Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/712

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694 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 113. 1918. necessary therefor, in such manner and at such times as is considered _ necessary and proper bi the said commissioner or his agents.

 °‘ “’°‘ Mamtenance of vesse : For maintenance of vessels and launches,

including purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, and mon? accruing from commutation of rations and provisions on boar vessels may be paid on proper vouchers to the persons having charge of the mess of such vessels, $95,000. w‘;*;F‘§*;_¤8·°”··*“¤* Hereafter the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to purchase, to the extent of not to exceed $5,000, from the appropriations for the Bureau of Fisheries, clothing and small stores ilir the crews of vessels, tobbe soéd to the employees of said service and the appropriations reim uise . °°“‘“‘““*“°“ °' “" Commutation of rations not to exceed 60 cents may be aid to tlcnsnesselservice. _ officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries under Iiegulations rescribed by the Secretary of Commerce. _ H,,T'§_‘§,*‘}lg,°,'$§,'LYP“bH° cers and crews of the several vessels belonging to the B1n·eau of Fisheries may be admitted to the benefits of the Public Health Serviice witgout charge upon the application of their respective comman mg officers: F°°°°‘°°°i”“°l"' d Inqunyfrcisopeélcighgilg food ufishesc For inwtg iéhe causes of the ecrease o _ es in e waters o e ni _ tatas, investigations and exgriments in resipgct to the aquatic annuals, plants, and waters, in e interest of h culture and the fishery industries, Bmmur mcluding expenses of travel and preparation of reports $50,000. “"*‘“"· Statistical in uiryz For collection and compilation of statistics of ’ the Esheries and the study of their methods and relations, including travel and preparation of reports and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, $7,500. §,P,$gj§;§g*Qg§· 8mS;ienge iiilxrp; pr-ot,e:tL11;g the gptzgge fisheries, timglucinég oymen c rs, wa c en, an orar assis an s, e of goats, rental of office and storage, care of seiged sgonges and other T property, travel, and all other expenses necessary to carry out the ‘°'·38·P· °°“· provisions of the Act of August fifteenth, nineteen hundred and Mmm gmmlmw foixlteelp, to reggllate the sppnge iistheigels, $23,000ih fish _ fA1 ka im. ’ _ as a, ener service: or ro ec g e se eries o as , ,,,f’,§,°‘,§‘dh°{‘_f°u¥,;',g’_§€_g including tie furmshing of food; fuel, clotlnnfg, and other necessities ow. of life to the natives of the Bribilof Islands 0 Alaska, transportation of supplies to and from the islands, expenses of travel of agents and 2;*:;;:; ¢m.12‘2z:s:¤.ia‘¥:,2“.i*i:;;Wm‘.: :3* wd “‘:·¤*’B» me xuslsm ce e , ens ecess o c ou e rovisions of the Act approved April twenty-firs:Tyninet:§1nyhundredI:>,nd v¤1.:w, ten, entitled "An Act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes " and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including travel, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and mmm M all other necessary expenses connecte therewith, $100,000. Increasiinzwtmut _ Berkshire, Massachusetts, trout hatchery: For increasing the hatch- ’°“,£i,’}_°§,’,,;p_,,,_ mg rearing facilities, including the construction and repair of ponds, improvements to water supply, and for eqnnpment, $2,500. gain; ?¤1¤¤sstk·¤g¥;“Vr- Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, station; For the establishment of an auxiliary station on Lake Champlam, mcluding the purchase of land, construction of buildings, and for e uipment, $5,000. }Ede1ggonri;‘§,C, for Edenton, North Carolina, fish (hatchery: The appropriatiorn of hgffmgnuegé $3,500 for_ land and improvements, contamed m the sundry civil AM, p. ws. appropmation Act for the iiscal year mneteen hundred and eighteen, · is contmued and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred §;“`“°*.I§§g§§· émgl]a1s{Ili;iitl§.—seal islands: For the urchase or construction of a mhg or wooden power lighter for use at the gribilof Islands, $20,000.