Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/715

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SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 113. 1918. 697 Narunanrzarrox snnvrcn. m§L°*¤’¤“'·¤**°¤ B¤· For compensation, to be fixed by the Secretary of Labor, of ex· ,E§,T§,‘§§‘,§1'f,”{‘“""i“` aminers, interpreters, clerks, and steno aphers, or the purpose of vu. 84,p. sos. carrying on the work of the Bureau of gglaturalization, (provided for by the Act approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen hun red and six, I as amended by the Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and V° 37’ p` M thirteen (Statutes at Large volume thirty-seven, page seven hundred and thirty-six), and for their actual necessary traveling expenses while absent from their official stations, including} street car fare on official business at official stations, together wit per diem in lieu {,*;§j§g";)SLéQ`;0*i$**¤°°~ of subsistence, when allowed pursuant to section thirteen of the ' ` sundry civil appropriation Act a proved August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for such per diem together with actual necessary traveling ex enses of officers and employees of the Bureau of Naturalization m Vfashington while absent on official dut `outside of the District of Columbia; tele ams, verifications of legal papers, telephone service in offices outsidg of the District of Columbia; not to exceed $5,300 for rent of offices outside of the District of Columbia Assmmce to c,e_kS where suitable quarters can not be obtained in public buildings; orcoui-rs. ` carrying into effect section thirteen of the Act of June twentyminth, V"' 3**** °°°‘ nineteen hundred and six (Thirt -fourth Statutes, page six hundred) V0, 36 ,,:5 830 as amended by the Act approved, June twenty-tif th, nmeteen hundred ’ pp` ’ ` and ten (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page seven hundred and Am p_,,,_ sixty-five) and in accordance with the provisions of the sundry civil ' Act of June twelfth, nineteen hundred and seventeen; and for mileage w’°‘°'"°°“·°“’ and fees to witnesses subpoenaed on behalf of the United States, the expenditures from this appropriation shall be made in the manner and under such regulations as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe, 0 $..75,000. ISLA · um Protection of the Capitol du the period of the war: For an c£i»ii°i»iii°3’iicl$°H1¥$si3Y additional uniformed énolice for::1eD§uring the period of the war for *,2,,9 °°°‘· °“““g “‘° the protection of the apitol Building and Grounds, the Senate and House Office Buildinvs, and the Capitol Power Plant, and for emergencies, and each and every item incident thereto, $30,000, one—half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the PML Clerk of the House of Representatives: Provided, That the appoint- appoiiiuaess. ment to the positions herein provided shall be made by the Se eantsat·Arms of the two Houses and the Superintendent of theréapitol Building and Grounds, and shall be made solely on account of efficiency and special ualitications. I . t Comm, The unexpended beilance of the appropriation of $20,000 for the ceiiiiiiem, °°°° °“ Joint Committee on Interstate and lgoreign Commerce in the Act ,,,k,';[{j‘°° "“"*¤°° °°**‘ entitled "An Act making a propriations to supply deficiencies in Am¢, appropriations for the iiscalp year ending June tlnrtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and r·ior fiscal years, and for other pur·poses," approved April seventeenth), nineteen hundred and seventeen, is hereby contmued available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen. Sm I Statement of appropriations: For preparation, under the direction pmeqiimsmt ° app`? of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of se§g,{“§g’2§§n§‘§§ {Q; Representatives, of the statements for the first and second sessions pr¤5¤¤fC¤¤z¤‘¤~ ‘ of the Sixty-fifth Congress, showin a propriations made, new offices created, offices the salaries oi which have been omitted, increased, or reduced, indefinite appro riations, and contracts authorised, together with a chronologici history of the regular appropriation ills, as required by law, $4,000, to be paid to the V°‘·”·p·“’· perslpins designated by the chairmen of said committees to do said wor ·