Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/669

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. 65]. For the ac uisition or establishment of plants suitable for ship- A°¤¤*¤“*•2¤» °F°·l 0* building or ship maintenance or repair, or of materials essential P]i·°“?°lE°abmm& thereto, and biol: thefenlargemeiét or extleilneionl of such plants as are M P 1 now or may erea ter acquire or esta he , $87,000 000. _ _ For the opdere)tio;]1hofe]h1pts8(§1e§em or hereteifore aelithorihgl or in any °p°'““°" °“‘“PS· way acqunr y e m tates including c arter `re except elhips tepquired for the Army or Navy; and for every expenditiire inclient ereto $60 000 000. For carréng oiit the Act entitled "An Act to authorize and em- ,,,§I‘{,‘}§§_°‘ Sm""“'d power the mted States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpora- -f"”· P- *38- 1on to purchase, lease,_requ1s1tion, or otherwise acquire, and to sell or otherwise displose of improved or umm roved land, houses, buildings, and for other purposes/’ approved hiarch first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, $75,000,000. _ h1For carrhxiag out the Act pngtled “An ($3051; to amend the emergency asl,-??.r'}·.,5°$`S°l mm`"` s 'pping provisions o the nt ciency appropriation Act '*`¤¤¤P°*¤¤= W=¤ approved June fifteenth, nineteen undred and seventeen, so as to °°?i·ig°ri?tas. empower the President end designated agente gen take gverceerpain transportation systems or the transportation o yar an p ant employees, and for other purposes," approved Aprilptwenty-second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, $20,000,000._ _ _ For the (purchase of ships under construction or to be comtructed ,b%"“° °’ “‘P“ in Iqshipyar foreign countries, $55;,000,000. Hi _ d mg m to or recruiting instructing an ram1ng_o cers engineers an R"'- ,“‘m,,,-* v,,,,,g• crews for American vessels, and for all expenditures incidental thereto, mp um $6 250 000. _ Theplqwer and authority the Prwident under the emer- u,*§‘¥°r,]§,?dE,’,,L'°°‘°d “' gency s pping fund m the eicieney appropriation Act approved 4¤*¢·P·¤¤~ une fifteenth, nineteen hundred an seventeen, are exten ed and made aigplicable to the appropriations and authorizations made herem tmder e emergency fund. _ _ ThehSecrettBary cg thp h ieelury IS authorized and diigepjted t1o§ause A°°°¤¤¤¤8· an au `t to ma e o the ancial transactions o t United States Ship ing Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, under such rules and · regullations as he shall prescribe. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. ,u${,§‘f"°°'““ I“‘“' International exchanges: For the system of international exchanges ,I¤°°¤¤¤°¤•* ¤¤· between the United States and foreign eountries, under the direction ° of the Smithsonian Institution, inc_uding necessary employees and purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $3§,000. American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches among ““°“°°“°°”‘°'°"'· the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, mcluding the excavation and preservation of arch;eolq§;e remains, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, mclu _ g necessary employees and the purchase of necessary books perwdicals, $42,000. me mm Cmp _ International Catalogue of Scientific Literature: For the coopera- 1,,,,,, §‘}“Sc,mm,, wr txpn of the United States m the wtelrk of the Interqatiopal gage ogue m¢¤r¤- o Scientific Literature including e pre aration o a c assi e in ex catalogue of American ,scientiiic publicatibns for incorporation in the International Catalogue, clerk hire,_gurchase of necessary books and periodicals, and other necessary inci ental expenses, $7,500. Ob Astrophysical Observatory: For maintenance of Astrophysical ,.;*§{g°}’,’T’“°°' Observatory, under the direction of the Smithsoman Institution, including assistants, purchase of necessary books and periodicals, apparatus, makin? necessary observations m high altitudes, repaus and a.lt1eIrat1<;psl oMbuilding% and miscellaneous ezggenses, $13é000. h mmm, Mmm · 8tlO useum: or cases, furniture tures an a p `ances ta required for the exhibition and sa.fe—keepixig of colldctions, iicluding 8 necessary employees, $15,000; _