Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/849

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 139. 1918. 831 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. “°‘”°¤*D•P·¤=¤¤¤*- For Medical and Hospital Department, for meeting obligations §‘?§H;f‘g§,'f’· incurred and to be incurred by authority of the deficiency appropriation Act approved Jrme fourth, nineteen hundred and erghteen, $33,000,000. . FORTIFICATIONS. "°*“°°·°·¤·¤· PANAMA cANA1.. P““”‘““°°”“'· For contin the construction of barracks, quarters, storehouses, B“"'“°”*°‘°· and_other b , necessary for accommodating the troops stationed there, including water, sewer, and lighting systems, roads, walks, and so forth, and for repairing and remodeling existing building; to render them suitable or sheltering; troops, $71,220.70. Lmdwmm or land defenses, Panama Canal, inclu ng the procurement and ' installation of searchlights, purchase of armored cars and locomotives, construction of roads and surveys incidental thereto, $1,600. n~rsUr.AR rossnssrorws. "’“"“'¥’°“’°°““’”- For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and rr£i·:ai,m° pun"' power equipment for seacoast fortifications and for tools, ectrical and other sup lies, and appliances to be used in their operation, in the Hawaiian Islands, $2,500. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. , ¤¢iiiiiiiY°°°°‘”‘““° For new road pavements, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, on the i=¤¤i1¤.¤¤;i¤i];%c- E and F Street roadways through Judiciary Park, fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen, $10,000, one-half to be rilaid out of the Treasury of the United States and one—half out of the revenues of Prom the District of Columbia: Provided, That the uneipended balance of the appropriation for this pugpose for the fisc year nineteen ·*”"·P·’3°- hundred and eighteen is continu and made availab e duringmtghe ummm mma fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen: Provided further, at °° ` the said sums may be expended without reference to the limitation upon the cost for making or relaying sheet asphalt or asphalt block contained in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen. p srirs, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT Brmmmcs. ...E§2‘§$§¥..;,,i’°""*’ The Superintendent of the State, War, and Navy Department ,,,§{‘*"°Y°°“ ‘““'"* Building may from time to time alter the distribution among the various office buildings under his direction and control of the employees allowed by law as he may find it necessary and proper to do. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Nm ”°¤°"·¤·¤*- For stationery, furniture, newspapers, and so forth, including the S°°°°“"" same objects specified under this head in the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation Act for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and erghteen, $76,537.37. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. N"" To pay the claims adjusted and determined by the Navy Depart- claqoidlsifims E ment, under the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven, on account of damages occasioned to private