Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/76

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 12. 1917. 57 pairs to buildings erected at private cost, in the operation of the §f;,°fgg“gf;g*;{‘““8°· Act approved May thirty-iirst,·nineteen hundred and two, for the ' rental of films, purchase of slides, su plies for and making repairs · to moving-picture outnts, to be ezépended in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of ar, $50,000. R d RoAns, waurs, wnanvns, Ami DRAINAGE! For the construction wh8fvZs,§t;,_w°]k”’ and repair by the Quartermaster Corps of roads, walks, and wharves; for the pay of employees; for the disposal of drainage; for dredgmg channels; and for care and improvement of grounds at military posts and stations, $600,000. Pmmog Provided, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, author- memo ors¤¤r¤m· ized, in his discretion, to conve to the r ents of the Umversity of °“§§;, Ofpam Ofpme California, their successors and, assigns,B%or art, educational, and géggggy C¤¤· park purposes, that portion of the military reservation of the Presidio nooonpaoo. ' of San Francisco, in the city and conmty of San Francisco, California, *’°"· P·8°3- on which the Palace of Fine Arts is located, included within metes and bounds described as follows, namely: Commencinfg at the point on the westerly line of Lyon Street, distant there rom five and seventeen one-hundredths feet southerly from the northerly line of Bay Street, if extended and produced westerly, and rnmning thence northerly along the westerly line of Lyon Street one thousand one hundred and ninety-six and eighty one·hundredths feet; thence southwesterly on a curve to the eft of six hundred and twelve feet radius, central angle one hundred and fifty-five degrees forty-seven minutes and fifty seconds, tangent to a line deflected one hundred and two degrees six minutes and five seconds to the left from the preceding course a distance of one thousand six hundred and sixty- our and thirteen one-hundredths feet to the westerly line of Lyon ‘ Street and the point of commencement, containing nine and ninety- 1;,,,,,;,,., ya, nm. three one-hundredths acres, more or less: Provided, That if at any °•°'· ‘ time in the future the property so conve ed to said regents sha cease to be used for the p oses for which conve ed, then all right and title thereto herein aiiltliorized to be granted, to said regents mms mm Unmp shall revert tp the United States: And provided further, That in azymoxoiango. consideration of the said grant the said regents shall procure, to be conveyed to the United States, for use m connection with said military reservation, other lands situated within the city and county of San Francisco California, located as the Secretary of War may approve and which he may deem satisfactory and useful in connection with said reservation, the title thereto to be subject to the approval of the Attorne General of the United States as required by law. Promkied, That upon the transfer of wharf numbered two in the iiI:3$$1g`i'¤iiivYa§éo¤ city of Honolulu, erritory of Hawaii, now owned by the Navy '*“*N">’· Department, to the War De artment, m exchange for wharf numbered one, now owned by the Ii7Var Department, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to ex end from the funds above appropriated ` so much thereof as ma ge necessary in Htting up both wharves suitable for the needs of both departments. Consrnucrrorx, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE, MILITARY AND rosr i'{§§‘b,1dg,,, and norms, Bnmens, Arm rnarrs, Amsxnz For the construction, re- musp_au·,_ and maintenance of military and post roads, bridges, and trails, emtory of Alaska, $500,000, to remain available until une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen. Pm I I ds Bannaoxs Arm quanrnns, Pniurrrrxn ISLANDS: Contin the n¤m¥ig°°¤¤ic°°qu£o work of providing for the proper shelter and protection of oéicers °"“‘ and enlisted men of the Army of the United States lawfully on duty in the Philippine Islands, including repairs and ayment of rents, theacquisition of title to building sites, and such additions to existing military reservations as may be necessary, and including also shelter for the animals and supplies, and all other building necessary for `