,000.