Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/735

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 114. 1918. 717 officers of the Navy holding the rank and title of Admiral and Vice Admiral in the Navy while holdinilsuch rank and title shall receive the allowances of a General and 'eutenant General of the Army, respectively. And hereafter chiefs of bureaus of the Navy Depart- pf,,m,,‘{§n{"b’,f§‘,,‘;,’,,,D{’,; ment, including the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, shall, <;>i?1·$¤¤%i¤r¤¤k.¤¢•;-w» while so serving, have corresponding rank and shall receive the U °°°m°°° same pay and a owances as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by or 1H ursuance of law for chiefs of bureaus of the War Department and the Sludge Advocate General of the Army. That nothing contained in the plrecedirag amendments of the Act ,,,§'§,§§°,‘,§$1“,‘i,‘§,$,{,§’,{,§§j of May twenty-second, nineteen undre and seventeen, shall be construed to reduce the pay or allowances now authorized by law for . any commissioned, warrant, or a;p inted officer or any enlisted man of the active or retired lists o iii; Navy. LM 0, 8 on M_ That the paragraph in the naval appropriation Act of August smut trpfisgmimstwenty-ninth, nineteen hrmdred and sixteen (Thirty-ninth Statutes °°$‘;‘;_°°‘8, sw at Large, five hundred and eightyg, relative to the loss of pay by mmm. ’ p` ' officers and enlisted men of the avy and Marine Corps who are · absent from duty on accormt of sickness or disease resulting from their own misconduct, and the making good, gy enlisted men, of time so lost, be, and the same is hereby, amend by after ,, ,, I I the words "on account of," in the second line, the word "in]ury," mm followed by a comma, and by inserting after the words "on account of," in the ninth line, the word "injury," followed by a comma. mum That hereafter, during the existence of war or of a national emer- my be www to gency declared by the President to exist, ango commissioned or ?,$§}’° MY °"'“’* warrant officer of the Navyé Marine Corps, or ast Guard of the United States on the retired t may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be ordered to active duty at sea or on shore; and any retired officer performing such active uty in time of war or national I mundemergency, declared as aforesaid, shall be entitled to promotion on the retired list to the grade or rank, not above that of lieutenant commander in the Navy or major in the Marine Corps or captain in the Coast Guard, and s all thereafter receive the pay and allowances thereof, which his total active service as an officer both prior and subsequent to retirement, in the manner rendered by him, would have enabled him to attain in due course of promotion had such service been rendered continuously on the active list during the period of time last past. T Bd That durin the existence of war or of a national emergencly, wmi.§'2,’{,°$fi'v,d`.]2‘,l°f°°“ declared as aforesaid, an commissioned or warrant officer of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard of the United States on the retired list, while on active duty, may be tengporarily advanced to and commissioned in such higher grade or r on the retired list, not above that of lieutenant commander in the Navy or magor in the Marine Corps or captain in the Coast Guard, as the President may determine, and any officer so advanced shall, while on active duty, be entitled to the same pa and allowances as officers of like grade or _ rank on the active list: growled, That an such commissioned or §§'l,,,”,','f,{;,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, warrant officer who has been so temporar1l`y advanced in grade or {;*;_¤:;§bg*;c¤¤"d* rank shall, upon his relief from active duty, or in any case not later ’ ` than six months after the termination of the war or of the national emergency, declared as aforesaid revert to the grade or rank on the retired list and to the pay and allowance status which he would have No my M ,__ held had he not been so temporarily advanced: Provikieddfudher, dma. ’ ’ That notlunv in this Act shall operate to reduce the pay an allowances now ahowed by law to retired officers. Pm OH That the naval appropriation Act of August twenty-ninth, nineteen»i:{ require hundred and sixteen (Thirty-ninth Statutes at liarge, page five ”‘§§,‘{· ,9, I, 5-,9, hundred and seventy-nine), be, and the same is hereb , amended by amended. the insertion of a new Iixroviso immediately after the chuse that "Qn and after June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and twenty, no captam,