Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/812

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794 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1918. reta ’s office) , one of class one; copyist (transferred from Secretary’s ollicleg; messenger (transferred from Pension Office) ; three assistant mess%ers (one atliiansferred from Secretary’s ofhee and two from Pen- . . sion ce) in $90 950. S3‘?».§E2L£§§’§E3T* For per dieén in’lieu bf subsisgenceszf twg special inlspectors, while tra on ut , at not excee in , an or actu necessary expe trangrportation (incluing temporary employment of stenogra hers, typewriters, and other assistance outside of the District of Columbia, and for incidental expenditures necessary to_ the efhcient conduct of examinations), to be expended under the direc- I tm tion of the Secretary of the Interior, $4,500. _ _ _ su1»ssa¤r£¤,e¢¤. For per diem at not exceeding $4 in lieu of subs1stence to six m- spectors and while remaining at the seat of government under orders o the Secretary not to exceed twenty days, transportation and sleepmg-car fare, incidental expenses of negotiation, inspection, and G lmdom iny?'estigationiJ·i§nclu<%)ing teleg(naph1ng,_$12,80(;}, 000 _ tl ' ENERAL ND Frroaz ommissioner, , · assistan commissioner, $3,500; chief clerk, $3,000; chief law clerk, $2,500; two mi Si ”%2°3r°“°h‘r*‘E3’%53” °"ii’m""°‘Ei°f S§"58'6’” §ri‘}°"’i an trrc an ocesa eac·reco er ;c so divisions—one of surveys $2,750, one $2,400, teii ati $2,000 each; assistant chief of division, $2,000; law exam1ners—fourteen at $2,000 each, tcp at $11,800 exch, eighteep _:i.t $1£0 each clerks-tnventy— seven o c our ty-seven o c ass ee eig ty- o cass two, eighty-nine of class one, sevent -seven at $1,000 each; sixty-five copyists; twenty-six copyists, altkg,720 each; two melssengers; ten assistant messe ers· messenger ys—ten at $600 eac six at $480 each; sig skilledulabo@ersix;vho1§§1£)ay act(alsiI assistant mfesserégersbvghlein require at$660eac ·t ee orers t teentranserre to _ - mg for Iinternor I)epartment_offices); packer, $720; depositary actmg for lthihcommissroaner ps aeceiver of public rnloneys, $2,00%, w 0 Enay, wit e approv o the commissioner esignate a c erk o the General Land Office to act as such depositary in his absence; clerk Pmmmsubdsmw and librarian, $1,000; in all, $672,790. a¤.,z¤vesag¤ams. ’ For per diem in lieu of subsistence, at not exceeding $4 of examiners and 0;*11 clerlis dletailegli to raflicgs of United States surve ors ene an other offices in pu 'c an service to investigate fraudgulent land entries, trespasses on the public’lands, and cases of official misconduct actual necessary extpenses of transportation, including necessary sleeping car fares, an for employment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary to the efficient conduct of examinations, and when authorized by the Commissioner La mk of the General Land Office, $6,000. M W Y" For law books for the law library, $400. i>$$.§.,, For connected and separate United States and other maps, prem"'“’“”°°· pyared in the General Land Office, $20,000: Prmrided That of the nited States maps procured hereunder seven thousand two hundred copies shall be delivered to_the Senate and fourteen thousand four l§und11;ed(pro%1es shall blelliletliveield to she House) of Representatives, ve un e co ies s e e 'vere to the ommissioner of the General Land Ogice, and the residue shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior for distribution. All maps delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives hereunder shall be mounted S..,..,.., Territorial with muse me? for use- . . . _ nzagps. homsmd For separate tate and Territorial matps of public-land States, inum. cluding maps showing areas designate by the Secretary of the kliiecrirgfgn eg the enlarged·h0mestead Acts, prepared in the General .,5 ce, 3,000. gum Omg, is-ir applgnces in gonnection filing system, $3,000. mar: mon: ommxssroner, 5,000· assistant comm` , $3,500; chief clerk, $2,750; iiuancial clerk, $2,250; chiefs of divissibfiils?-1;